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A very strange coincidence!


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In the post below, please don't mind my usage of names, it's all members of this board or variations of my own RS name! Thanks!




First of all it's important to know that my own Runescape character name is Lodev (without any numbers).




I was looking at the stats of vmser (sorry vmser :P), then I clicked on his construction (which was around rank 790) to see the construction highscores.




In the construction highscores, my eye suddenly fell on a name 10 ranks lower. The name was Lodve (without any numbers).




That's exactly the same name as mine, except two letters shifted. I looked at his highscores, and many of his level were similar: 86 cooking, also around level 100 combat, .... His stats were generally higher than mine, and he has farming and construction unlike me who hasn't been a member since farming.




Anyway, that's a pretty strange coincidence, isn't it?!




I added him and he was even online. I said hi and he replied "wtf???". "You copied my name!". I said "I have this character since 2002". He said "me too since 2002, you copied my date!" He then kept claiming I copied him, but I think he believed that it was a coincidence after I told him to check my highscores and that I could prove that I have a scythe.




I never saw him before, and now accidently saw it in the highscores it's a strange coincidence... two chars with a similar name, somewhat similar stats (his significantly higher though), and both started in 2002, and in 2006 I find this out...

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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I can see why there would be other 'Wakkas' around (There are about 1 million 'Sephiroths'), but unless I am mistaken I don't think Lodev is as famous a name. Interesting.

Duumvir in game


"...One day I will burn down the rainforest and become a hero."

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That's one advantage to being a sabre... not too many similar names. : D




Although my old main had a very common name, and many people had my name with numbers after it. But as far as kewl sabres go, I'm the one and only. :D




Cool story though. I'm off to check the highscores now. 8-)

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I have seen


Raw Claw




Paw Caw


Claw Paw




all interiguingly similar


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I have never and most likely never will see another character whose name is a variation of 'Duumvir.' Heck, most anybody I ask has never heard the word before. (It's from ancient Rome, when the empire split into east and west, with one emperor over either side, a government called a duumvirate. Either leader of a duumvirate is a duumvir.)

Duumvir in game


"...One day I will burn down the rainforest and become a hero."

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Ha thats pretty cool, I myself have used my last name and I think it unlikely that anyone would have a name remotely smiler. But I have met people who have the same last name as me, or claim they do. Anyway cool coincidence.


Once in a life time!


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That's nothing.




My friend's rsn is: Sir roguer 5


And someday i found someone called: Sir rogier5






Sir, rogi/uer and even the 5!


My friend is L72, the other is L88...weird... ._.



Porygon 64

Black Charlizard

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I have never and most likely never will see another character whose name is a variation of 'Duumvir.' Heck, most anybody I ask has never heard the word before. (It's from ancient Rome, when the empire split into east and west, with one emperor over either side, a government called a duumvirate. Either leader of a duumvirate is a duumvir.)




Triumvir is taken :noes:

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Well, I'll tell you something about me and Triumvir: Despite knowing full well what our titles mean, I can almost guarantee that there is neither an empire in our control or anyone else fulfiling any sort of leadership in them.




Which begs the question once again, what the **** was I thinking at the time?

Duumvir in game


"...One day I will burn down the rainforest and become a hero."

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My runescape name is =[mage]=pk02


And I just looked up mage_pk02 on highscores and there he was!


The brackets, equal signs, and underscore doesn't show up on the runescape name in the game, so if someoen saw us, we would have the exact name: mage pk02!!! =) Crazy huh




Also, my account is only level 5 so it wouldn't show up on highscores :P :lol:

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I had a pure who's name was fxasd098aw7a and I saw another guy who's name i fxasd098aw7s. Apparently his random keying style is similar to mine as can be seen from the first few characters... ironically the last letter of mine, A, is directly to the left on a standard keyboard of his last letter S. I found him in the wild and pked him bad cuz I accused him of copying my name :D

Head Coach of the G!X Black Scrim Team 2007

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