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why is construction a skill???


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This was the weirdest thing.


I log onto runescape and there's anew skill ...construction!!


it says u can now build ur own houses, but there's one catch. To build a house it cost money. Which means to raise ur skill level in construnction, IT Cost Money.


has there ever been a skill that cost money to raise?


this is ridiculous, skills are something that u should be able to train no matter how poor u are. every other skill except this one is potentially free to train. so my question, could there have beed some other way to let ppl build their own houses without making a new so-called skill?

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ppl doesnt waste so mutch money on it... if it was pnly a mini game...


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jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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the construction skill in itself can be total free




planks nails clay and limestone can all be gotten free, while friends workshops provide a palce to make furniture for free




The only cost tht is vitally invovled is buying ur first house




And thought they do not cost money all skills cost in someway




cooking, smithing, fletching, firemaking, runecrafting to be 'free' all cost fishing, mining, wc xp




herblore costs combat or farm xp for herbs




combat costs getting food


slayer costs combat


magic costs runes


range costs arrows etc




i could go on, point of the matter is yes it may cost some money, but every single skill in game costs you something




Unless it is a producer skill (mine, wc, fish) as they produce the raw resources




all other skills cost you time and xp in another skill or money to lvl up efficiently


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all skills cost money, construction is just one of those that indoubtably may have no way to make much money off the PURE skill itself(not gathering materials for the skill)

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Guest mmortalone

did you know that you can also make armor out of dragon hides? :roll:








This has been posted before. many times

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I agree you can do every other skill in runescape and get some levels (maybe not best way and maybe not fastest) but the point is you can doo all skill sexcept construction with 0 gp ... it is impossible to level con with 0gp impossible i tell yeah (don't even post you can do it free with clay you need to buy your house) ok ok ... you can use lamps ... but lets be serious lamps can't get you anywhere.



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I agree you can do every other skill in runescape and get some levels (maybe not best way and maybe not fastest) but the point is you can doo all skill sexcept construction with 0 gp ... it is impossible to level con with 0gp impossible i tell yeah (don't even post you can do it free with clay you need to buy your house) ok ok ... you can use lamps ... but lets be serious lamps can't get you anywhere.




get planks from the spawns around world




smith some nails




go to a friend house who has workshop




make furnitrue flatpacks on thier workbench




that makes construction xp with no gp invovled since u did not buy ur own house




so stick tht in ur almighty preach and smoke it


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(don't even post you can do it free with clay you need to buy your house)




So you're so cheap that you can't fork out 1k to buy your own house? Poor show old boy. So what if Jagex has made a skill that to train effectively needs lots of cash? Just consider getting that cash like gathering a material that you would need for any other skill.

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Eyes of Newt for lvl 1 herblore costs money too.. :roll:


Most skills costs money but construction just costs quite a lot..:P

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The title to this topic is kind of misleading




You always spend some money to raise a skill..Construction spends...more..




If ya don't like it, don't train it..

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the construction skill in itself can be total free




planks nails clay and limestone can all be gotten free, while friends workshops provide a palce to make furniture for free




The only cost tht is vitally invovled is buying ur first house




And thought they do not cost money all skills cost in someway




cooking, smithing, fletching, firemaking, runecrafting to be 'free' all cost fishing, mining, wc xp




herblore costs combat or farm xp for herbs




combat costs getting food


slayer costs combat


magic costs runes


range costs arrows etc




i could go on, point of the matter is yes it may cost some money, but every single skill in game costs you something




Unless it is a producer skill (mine, wc, fish) as they produce the raw resources




all other skills cost you time and xp in another skill or money to lvl up efficiently




brilliant. This skill can be free, all you need to do is just aquire everythign on your own. Well except the cost of buying rooms and such...but its better than other skills. Agility is the only completely and totally free skill.

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This skill was brought in to take money from all those who are incredibly lazy and have used high alching as a source of income.




It was also made to allow those with vast riches to show their wealth. Why should a level 30 that has no money be allowed to show wealth?


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Yeah, they make it sound that you can do it for free, but you risk getting killed in the wild, and it will take forever.




dude there plank spawns out of the wilderness for 1 at the barbarian outpost




and they added more somewhere wiht the update




and all skills take ages to train for free




I mean making ur onw arrows etc all the time to train rnage make range take ages




getting ur own food to do combat makes tht take ages




getting your own abrs to train smith makes tht take ages






all skills take ages if u choose to take the free route


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It's replaced firemaking as the merchant's ultimate show of wealth.


Now firemaking is obsolete :(


firemaking still shows how much of an insane arsonist you are. firemaking ftw.


and to the original post: omg rly? a skill costs money? wow! i suppose you have never bought anything for another skill ever eh?

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To be honest, I have no idea why it's called Construction. You don't build any part of your house... You just buy it for outrageous amounts. Why does a parlour cost 1k, yet an Alter costs 50k even though they're basically the same layout AND size? :x






All that's different is what they can be furnished with. :oops:


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combat costs getting food


I can catch and cook my own fish, so that's free anyway.




slayer costs combat


Slayer is totally free with combat, I hardly spend gp on slaying monsters.......except of couse the equipment you need, which can be bought only once if need be.

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combat costs getting food


I can catch and cook my own fish, so that's free anyway.




slayer costs combat


Slayer is totally free with combat, I hardly spend gp on slaying monsters.......except of couse the equipment you need, which can be bought only once if need be.




combat costs getting food




whether u buy it or fish it, it still costs u time or money etc to get it




slayer costs combat




it is impossible to be a high lvl slayer without getting combat xp therefore it costs it


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Paw, the difference is that your using SKILLS to benefit/supply other SKILLS... So your basically self sufficient. With this you NEED to have money...




I'm not gonna explain for a third time that you DO NOT NEED money




it is perfectly simple to train without money




besides it is logic step




the econmy is way overload as every part of the lets millions of gp into the game with no effective way of taking it out of the game




This is merely the come bk, the econmy can find a natural balance now rather than continuing to swell




Ever since rs first began to econmy has grown like 2 or 3 times faster than money has been taken from game via shops




this is merely a step tht will balance income to the game with outcome




But anyway it is possible to do construvction without money




use a friend worksshop, make nails, collect planks from spawns




an ta-da flat pack furniture giving full construction xp without spend a single gp


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