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How summoning will kill off macroers- for good.


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Well heres an idea from the legend himself......




JAgex c ould give all the area's of Runescape a symbol whether summoning can be done in this area or not... Kinda like the skull or crossed swords resembling the wilderness and multi combat zone. Obviously Fally world 2 would not get this... :idea:




Great idea richie :P

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And to prevent the one flaw of this, that being the level 3 pures, there could be an enchanted onyx necklace (not amulet) or something of that rarity/expense, so the legitimate low level pures won't have a problem.


Or why not have the creature you summon have a level equivalent to random events? The level differs from a level 3 to a level 126 but still is strong enough to kill the person within enough rounds. That would kill a few birds with one stone. Make us walking random event creators.

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And to prevent the one flaw of this, that being the level 3 pures, there could be an enchanted onyx necklace (not amulet) or something of that rarity/expense, so the legitimate low level pures won't have a problem.


Or why not have the creature you summon have a level equivalent to random events? The level differs from a level 3 to a level 126 but still is strong enough to kill the person within enough rounds. That would kill a few birds with one stone. Make us walking random event creators.




I don't think any kind of magical item will change other player's personality. :roll:




Anyway besides that point, you have a good point.

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Summoning just might be those new spells they promised.


It might not be a skill of its own.


It might work like ancients though were you gotta go someplace remote and change to them.

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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well, as far as the onyx neclace idea...I think its kinda unfair for the skillers to have to waste millions on something to protect them..but then again they want to stay lvl 3 for the "challenge"..i guess that would be a challenge lol...






As far as summonings being random even level oriented...




Autoers would quickly pick up on this and the program would just have the autoer retreat (something similar to when a tree spirit appears)




You couldnt make the npc chase someone endlessly, because thats going too far and that would kill skillers like crazy (especially since they wont fight back to keep combat down.






I like the idea, but how do you distinguish whos autoing and whos not? :x


maby its worth punishing the skillers to kill autoers :twisted: lol (its just a joke)


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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I remember that!!! Back in my nooby days, a skeleton OWned Me, but I survived!








This is a wonderful idea in my opinion. But the monster has to be a low level monster like the level 13 skeleton that can only attack those who are under level 27, as most macroers are. This skeleton would hit 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5...ect. This way, low levels would have a chance to escape, while macroers would not.


~Joined RS December 2001

~Retired Mid-2007

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And to prevent the one flaw of this, that being the level 3 pures, there could be an enchanted onyx necklace (not amulet) or something of that rarity/expense, so the legitimate low level pures won't have a problem.


Or why not have the creature you summon have a level equivalent to random events? The level differs from a level 3 to a level 126 but still is strong enough to kill the person within enough rounds. That would kill a few birds with one stone. Make us walking random event creators.






Another spin on your idea could be a diamond necklace that would crumble in 1 use but the effect would last for 20 minutes so it would still bring autoers to a disadvantage but harm macroing scum

Just an average player with a horrible name...

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Yeh this isn't how its gonna be, if we can use the things we summon(who said you could summon monsters?) on people it will only be in the wilderness or in a PVP spot.






if summoned monsters attack players, havoc




if there's one that can tb somehow, or let u atk outside of wildy, barrows is dead, tb them if there's a bug and bam




goes for anywhere else too, if it can attack outside wildy and not in pvp zone, everyone who cant afford it is d-e-a-d

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Yeh this isn't how its gonna be, if we can use the things we summon(who said you could summon monsters?) on people it will only be in the wilderness or in a PVP spot.






if summoned monsters attack players, havoc




if there's one that can tb somehow, or let u atk outside of wildy, barrows is dead, tb them if there's a bug and bam




goes for anywhere else too, if it can attack outside wildy and not in pvp zone, everyone who cant afford it is d-e-a-d




What are you on about? NPCs walk, not run. Getting away would be easy.

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Macroers already flee when they get attacked... I have yet to see a macroer die from one of the MANY random events that have some creature/NPC assault them.




I don't see how summons would prove any more effective than the guardian random events... as it is described here... it would only be another tool for those who enjoy griefing others... like scammers, "kill-stealers" in the past, etc...

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Lol, I doubt you'll be able to have summoned monsters attack players in non pvp areas. You might be able to summon them to fight an npc around you, but not other players.




Though it'd be funny to summon a KBD, or KQ, or Jad, or the 3 Dag Kings in world 2 Fally :D :o :lol:




You obviously won't be able to summon things like that, but anyhoo :twisted:

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:lol: funny idea, definitly wouldn't happen and I'd be mad if it did. But still, funny idea :lol:




Also to all the low lvls posting here, these spells will be the lvl 90-99 Mage gap as Jagex has been trying to fill it for a long time.
Awesome because I've been working hard on mage, currently 92 :D
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Spawn a kalphite queen in falador garden world 2.




Ownage :lol:




Nah ownage would be spawing 20 kalphite queens in fally park world 2. :twisted:

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Do any of you really think summoned monsters would be allowed to attack other players outside of the wilderness/PvP areas?




Do you really think Jagex would allow that?




So how long did that skeleton bug last for?

Remember your country code, and SHUT THE GATES!

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There are evil people out there. How would you like if army of bad people would go to Lumbridge and summon steel dragons to kill these new players on the spot? Even worse a steel dragon army killing off people in cities just training their skills. It would be horrible. :oops:




Ralvn, it it would come true, it would probably be MEMBERS ONLY.




Soz man, yer missin the point, as many are :P Of course Jagex would never give anyone the power (or THAT power) to do such a thing.




Ok then. Explain the point for me.

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