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*Official* World Cup thread (Predict the World Cup Final 4)


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I wonder what materazzi said.




Must have been something very bad and personal for Zidane to react like that.




can anyone read lips :D? #-o




Apparently in Brazil they got some people to lip read what Materazzi said, obviously i can't say exactly what it is on here but it had something to do with Zidane's mother selling her *ahem* wares on street corners, if you catch my drift.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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if thats true Riz, then Materazzi got what he deserved, and if its even more true, Ziddy shouldnt have been Red'd and Materazzi should be banned from playing in ANY soccer/football match ever again. Fifa is supposedly cracking down on these racism remarks, Ziddy should go straight to Fifa and tell what was said.

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I wonder what materazzi said.




Must have been something very bad and personal for Zidane to react like that.




can anyone read lips :D? #-o




Apparently in Brazil they got some people to lip read what Materazzi said, obviously i can't say exactly what it is on here but it had something to do with Zidane's mother selling her *ahem* wares on street corners, if you catch my drift.




Oh, that's just childish slanging. Matterazi certainly didn't have to say it and Zizou certainly didn't have to react that way. The only justifiable means would be if it was a racist slur, even then Zidane could have risen above it (Looks at Sissoko vs Anderlecht in European Cup).




Really, that's nothing more than a "Your mum/mom" joke. Nothing to lose a World Cup over.

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People shouldn't be judging him anyway. No one knows what the * happened between him and Materazzi. If it was a racial slur like the French players reported, ban Materazzi from football. Racism is what FIFA has been fighting strongly against anyway.




From all of the unconfirmed reports I've heard so far, Materazzi first twisted Zidane's nipple, a gesture which Zidane shrugged off. He ran forward, smiling, and then abruptly turned around after Materazzi said something.




I'm willing to bet anything that it was a racial slur. Usually, trash talk happens in games and the players don't react like Zidane did. A racist remark from Materazzi could very well have sent Zizou over the edge.




he just layed his hand chest and rubbed it a little as if zidane was female (i've seen it).


Zidane was provoked and he shouldn't have responded to that. (rules of the game)




Italia didn't play very sportive in the previous games, tho they plaid very good this match they deserved to win.

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if thats true Riz, then Materazzi got what he deserved, and if its even more true, Ziddy shouldnt have been Red'd and Materazzi should be banned from playing in ANY soccer/football match ever again. Fifa is supposedly cracking down on these racism remarks, Ziddy should go straight to Fifa and tell what was said.


Ahh what? Saying something about someone's mum isn't racist.


I dunno about what it's like over there, but here you can expect people saying stuff like that to you in sports as they are trying to wind you up. In this case it worked.


Even if it was a racist comment, Zidane should have known better than to headbut someone, it was a moment of insanity.

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Italy won!!!!!!!!! good riddance zidane!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaahah

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Well this World Cup didn't end in the way i hoped. I wish it was England instead of Italy who had won but what can you do. People are saying Italy play dirty but they ain't as dirty as Portugal. Portugal fall on their head then clutch their leg. I think Fifa really needs to stop all this dirty play and everybody diving, it spoils the game.

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If that was just a mom's joke, then sure, Zidane deserved the red card. I'd still want to have an official interview with him about this though. It's all speculation at this point.




if thats true Riz, then Materazzi got what he deserved, and if its even more true, Ziddy shouldnt have been Red'd and Materazzi should be banned from playing in ANY soccer/football match ever again. Fifa is supposedly cracking down on these racism remarks, Ziddy should go straight to Fifa and tell what was said.





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With the French national team:




* FIFA World Cup


o Winner: 1998


o Runners Up: 2006


o Appearances: 1998, 2002, 2006


* European Championship


o Winner: 2000


o Appearances: 1996, 2000, 2004




With Juventus F.C.:




* European Super Cup: 1996


* Intercontinental Cup: 1996


* Italian League - Serie A champions (scudetto): 1996/1997, 1997/1998


* Italian Super Cup: 1997




With Real Madrid:




* UEFA Champions League: 2001/2002


* Intercontinental Cup: 2002


* Spanish League - La Liga champions: 2002/2003


* European Super Cup: 2002


* Spanish Super Cup: 2001, 2003




Personal honours:




* FIFA World Cup Golden Ball Award: 2006


* FIFA World Player of the Year: 1998, 2000, 2003


* European Footballer of the Year (Ballon d'Or): 1998


* UEFA Champions League Most Valuable Player: 2001-02








Still a champion.

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Well this World Cup didn't end in the way i hoped. I wish it was England instead of Italy who had won but what can you do. People are saying Italy play dirty but they ain't as dirty as Portugal. Portugal fall on their head then clutch their leg. I think Fifa really needs to stop all this dirty play and everybody diving, it spoils the game.

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Was a champion. Not 'is'.




I'm beginning to think Zizou has done this to cement his name into legend. 2 World Cup wins, like other players, or 1 World Cup win and the biggest moment of madness ever in a World Cup final, from the tournament's best player and the world's best player over the last 10 years.




People aren't going to forget that, quickly. Zidane has made sure of that.

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I'm beginning to think Zizou has done this to cement his name into legend. 2 World Cup wins, like other players, or 1 World Cup win and the biggest moment of madness ever in a World Cup final, from the tournament's best player and the world's best player over the last 10 years.




People aren't going to forget that, quickly. Zidane has made sure of that.




Bubsa, we think the same things, I love you.




BTW, I don't really see why everybody is complaning so much about Italy playing so dirty. You had that elbow against the U.S. (woohoo, one thing) and that penalty, which every single player in this world cup would have done. What other things is it based on?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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If Zizou was the brilliant player he was he should have risen above that remark and ignored it, yeah some kind of offensive remark may have been said, but that doesn't give you reason to lose your cool, not at that level.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Let's not forget, Zidane isn't a stranger to headbutts:


October: Receives five-match ban from UEFA after being sent off for headbutting Jochen Kientz of Hamburg SV. It is Zidane's second successive sending off in Champions League matches.


Source: http://www.footballdatabase.com/site/pl ... pPlayer=11

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I wonder what materazzi said.




Must have been something very bad and personal for Zidane to react like that.




can anyone read lips :D? #-o




Apparently in Brazil they got some people to lip read what Materazzi said, obviously i can't say exactly what it is on here but it had something to do with Zidane's mother selling her *ahem* wares on street corners, if you catch my drift.




Thats true but here is where the plot thickens, ZIdanes Mother was taken to hospital on the morning of final according to TV today. So obviously she was in his thoughts already & Materazzi hit a sensitive subject. That doesnt excuse what he did though, its a rotten end to what was a brilliant career of one of the great footballers.




Edit: According to BBC's Italian lip reader Materazzi said -


" I wish a horrible death to you and all your family"


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Let's not forget, Zidane isn't a stranger to headbutts:


October: Receives five-match ban from UEFA after being sent off for headbutting Jochen Kientz of Hamburg SV. It is Zidane's second successive sending off in Champions League matches.


Source: http://www.footballdatabase.com/site/pl ... pPlayer=11




Why exactly are people losing respect for Zidane? People didn't know him at all so the 'respect lost' is minimal. ughhs2zd.gif




I know he got redcarded in the 1998 World Cup and was banned from two matches but came back and scored 2 goals in the finals.

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I am really disappointed with this World cup. Its not been the best ever, so many Yellow and red cards. The Final has been over shadoweded by this Zidane incident and in my opinion, Italy were the better team throughout the tournemant and in all fairness, deserved to win. Well done Italy =D>

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