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Are you happy with what you have achieved?


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I'd like to know if you're proud of yourself.




After many years (for some of us) we have built up a character, tried to set a reputation and wanted to get higher ranks in clans.




My question to you is, are you happy with what you have achieved?




It can be on the subject of stats, clan (ranks), tip.it etc.


Post away!


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yes, I am very proud of myself and what I have achieved. A level 80 40 defence pure main with a red halloween mask, a whole Runescape website made only by me, many fans who talk to me and a whole bunch of nice friends.




\' What else can be better?




One more thing, I love your smoking siggy! :lol: :lol: :lol: Do I have the right to use it somewhere?

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Im happy with what I achieved as I did what I wanted; Get into top 10 smithing! Altho I want to be nr 1 for 1 second aswell, but I dont have the time to go for that atm :(

Rsn; System 0


Current Smithing XP; 31,4M (Ranked #9)

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Well I am happy, although I have not achieved everything I wanted.


On the other hand, I have a decent lvl 72 character, ok skills, and I've met some great people on RS, some (well actually 2 :P) have become friends, and 1 who has become a really good friend, as well irl as in RS. :D

99/99 Mage - Achieved 23/07/2007

99/99 Ranged - Achieved 20/12/2007

93/99 Defence

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yup jup


just achieved 1 of my 4 main goals




owner of a party hat






3 goals left


99 range


cb 110+


total 1200 f2p




and wont be long befor i got those lvls...


range is almost 97, cb is almost 108 and total is 1177 atm




i will make achievements post when i get 99 range with bank pic


(on the achievmetns forum)

rsname: lord rex.
december 2011: ranked 107th best f2p player
march 2012 became member.



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YES! in just over 6 months(guess wat i voted in the tip.it poll this week-suggested by yours tuly) i hav bcome a high lvl non member and im halfway 2 completing my first rs goal(besides getting into the ming guild)


see below in my sig *



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Achieved all that I wanted - and even more. :P


and lost it after doing so :roll:




i dont think that comment was neccesary. that subject is water under the bridge.




i think ive acheived more than i ever thought i would in rs. given that, theres still alot to go, but thats what makes the game fun (and addictive). still trying to achieve several goals (that seem to be taking forever):


1) 80+ combat


2) 70 mining/smithing


3) a high rc lvl (id like to see if i can make it profitable)

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Achieved all that I wanted - and even more. :P


and lost it after doing so :roll:




lol was waiting for someone to say that

Wow - Zuu - Lvl 55 Destructo Lock - Neptulon


Rattus Jr - Skill totaler Nub ( Zuu's Back)


Archer003 - 92 80 99 92hp Rsc trained

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I have achieved a lot in my 'rollercoaster' adventure on RS. From hackers and scammers, I have faced them off to be the character I am today.




I recently completed Monkey Madness, oh what a joy it was to see the quest complete menu come to to greet me!




I don't play everyday and I am pleased I have other things going on in my life, but Runescape is one of the only places I can truly say I always achieve what I set out to do.




(Look for my big achievements topic in a few months time - or more, it depends...)

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I'm happy with my character. Now some decisions I've made over these years I do regret....Like selling off these two lovely items...










For...let's just say MUCH MUCH less than what they're worth now. If only I'd of hung onto them I'd be a very rich man. Oh well.



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Very happy with what I've done so far, and look forward to doing even more.




Things that I am most proud of:




106 combat


1704 skill total


Full dragon


Fire Cape


99 Fletching and cooking


and finally all skills 66+





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