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Whats the noobiest thing YOU ever done?


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trying to figure out why I could attack some Man and some other Man not.After a long time i realised some Man were other players -.-


Yup , thats noob




But meh, i was err 12? and I'm dutch so didn't kno english quite well




When I just started, I thought fights between a player and a man, were player vs player fights.




And I was 19 back then.




But then again, you're Belgian....(Dutch here, lol)




Back on topic: Thinking how on earth am I gonna get 1k for a steel plate? Total savings being up to 170 gp or so....



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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I went into the axe shop in Lumby and looked at the prices. I clicked on the mith b-axe and it said something like 1750 coins or something. I couldn't believe it, and I clicked on it a bunch of times to make sure my eyes weren't fooling me. I was thinking, wow, thats a lot of money.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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right in the middle of the fishing guild ( yes, ok i was lvl 70 combat) and a guy with a halloween mask was fishing and i typed " nice blue d med m8" D'oh!!!! :-#




As a lvl 3 wondering how the heck i was going to get enuff cash to buy a bronze pick cuz the 1 from tutorial island didn't telly over with me, or the hammer, or the tinderbox and wondered all around outside of lumby castle staying well away from the dangerous looking spider and rats :oops:


first drag drop (skirt) 21/08/06, second (spear) 29/09/07

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When i was lvl 3 i was in lumbridge asking for free stuff.a nice guy gave me full bronze, a kite shield and a longsword, a magic ammulet, and air staff, and full blue wizards robe, and 1k. i sed thank you went off to show off to my friends who were also lvl 3.


Well while i was walking i came to a place with a skull in the corner. i didn't know what that meant but when i right clicked a person it sed attack. so i saw a lvl 3 guy and attacked him and got a skull over my head. I killed him and ran back to lumbridge. my health was down to 5 but i didn't know. I met up with my friends in lumbridge and they told me to kill a goblin. i did but i had 1 health left. Still i didn't know. they sed cool and walked off. i went to those goblins by the alkarade gate and attacked 1. 1 hit and i died. lost everything that guy gave to me because that stupid skull. i ran over to where i was and every1 had taken it. i was pissed off... lol


proud f2p playa

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The noobiest thing i've ever done is finding something like a mith dagger


when I was like level 10, and thinking, wow, I'm going to be rich!


Then I spent the next 5 minutes trying to spend a mith dagger for 50gp.


I finally sold it, and apon recieving my money, I was wondering what to do with it. I finally make my mind up and buy a bronze short sword.Lol...



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Why are you still posting here? Your stupid KoL thing seems more a waste of time than RS.


You've not even tried it. I can tell.




And, you're right, I have no reason to post here. I'll just go back to quietly killing tonic water elementals and sabre-toothed limes on KoL then. Bah. :-#


Dude wtf , a mod on these forums sayd himself you don't have to play the game to discuss it... so everyone is allowed to talk about stuff , some just come here to know if there were updates (not rs official site cause it's a bit confuzing)




on topic: i always made new accounts to get tinderboxes and axes (nooby) i know i have like 5 accounts

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im probably the noobiest level 90 there is but a good while back i didnt pay attention while i was showing off my stuff on rs and lost ALOT of money(probably got beat to death by a random event)

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bought a santa 2.3m, held it for a year,almost bought another one for 4.6i think iwas like 200k short, i was scared or dropping price, sold for 15k raw lobs and 200k, bought another one for 8.2m, sold for 8.2m, bought for 8.9m, sold for 11.9m. if i wouldve kept 1 and bought the other i would have been about 20mil richer and they are on the rise :oops: :( :wall:


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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once my friend tryed to prevent me from folowing him into the wildy by saying

if u die 13 times your account gets erased
so for like 3 month I didnt kill a single thing, never went near a single monster, and bugg my friend to escort me to varrock so I could buy some armor and food. eventually
c'mon i was kidding you dont get erased you just feel bad that you died 13 times, can you stop bugging me?!?
so i walk to varrock feeling all stupid. *i already got killed lots of times ( on farmers!!!lol!!)*
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On my old account who was "born" some years ago (never use it anymore) I did't get the point with smithing and fishing... I only trained att/def 'cause that was the only thing i needed.. Oh.. I trained some mining now and then :wall:

98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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running up to high lvls on my pure and saying phr33 st00f pl0x, thats all that comes to mind...


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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