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What's your daily routine?


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I thought this might be a cool thread.




Anyways heres mine:




7:30 - 8:00 Wake up get ready and catch public transit to get to school


8:25 - 11:00 Periods one and two


11:00 - 12:25 - Lunch, usually consists of skateboarding and grabbing something to eat


12:25 - 3:00 Periods four and five


3:00 - 3:15 Take public transit home


3:15 - 6:00 Go Skateboarding


6:00 - 6:30 - Eat Dinner


6:30 - 8:00 - Go Skateboarding again


8:00 - 12:00 - Runescape


12:00 - 7:30 Sleep




What do you do on a daily basis?



RSN: Aka Tricks

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07:15 - 08:00 - wake up.


08:00 - 08:20 - shower.


08:20 - 09:00 - Start up computer, drink coffee, take breakfast. Browe different fora


09:00 - 09:15 - Get on bicyle, get to work.


09:15 - 09:30 - Open the shop, work etc.


18:00 - 18:15 - Close the shop, count all the money etc.


18:15 - 18:30 - go home


18:30 - 19:00 - Drink something, dinner, drink something + smoke sigarette


19:00 - 23:00 - Browse forums, call and vissit friends, watch a movie or two, listen to music, go jogging. Depends what mood I'm in, sometimes I comebine things. (I never jog all nigt long of course:P)


23:00 - 00:30 - Watch T.V.


00:30 - 07:15/08:00 - Sleep.




Sometimes I'm a day off and I just do all that, but this is how it goes most of the time now. When I'm off I study as well.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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get up.... do something... go to bed


and do something can be everything... also i have at least one hour of sport everyday, depending on season. every year handball and kickboxing, season: swimming, ski, snowboard, jetski, waveboard and stuff like that


different order and eating chocolate :P

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On a typical school day, I wake up at 6:45 to get ready for school. I leave at about 7:20 to arrive at school around 7:45. I got to class from 8 to 11:50. At 11:50, I got to lunch and hang out with my friends. I get back to class at 12:20 and continue classes until 3:10. Then, I get out of school, and usually arrive home at around 3:45. I watch TV from 4 to 5. Then, I'm usually online talking to friends, here on TIF, and doing other things till about 8. Then, I take a shower and get back on the computer. I'll usually stay on until around 10 or 11, then I'll go to bed. :D




On a weekend, or during a break (such as now) I really have no routine. I just do whatever, whenever.

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More damn school...


School's Over!


Homework, grr


Play games/go over friends house






Sleep zzzz




On Weekends/Holidays




Play games




Go over friends house/games






Sleep zzzz




*Watch World Cup when I can too

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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6:15 - 6:30am - Wake up to my ipod blasting my morning playlist! :)


6:30 - 7:00am - Browse forums, CNN, fantasy sports sites.


7:00 - 7:15am - Washroom...no explanation necessary :wink:


7:15 - 7:30am - More browsing the net...


7:30 - 7:45am - Breakfast while watching CNN, or Fox (Fresh Prince of Bel Air).


8:00 - 8:20am - Leave for school (walk).


8:55am - 1:55pm (or 3:15 every other week, last per. spare) - School :S


As soon as I get home - Browsing the net


5 mins later - Homework!!


After Homework - Study




After dinner (time is unpredictable...) relax, MSN for the night, browse more sites.




Around 9:00pm - Washroom (no explanation necessary, again).


More net browsing after that..


Around 10:30 - 11pm SLEEP!




And repeat. :P

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This is dumb...








You are dumb!








Wake up around twelve.


Get on the computer for however long until me or my friends decide to do something.


Do something until really late.


Come home and get back on the computer.


Go to sleep at like three in the morning.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Well, during school I had a 'schedule' however I followed it just about once throughout the whole year...




Get up ideally at 6:10, but more likely not until 6:20 or 6:30.




Shower for about 10 minutes and get ready for another 5.




Grab something quickly on the way out.




Again, ideally, I would be out of the house at 6:45 to make it on time to school at 7:00. Except that happened once. Most times it was me leaving the house at 7:00 and not getting there til 7:10 or 7:15, many times later than that, but it didn't really matter.




School from whenever I get there until either noon or 2:10 every other day.




Go home if I get off at noon, go out to lunch, catch up on various errands I have that day, etc.




Go to work at 2:30 until 5:30, go home after that, socialize, get on the computer or play xbox, eat dinner, do the teenager thing and socialize with my friends, or watch TV. Shower after that, and get to sleep from 9:30-11:00pm, and repeat.




But it was hardly this way.




Now, it's summer and it's kinda like...




Wake up somewhere between 8:00 and 10:00, literally sit around and maybe watch TV for a while, eat breakfast, if I have to go somewhere shower around noon or 1:00, do whatever it is I had to do, do something with friends, sit on the computer, play some xbox, eat dinner, go out some more, sleep that night (or not)...Yeah, can't really put a routine on my days anymore :).

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For last 1ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâý months;




wake up: 5:45


Leaving to work: 6:35


Stepping out of the car ready to start working: 6:50


Lunch break: 11:30


Work again: 12:30


Stopping work: 15:30


At home: 16:00 (heavy traffic slowing down)


Food: 17:30


Random stuff till 22:30


after that: zzz



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Get Up: 2:30pm - 3:00pm


Girly Prep in Bathroom - 3:00-3:15


Grab a bite to eat - 3:15 - 3:20


Computer time - 3:20pm - 12-2:00am


I eat during computer time! :P and shower... shower = 45min - 1hr.






i need a life ehh..?


sad its all true too...


i DO occasionally get out and do things


Skate, meet up with people, ect..


and i got a TV by my comp, and in my bedroom so i do that when i feel like it.




but thats my daily...

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now that it's summer:






anytime from 8-10am- get up, turn on the comp, eat breakfast cereals


around 10:30am- play some Runescape, Counter-Strike (1.6 or Source, depending on my mood)


around 1-2:30pm- usually have a friend come over/over at a friends house/doing anything i want around this time unless i have to go somewhere




depending where/what dinner is, anywhere from 6 to 8- get on the computer some more/ watch VH1 Classic or G4


1:30pm-go to bed




sundays: same as mon-tues, but insert Church from 11:00 to 12:30


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Wake up


get dress


do push ups/sit ups


head out to gym to work for 1-2 hours


come back home


eat breakfast


watch tv + go on comp


enjoy the rest of the day




do stuff on comp/watch tv/play ps2/xbox 360


go to sleep




Monday - Thursday




wake up




get dress


drive out to buy breakfast


go to work


buy dinner (sometimes i just make my dinner at home)


come home




eat dinner


go on comp/watch tv - while eating dinner



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I cant see how people can follow a schedule, I do stuff when I feel like it, I cant look up at the clock and say to myself "It is 9:27 it is time for the eating"




When you work full days it's not that weird that you've got somewhat of a 'schedule' for getting up etc. Of course I don't live like that every day. It's just an insight of a pretty normal day in a working week.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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7:00 wake up


7:00 feed dog and eat breakfast and shower


7:45 play runescape


8:15 walk to school


8:15-3:00 school


3:00 play runescape (unless i have a friend over)


5:00 homework


6:00 watch TV


7:00 eat dinner (the time varies)


7:30 watch TV

i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

check out my thread


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