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*Official* World Cup thread (Predict the World Cup Final 4)


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I knew Zidane had an anger history, but I really thought he had more class than that.




Its really disillusioning to see that a guys favorite player is just a punk. :cry:




Wonder what the Italian said.

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Apparently they showed a replay in the stadium, which the refs can't use to make calls...I think one of the refs may have watched the replay and made the call. 2010 is going to be in South Africa??? I doubt South Africa will make the World Cup.


Today was a interesting day of sport overtimes. First of all, the World Cup Final goes into penalty kicks, which actually could have gone into sudden-death PKs if Trezequet's shot had been a little lower and the 5th guy, whoever it was going to be scored.


Right now, the battle of the Sox (baseball) is in the 19th inning...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Apparently they showed a replay in the stadium, which the refs can't use to make calls...I think one of the refs may have watched the replay and made the call. 2010 is going to be in South Africa??? I doubt South Africa will make the World Cup.


Today was a interesting day of sport overtimes. First of all, the World Cup Final goes into penalty kicks, which actually could have gone into sudden-death PKs if Trezequet's shot had been a little lower and the 5th guy, whoever it was going to be scored.


Right now, the battle of the Sox (baseball) is in the 19th inning...




Buddy the home team qualifys for the cup. Its a rule

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Apparently they showed a replay in the stadium, which the refs can't use to make calls...I think one of the refs may have watched the replay and made the call
Well, first it doesn't matter what the ref saw, a billion other people saw what happened, and he deserved to get kicked out. Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure the assistant ref probably saw it.
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I lost all my respect for Zinedine Zidane after that. He's France's captain. PKs are coming up and he's their man. He needed to lead them. It's probably his last game in the World Cup after his great career, and he ruins it by ending it with a red-card. That just put me off the deep-end. He was one of my favorite players this world cup, and for him to go and do that. Absolutely ridiculous. I was so upset, I've been rooting for France since 32, and I'm from the USA.




1) Best Moment of the 2006 World Cup?


Ivory Coast (Cote D'voire) making it. It stopped a Civil War in the country, enough said.




2) Worst Moment of the 2006 World Cup?


The absolute cheating from Italian players all cup-long, taking dives, getting hurt, being a disgrace to soccer.








The refs, hands down. Terrible job.




3) Most Valuable Player?


I personally would have said Zinedine Zidane until what he did today, :cry: , he was my soccer role-model. But now, I'd say Gianluigi (or w/e his name is) Buffon, the Italian GK. He didn't give up a single goal! (Except Own-Goal and PK, but that doesn't count)




4) Worst Team?


Serbia & Montenegro (Or w/e it is)




5) Best Team?






6) Early Predictions for the 2010 World Cup?












I think he should do that on Chris Pronger or someone :lol: , it'd get my respect back. =D>




And if he showed he was courageous, Zdeno Chara :lol: =D>




That'd be really quite hilarious, him, 6' 1'' doing it on like, 7' Zdeno Chara. Zdeno Chara is a BEAST!

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yeah, I really wonder what the Italian guy said...how could Zidane understand? I'm guessing he was talking in Italian, so does Zidane know Italian? Or was it in French? Or English? (why would they both know English, I don't know).I agree that the refs did a terrible job. At first they were horrible. IN the Semis, the 3rd place game and the Final, they were a lot better. (That Netherlands-Portugal game...a record for cards...)


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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yeah, I really wonder what the Italian guy said...how could Zidane understand? I'm guessing he was talking in Italian, so does Zidane know Italian? Or was it in French? Or English? (why would they both know English, I don't know).I agree that the refs did a terrible job. At first they were horrible. IN the Semis, the 3rd place game and the Final, they were a lot better. (That Netherlands-Portugal game...a record for cards...)
I think the Italian guy was holding him a second before, then Zidane had to run to catch up then he came at him with a header. The most absurd thing about it is that it was so out of the blue, and then that he tried to argue it. So pathetic.
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okay =; =; =; lets see waht zindine was risking




-over all a huge loss to the team


-not be there for pks


-man down


-if they won he couldnt come out(i dont think he can not sure)


-his last game




Okay I'm sure he knew what he was risking. But that makes you think.."hm what did that Italian guy say to make him do this!!!???" Must have been pretty bad because all that is on the line. I sort of think it was the Italian guy who provoked him.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

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His team members later reported to French media that Zidane supposedly acted on a racial slur from Materazzi.[1]




Aren't both caucasian?




Zidane is actually from Algeria, I believe. Materazzi probably used some sort of extremely offensive slur. I don't know if he knows French or not, the comments might have been in English. I don't know if I remember correctly, but I thought (emphasis on thought) I saw Materazzi whispering something to Zidane and smiling after. I don't know, however, because I don't have access to a replay.




Nothing can excuse Zidane, but the French team is saintly compared to Italy. The Italians have played dirty soccer the entire tournament. Elbowing US players in the face and drawing blood, diving this way and that, "falling" over a harmless tackle in the box for a red against Australia, and various other ignominies have been recorded.




It is discouraging to see France lose, because they dominated the game after about the 25th minute. It is more discouraging to see them lose to a team that has lost any idea of basic sportsmanship.

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Zidane played in Italy before (5 years was it?) so it won't be hard for them to understand each other. There's also a chance they spoke english anyway.




I didn't lose my respect for Zidane. He's still amazing and he went out with a bang. He's already won the World Cup before and numerous other awards and wins. It's not like that was the first time he did something rash on the field anyway. If you lost respect for him for hitting Materazzi, you didn't really had respect for him in the beginning. He's a legend and that act just carved his name deeper into football history. Whether for the better or worse, he will be remembered as a great football player. He's done with the game. We can consider ourselves lucky that we were able to watch him again anyway after coming out of retirement from international football just to help out France qualify.




His team members later reported to French media that Zidane supposedly acted on a racial slur from Materazzi.[1]




Aren't both caucasian?








Oh, and the .gifs just don't stop









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It is discouraging to see France lose, because they dominated the game after about the 25th minute. It is more discouraging to see them lose to a team that has lost any idea of basic sportsmanship.




Hah, no.




I think Zidane displayed that he wasn't very mature as a person, or a player. What a stupid thing to do. Italy deserved to win.


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It would be nice to see Zidane stay for a little while longer in soccer, even though he came out of retirement for the World Cup. He is obviously in good enough physical condition to play--he looks almost as good as he did in 1998, and what he's lost in youth, he's gained in experience (minus the recent unfortunate incident).




I saw the picture of him walking with his head down past the World Cup trophy into the darkened tunnel, and it made me sad to think that one of the all time greats had to exit in such a manner. Zidane deserves better than that.

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People shouldn't be judging him anyway. No one knows what the [bleep] happened between him and Materazzi. If it was a racial slur like the French players reported, ban Materazzi from football. Racism is what FIFA has been fighting strongly against anyway.

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People shouldn't be judging him anyway. No one knows what the * happened between him and Materazzi. If it was a racial slur like the French players reported, ban Materazzi from football. Racism is what FIFA has been fighting strongly against anyway.




From all of the unconfirmed reports I've heard so far, Materazzi first twisted Zidane's nipple, a gesture which Zidane shrugged off. He ran forward, smiling, and then abruptly turned around after Materazzi said something.




I'm willing to bet anything that it was a racial slur. Usually, trash talk happens in games and the players don't react like Zidane did. A racist remark from Materazzi could very well have sent Zizou over the edge.

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