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The Little Things (Quite A Read...)


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Don't you just love those little things that make you happy?


I was randomly fletching some arrow shafts when a level 48 comes up and says, (Full convo follows)








48-Can you please take me to falador? (We were in Catherby)


Me-No, sorry.






(He thieves a man and gets a level)




Me- Congrats on that level


48- Thanks, Thieving


48-Where is the marketplace?


Me-Marketplace? Argdoune?


48-I guess, Where is that?


Me-I can take you...




(I got bored of the fletching)






48-Steal stuff then




48-Cool, I only became a Member yesterday


Me-Have fun, It's great


48-Isn't it


48-Better Then Non members worlds


Me-I guess it is..


48-Can I add you?








48-Have you got a cat?


Me-Nah, I can't be bothered with them


48-Hang on a min




(He stops to feed, scratch, then pick up his cat..)




48-Picked him up




48-People are way friendlier on members, like you


Me-Haha, Thanks..I treat people the way I'd like to be treated..


Me-But it doesn't always work out =/




(We arrive at the marketplace)






Me-This is it, take care, and have fun in members


48-Thanks alot.






I just love how you can do these little things, that get so much appreciation from the newcomers, the ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅnoobsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


Just started my new account.

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That would have been funny:P


Another thing I never mentioned,


The other day I was selling rannars in a fairly empty world, seers, and a level 119 dropped 2 items, I saw her walk, then stand, so I stood in one of the spots.


Got the item, then ran across the bank to the other.


Rune plate and a cut dragon stone.


I thanked the person, ALOT, and she laughed and said


"Just clearing some bank space"


Then a few more people came into the bank and she dropped more, 5k mithril arrows, rune(g) legs, herbs, hides, potions, black dragonhide..


I got some black and blue hides, range potions, mithril ore and a daganoth hide, and I was so happy with this person.




What was even better was the fact that everyone in the bank was thinking her, then sharing.


That made me so happy..


I guess these are my 2 nice moments i've encountered lately.




Just started my new account.

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yeah just the other day i made my friend two sets of full mith, and he was over the moon about it, it's funny the seemly small things "high" level's can do to make beginners so happy.

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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I love helping others out. I try to give things to people that might need them, and either give directions or take people where they need to go. Its very fulfilling to do on members, but when I do it on F2P I have to turn my chat off and just trade, give and dissapear. There are a few honest and not-so-greedy players out there left.

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I'm with you guys all the way, only thing I can't stand is a member who still hasn't found the world map, it's alright if they don't know where to find something(like the market place or a dungeon), otherwise I don't take them, but tell them of the wonders of the world map, forums, knowledge base and once even the high scores, oo, and I once met a level 60 something with 800+ total on non-members and I had to introduce him to quests, the way I see it, it doesn't matter how many noobs you block/tell to **** *ff, there will always be more!


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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I love helping people if I am not busy, and I feel they are worthy. If they use manners well they won me right over. * Excuse me, May I ask you a question?. is better then * Hey, babe come here I need your help... I remember being new to memebers and lost not a good feeling , time to help others along the way like others have helped me :wink:


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Awesome :)




Someone shouted out in Catherby today:


'Collecting all unwanted items'




Made me chuckle, had to give him some stuff :P




i thought you gave me all your unwanted items :cry: :cry: :cry:




seriously tho, its nice to hear the noob was nice to you, most noobs IMO require too much attention, ive been at the mole alot so they tend to get down there(who decided to put a lvl230 in FALADOR anyway?) and yesterday this lvl46 asked me if i wanted to goto his friends party, it was really nice ov him




never even asked to be added :oops:

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You got away lucky. I've helped out a few people if I dont have to go too far out of my way. I've trained a ton at dds, and I can't tell you how many times I've been asked to walk them through the quest. You can tell that I'm not busy at all by the enormous amount of bones and etc on the ground, and the fact that I'm attacking them as fast as possible.




Or I'm at barrows, and I get asked to "walk" someone to Camelot. Thank god for teleother:




Lvl 30: Can u tak me to fally place plz?


Lvl 30: Plz? plz?


Me: Can it wait till I'm not getting attacked?


Lvl 30: Um ok, but can yu tak me 2 fally plz?


Me: $%^$&! Fine..got accept aid on?


Lvl 30: Can u tak me to fally plz? plz?


**teleother camelot**


Me: Cyas




Not that I mind helping people..I've given a ton of stuff away just to lend someone a hand..but is it so hard to try and figure stuff out on your own? I mean, there are Quest guides galore online, Quest help in game, maps and a knowledge base!




Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a rant..but when people ask for help, I'd appreciate it if they looked around a bit first and tried to be considerate, instead of simply expecting someone to drop everything and hold their hand. A simple "Where is Fally?" is tons better than "Can u tak me to fally plz plz plz?"

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Cool story, but as far as I am concerned, telling a newbie, "You need to learn to use the map," is not rude, but just plain ole good advice. They DO need to learn how to use the map, and no day is better than this one to start.




But, it is hard to help people in this game. My experience has often been being asked to help a lot more after helping a little. Or, if my help does not come quickly enough, being called noob.




I am a high level and get more than my share of attention. I try to be polite. But, we are all entitled to boundaries.




For me, the worst thing to do is ask, "plz." I will do it or I will not do it. So, a pathetic "plz" will not change my mind, unless I was inclined to do what you want. And then, just one "Plz" and you have lost me for good.

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wouldnt you just love it if everyone were treated that way? my BEST friend in rs was from that. he was lvl 45 at the time and i 15, he gave me a knife, and in the end, i ended up thanking him by giving him around 10m as a bday present. If only more people would be like that, everyone would feel better. It doesnt just make the person who is recieving help feel good, but it makes u feel much better too. :D

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I like doing it,makes me feel like a better person

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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Awesome :)




Someone shouted out in Catherby today:


'Collecting all unwanted items'




Made me chuckle, had to give him some stuff :P

I saw this kid saying "Accepting all free donations for sick children." And I managed to screenie it... but photobucket is down atm.
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i dont come across many nice new players anymore, like when i was on my pure a lvl 45 comes up and calls me a noob and says im poor cause i can only afford a rune scimmy and full iron (i have 1 def), then i show him how high i can hit and then he says im cool and wants money cause i told him my scimmy costs 30k.

Knowledge is power

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i'll give directions to people if they ask me for them, heck, sometimes i'll take them to where they want to go (if i'm bored) because if you think about it if someone asks you for directions in real life you don't say: Pmg! uze a m4p n00b


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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I'll give advice, directions, or tell people tricks and tips that not everyone knows (most are common knowledge among the higher levels).




I'll tele-other lumby for the runes or the cost of said runes (I'm cheap, I cant afford to waste 1k everytime someone wants to be at lumby without dying).




I wont lead you from ardy to camelot when I'm going for 60 theiving :P




^that was the last time I was asked to take someone somewhere. I told him exactly how to get there, where to walk and everything.






I feel it's the higher players responisibility to give back what help they got on the way (I got quite a bit from tip.it :P) at least two times over :) So I'm still giving advice, and helping people, sometimes giving out stuff when i get lucky in some way (good drops or the like-I've given out lavas from abberants, but I'm not too lucky elsewhere :/). I'm not leading people around however. Too much of my precious time....










Slightly off topic, but a level 108 was refusing to use his own food and kill other thazzar when I was dharvoking there... For some reason it really got under my skin. I can see why higher levels have a bad name...

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i help dedending on wot im doing if im busy i will polietly decline im not rude to them coz i used to hate that




but if im bored and not multi tasking i.e watching a film and playing rs




im normally always happy to help

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Giving free tele runes for people - usually


Free herbs identifying - always


Directions - always


and yesterday....well i guess this is realy hardcore stuff(kids ,dont read it)...even took some lvl 55 guy all the way from edgevill bank to....Oziach

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and yesterday....well i guess this is realy hardcore stuff(kids ,dont read it)...even took some lvl 55 guy all the way from edgevill bank to....Oziach




wow ur the nicest person ever :o :o

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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Yesterday I was in free to play to sell a f2p friend i knew from another game a set of rune.


So while I'm in bank looking at the 70k he payed for my rune :P


So I start shouting buying recruits 1k


I bought lots of ppl to join my army for 1k ea :P most of them like lvl 10.


And after I told them they were my slaves now as they had sold themselves to me :P I told lets all go beg from rich people and told em to shout out if they saw one.


I was wearing my green phat myself so most rich people found it kinda funny :P and gave us some noob items.


Then I took my army to then onion patch below fally to drop a few full rune sets.


And after that I went with them to the ship in port sarim to hide some cash for em on the boat :P


a dyde name jybliffyr3dr or something found it and was incredibly happy :)


There's only one downside to all this.


I like to keep my chat on and now there are 2 of them f2p guys who both got several rune items that keep begging for more.


I told them they had enough yesterday and that they should stop begging.


Then he threatens me saying I only stop begging if u give me full rune.


Well yes this pretty much ruined it for me and would keep me from doing such things more often :(


But I guess thats only a small part of them as all the others were happy with what they got :D





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