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Do you get judged?


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I was just wondering if anybody gets judged by other people in their school/workplace. Or do you judge other people?




I personally feel I get judged a fair bit, but I try my best to shrug it off. For instance, certain people seem to find it appropriate to call me names because of the music I listen to.




I am not exactly sure what an 'emo' is, but I know for sure that people shouldn't judge me because of what I listen to.




I personally don't judge people badly (often), obviously you can judge people in a good light.


I like to get to know a person before I decide what I think about them.




What about you?

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Everyone judges everyone; humans are cognitive misers - they do not do more thinking than is necessary. It is simplest to assign people into categories when you first see them as opposed reserving judgement until you have investigated their background and got to know them. Whether you realise that you do it or not is irrelevant and whether you act on it is a different matter.




Whether people are vocal about their judgement of you is what you're asking.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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Mmmmwell I get judged at my school all the time, se i live in the south, where most afircan maerican people see white people as nerdy...white people :shock: , so when i went to my school thats what i was portrayed as, but after people knew me, Im known either as an uh-oh oreo, or as the coolest white kid they've ever seen :D \:D/

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A little. Because of my long hair I am judged as being a "mosher". Because I am pretty intelligent I am seen as being nerdy. Because I do Karate and I am deemed as being "hard", people think that I will bully people. I am none of these things and those close to me know that. Thats all I really care about, that my friends know who I am. I would love for people not to judge me, after all whenever you judge someone, it is very rarely that you instantly look for the good in them.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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So you really like to be classified? I never understand why people like that. I am who I am. The only reason I could see for someone to be a stereotypical character would be if they have no personality of there own. (No offense anyone).






Example Convo - Hey you!


Me - ?


Them - Are you a mosher?


Me - No


Them - Are you a chav?


Me - No


Them - What are you then?


Me - I'm , nice to meet you.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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People care way too much about other people's opinion on them.


I judge, I get judged and I don't give it a.


Prejudice is there because people care about it, if disriminated groups (emos, homossexuals, blacks, hispanics) didn't care about the prejudice they suffer, there would be no longer prejudice.


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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People care way too much about other people's opinion on them.


I judge, I get judged and I don't give it a.


Prejudice is there because people care about it, if disriminated groups (emos, homossexuals, blacks, hispanics) didn't care about the prejudice they suffer, there would be no longer prejudice.




Pitty that people are too ignorant these days to understand this... if this was understood, the world would be near perfect.


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People care way too much about other people's opinion on them.


I judge, I get judged and I don't give it a.


Prejudice is there because people care about it, if disriminated groups (emos, homossexuals, blacks, hispanics) didn't care about the prejudice they suffer, there would be no longer prejudice.




If someone is prejudiced then whether the person cares about the prejudice or not is irrelevant. Say a Black man goes for a job and there are racist interviewers (against black people).He might have been the best but he will not get the job because the board was pre-judiced. If he didn't care about the pre-judice he suffers up till then, then he would afterwards.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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I get judged as a goth by some people because I listen to rock :lol:




Most of the people who call me a 'goth' are actually chavs :D You may I am judging them but they are acutlaly proud of being a chav.

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Be like me! Wear plain white t-shirts and blue jeans and don't do anything special with your hair! :D




I've been doing that for a few years and noone has assumed I'm any stereotype. I used to be asked if I was gothic because I have dark hair and I gelled it and *sometimes* wore black shirts. Yes, only sometimes, and apparently THAT makes me gothic. :lol:




I don't like people asking me if I'm part of a group, so I don't dress or act fancy. Shower everyday, brush my hair, put on my plain ole' white shirt and my jeans and leave. :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I get judged as a goth by some people because I listen to rock :lol:




Most of the people who call me a 'goth' are actually chavs :D You may I am judging them but they are acutlaly proud of being a chav.




I had exactly the same problem, until they discovered the word emo. That will be their new phrase until they find something else to tease me about.


FYI, they already have found something to tease me about, but this forum is highly respectable and I feel no need for it to be made public, even though I am in the right.

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Prejudice is there because people care about it, if disriminated groups (emos, homossexuals, blacks, hispanics) didn't care about the prejudice they suffer, there would be no longer prejudice.


Somehow I don't think 'not caring' that a lynch mob is coming straight at you will make them disappear :roll: =D>

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Prejudice is there because people care about it, if disriminated groups (emos, homossexuals, blacks, hispanics) didn't care about the prejudice they suffer, there would be no longer prejudice.


Somehow I don't think 'not caring' that a lynch mob is coming straight at you will make them disappear :roll: =D>


In that situation, nobody would stop caring.


I'm talking about the entire discriminated group stop caring. That would change things.




^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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Prejudice is there because people care about it, if disriminated groups (emos, homossexuals, blacks, hispanics) didn't care about the prejudice they suffer, there would be no longer prejudice.


Somehow I don't think 'not caring' that a lynch mob is coming straight at you will make them disappear :roll: =D>


In that situation, nobody would stop caring.


I'm talking about the entire discriminated group stop caring. That would change things.




I seldom use Mr. Roll. Extremely rarely. But that post was so dumb it warranted it.

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Ok, and what's your opinion then? All you did was say mine is dumb.


My opinion remains: If (mobilized) people keep going with their lives, prejudice will no longer affect them, and will disappear with the years.


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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Ok, and what's your opinion then? All you did was say mine is dumb.


My opinion remains: If (mobilized) people keep going with their lives, prejudice will no longer affect them, and will disappear with the years.




good thought. i think it just works with indiviuals, not with a whole group. i respect people more that dont care about the opinion of others but also respect the others opinion.




i like your attitude kayla

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I think, unfortunately, it's pretty naive to think that if we didn't care about judgement, prejudice would go away. I mean, you and I may choose to ignore it, but I think there are people who will always succumb to the judgement. I base this on the idea that I don't think anyone is assured enough not be affected by being judged, even if it's only a little bit, consciously or unconsciously.




Regardless of whether people accept it or not, I think prejudice will remain on judgement. My lynch mob example was to illustrate that, regardless of whether people care about being judged or not, those who judge can create prejudice. I mean, I could judge you because you have blonde hair (just an example!) and think your less intelligent because of it. Obviously, you'll ignore the statement, but there would be nothing to stop me (or stopping me want to) visit you in life and beat you up because of it. That's prejudice existing.




It would be a perfect world if we all abided by "Judge not lest we be judged". But in the same sense that I, personally, think we can't not be affected, even only slightly, by judgement, I don't think we can prevent it, either. I think it's human nature we all do it; it may not be malicious and it may not be in public. But I, for one, think it's there, and I think it's a big contributor to maturity in deciding when, where and how we show our judgement.




I'm sorry Apinagez, by the way. Reading back I look like a real jerk posting in that manner. Whether or not I think it's naive doesn't justify that behaviour and for that I sincerely apologise.

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(looks at post topic)




dumb question...




every one does. if you dont think you get judged, you probably dont know it, but you do.

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