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Economic anarchy


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The time passes and the economy is history, a new amenace to the great and sacred capitalism balance of runescape is near: CONSTRUCTION




While many of the players are draining out the money, items susch armor are going down and down. And this is the tame to make money.




My plan is simple: If you're quick, you can sell the most of your items (no rares, never sell now the rares) and then bank to the money because the prices will be down and down, but now the inflation will be coming, so you need to buy again your items in a less price to re-sell them again for more when the prices are stabilished. With this form maybe we can get many money. But beware! the economy is in a little canoe in the antlantic sea, if we not estabillish now the economy runescape will become COMMUNIST!!!!!!!!




Yes, the prices will go down and players like the F2P will take all, for this point, will be an anarchy goverment on the prices and no one will know the trully price, and if more people joins to the CONSTRUCT without mind in the drain of the money, the prices will be very very low and we will find n00bs wearing full zamorak. Then everybody will have what they want because prices are too low but then, everybody will say NOOOOOO! when prices elevates to the heaven and a bronze dagger will worth 3.5M. Ok, it is impossible, bronze will never worth more than 1k but, we must be ready to afront the wave of the new prices taking all the money we can to buy cheap and sell high.












I really dont know why i post this, i just was bored, Lol. Be welcome to flame =) the internet is the freedom.






This message donnot is free of have subliminal messages to control your mind so, sell me all your rares for very low and i will be happy...




Edit Communism is a political ideology that seeks to establish a future classless, stateless social organization based upon common ownership of the means of production.


The title of the topic is anarchy i-dont-remember. And is impossible to aply a an ideology or from of goverment to the economy or the world of Runescape. Only imagine politicians Partys in Runescape, like the "Movement for the communist integration of runescape" or the "Theological goverment of Zamorak". But if Runescape is a game of genre fantasy we, the players, can make our own form of play the game. It is very possible, if we can create unnoficial clans like "THE" and many people "Join" in it without the requeriment of special player-game interface made by jagex, if we want we can make "Unofficials" kingdoms with our rules following the jagex's rules and make the game ever more nice. This ideologie is applied on non combat clans, like the groups of friends, etc... And if we go more far and thinking of a real economy in runescape like in real life we can go more and more far and get institutions like the "Organization of the United Kingdoms" or the "Alliances for the Clans" and brotherhoods and societies like "Skull and Phats" or "Freeplayers", we already made some of this ideas like "The order of cabbage". what i mean? well, united we can do everything we can, runescape is a world, we can choose either follow the "reality of a game" or make our own "reality".




Be welcome to flame =)



Behold my blog! Thou shalt visit it and rejoice!

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What? All I got was something involving prices dropping and something about Communism...




You sounded a little like McCarthy with that canoe metaphor too...




As for prices, they're relatively stable now. Prices have dropped, but in my opinion they were overly inflated to begin with.

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You have absolutley no idea what you are talking about.




An economic system does not become communist due to the influx and deflux of money. That is inflation and deflation which happens in all capitalist societies. There is no equal re-distribution of wealth, abolishment of a class based system (thats hard to apply to RS :lol:), end to imperialism (again hard to apply) or anything that is communist at all. The RS economy is mostly a free market, which is capitalist, and draining money does not effect the value of the items, just the buying power of the gold piece - if there is less GP in the market, the buying power will increase, therefore item costs will decrease, however the value of the items will remain the same in relation to other items in theory. This will be influenced by the hysteria of the people, which will be superficialy based on a prima facie decrease in worth which has not actualy occured, but is engendered by thier hysteria and mass selling. Moreover Construction has seen a great decline scince its release, wh=ith many people still prefering to have functional items that a POH that has comparitvley few uses.



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You have absolutley no idea what you are talking about.




An economic system does not become communist due to the influx and deflux of money. That is inflation and deflation which happens in all capitalist societies. There is no equal re-distribution of wealth, abolishment of a class based system (thats hard to apply to RS :lol:), end to imperialism (again hard to apply) or anything that is communist at all. The RS economy is mostly a free market, which is capitalist, and draining money does not effect the value of the items, just the buying power of the gold piece - if there is less GP in the market, the buying power will increase, therefore item costs will decrease, however the value of the items will remain the same in relation to other items in theory. This will be influenced by the hysteria of the people, which will be superficialy based on a prima facie decrease in worth which has not actualy occured, but is engendered by thier hysteria and mass selling. Moreover Construction has seen a great decline scince its release, wh=ith many people still prefering to have functional items that a POH that has comparitvley few uses.






I agree fullheartedly with this :)

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You sound very Chinese.




Are you a Chinese Communist?




Rolling On Laughing Floor. #-o




In soviet Russia, Floor rolls YOU!!




Yeah...look at my location...floors hurt.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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lmao construction isnt effecting the prices, people are, and if everyone sells everything and waits for prices to go down they wont, they will go sky high, not rock bottom :-s


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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lmao construction isnt effecting the prices, people are, and if everyone sells everything and waits for prices to go down they wont, they will go sky high, not rock bottom :-s
that made no sence, congradulations.
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lmao construction isnt effecting the prices, people are, and if everyone sells everything and waits for prices to go down they wont, they will go sky high, not rock bottom :-s
that made no sence, congradulations.




No, he's right. First, construction isn't really making an impact. Second, if everyone sold everthing of value at once, the only people who would buy them would be the merchanters. And since the merchanters always sell for profit, they will force the prices to go up.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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Do you even know what communism is? Runescape could never become comunist.




if its a lil joke...well then jokes are supposed to be funny.




Your attempting to predict that the price of everything is going to drop because of all the money going out. If you tell everyone to sell..then prices are going to be droven down, but not because of deflation, but because of all the ppl selling, so ppl buying will have a lot of options and will be able to browse for lower prices...driving prices down.




so in otherwords this is just a post that is price manipulating, and you know what happens when you price manipulate...prices will go down for a lil bit, but as soon as everyone wants their stuff back..prices will shoot back up...so more ppl will end up getting screwed then they will make money, and the real money makers would be the ones who bought all the stuff(the merchants)

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A flash in the pan, I'd guess.




Sure, the level chasers with money to burn have piled in, and among other things, inflated the value of oak logs, previouly one of the least desirable logs (inferior to normal or willow for fletching).




Now maybe some sold rares to get the money for construction, but the rare collectors are unlikely to sell lower than they bought, as a long term fall is unlikely. More likely a stall until normality returns.




Unless those who have already reached 99 construction want to keep chasing the XP battle, they can retire from the race, as can those who have reached whatever level serves their purpose (such as the armour stand for making banners) - the fact is, that there is very little reward, other than bragging rights, for construction level.

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Darkluniux Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:34 pm Post subject:








KCHughes wrote:








You sound very Chinese.




Are you a Chinese Communist?




Rolling On Laughing Floor.






In soviet Russia, Floor rolls YOU!!




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yea the only thing construction has really done is make steel bars and plank prices go up. zammorak armor has been seeing a steady decrease in price for a while now. it has dropped about 800k-1mil is the past 3 or 4 months along with other items that are only good for merchanting and looking cool. and that whole soviet russia floor rolls u thing isnt original. i saw it on a tv show like family guy or american dad or someting like that. but when i saw it i was rofl too :P

live to kill...

live to die...

live to love...

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You have absolutley no idea what you are talking about.




An economic system does not become communist due to the influx and deflux of money. That is inflation and deflation which happens in all capitalist societies. There is no equal re-distribution of wealth, abolishment of a class based system (thats hard to apply to RS :lol:), end to imperialism (again hard to apply) or anything that is communist at all. The RS economy is mostly a free market, which is capitalist, and draining money does not effect the value of the items, just the buying power of the gold piece - if there is less GP in the market, the buying power will increase, therefore item costs will decrease, however the value of the items will remain the same in relation to other items in theory. This will be influenced by the hysteria of the people, which will be superficialy based on a prima facie decrease in worth which has not actualy occured, but is engendered by thier hysteria and mass selling. Moreover Construction has seen a great decline scince its release, wh=ith many people still prefering to have functional items that a POH that has comparitvley few uses.


I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about...








Actually i do


Well the part about the value of the items staying the same.


Thats what ive been trying to tell everyone but didnt know how to say it

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eh. a short while after construction came, maniac pro economists started saying that the rare prices will drop. so they advise you to sell them now and then buy them later when they start rising again. figured you could earn some sort with this tactic.




But right now, it doesn't work. The prices are stable and I think the only impact construction had was that now rares rise much slower.

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I dont think the economy is communist...its not regulated by the government (Jagex). They set a baseline price in the shops and such but there isn't any regulation of prices set by the players.




And what's wrong with communism? Its perfect in theory, although not in when put into practice.



dude i got pked and lost my full zezima
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And what's wrong with communism?




It doesnt work.




The theory does not allow for humanity - such things as "why should i work when i get payed the same if i don't?", "why should I take responsibility, when there are no benefits for it?". Therefor the thoery is flawed. It might work for robots, but not for hums. Homogenisation (sp) is not perfect either.



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How about we forget about the word "economy" and buy and sell items for how much we want to buy or sell them for?


ok, how about if i sell a bronze full helm for 150k? It is cheap for me! lol. I'm just being to hate the runescape economy. Communist is only good in the point everybody gets the equal wealth but no one want communist because who will work if you can get all for free and doing nothing?




In soviet russia, economy studies YOU!!



Behold my blog! Thou shalt visit it and rejoice!

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