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Do you guys have any phobias?


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I'm not scared to die. Its natural. Thats like your saying your scared of trees growing. Thats natural.




it's nothing like trees growing.




When you die, you will never see your friends, family, people who mean something to you ever again. Trees growing doesn't cause that.




So how is it like saying you're scared of trees growing?






By saying its a natural inevadable thing. Not realating the two. :|




You said being scared of dieing is like saying you're scared of trees growing.




That's just ridiculous :-s

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After trees grow, they die. :wink:


Meh, I'm with cyco. Dieing isn't bad for who dies (of course the way you die matters, nobody wants to be stabbed 15 times), it's bad for people who like you.


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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After trees grow, they die. :wink:


Meh, I'm with cyco. Dieing isn't bad for who dies (of course the way you die matters, nobody wants to be stabbed 15 times), it's bad for people who like you.




I'm sure dieing is bad, unless you're suicidal (and most people who probably dont want to die when it's too late) dieing is a bad thing. I know right now that I don't want to leave my family and all my friends i've made in my short existence. Now that I think about it though, if I knew I was going to die, then i'm damn well going to fight for every last breath

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Actually, you'll be happy to know that I have no belief on what happens. If we take an atheistic idea, we could say that you end up in nothingness. A religious belief is you go to heaven, hell, reincarnation.




As for me, you probably will end up in nothingness but if you don't then who knows.




Maybe it's like World of Warcraft and you have to walk back to your corpse like a ghost.




But since there's no evidence saying what might happen when you die, it's a pretty silly thing to make an assumption if you ask me.




Just wait for it to happen!

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I agree, and I look foward dieing to find out (maybe by the time I'm 200 years old, though).


I don't see why you think dieing is so bad for the person dieing. Of course dieing as a teenage must suck, but I wouldn't mind it after living a good and long life.


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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I agree, and I look foward dieing to find out (maybe by the time I'm 200 years old, though).


I don't see why you think dieing is so bad for the person dieing. Of course dieing as a teenage must suck, but I wouldn't mind it after living a good and long life.




My point is, that age doesn't affect your life. Even if you're a 90 year old man with lung cancer, you'll still be sad to leave the world. Maybe you'll have grand children you'll never see grow up, have a wife still. I wouldn't want to leave those, I may have lived a good life, but that's no reason for me to want it to end

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My grandfather was 92 when he died, he had been victim of a stroke, was half paralized and couldn't speak, not to mention he suffered quite a lot with his crisis. I'd rather die than live that way.


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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My grandfather was 92 when he died, he had been victim of a stroke, was half paralized and couldn't speak, not to mention he suffered quite a lot with his crisis. I'd rather die than live that way.




Well, yeah, that is an exception. But if I was in that state, I would still miss my love ones

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I would still miss my love ones




There are basically two things you can believe: You can either be decomposed, then you'd quit being you after you're dead (the biological version), or you can believe on the religious version, in which you'd be able to visit your loved ones.


I don't see any way you can miss them.


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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I'm not exactly sure what they are called, but I'm afraid of having an odd number of things (except for 1). So like if i have 3 of something, I try to make it so I either have 2 or 4.





Me, I'm scared of the dark (blushes right now) yeah I can't walk into a dark room I'd curl up into a ball and I'm 15 years old (on july 30th I am 15). I don't know a specific name for this type. But it's freaky-fying.





Off-topic: I'll also be 15 on July 30th :o


3 Solo Hilts (2 Saradomin, 1 Bandos)

10 Solo Saradomin Swords

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Guest TaDaraCampbell

Bathophobia- Fear of depth. - i believe i may fit into this catagory, idk since my phobia is of diving, i just can't do it, i could flip into the water, but not dive. i had to quite the red cross life gaurd training because i failed each level, just because i couldnt dive, but i was great at everything else, how can the fail u when the only thing you can't do is something that usually isnt allowed in public areas anyways?




Batophobia- Fear of heights or being close to high buildings. - omg, just the opposite, i love heights!!! ever since i went on top of my house i have loved them, ill climb a tree, stare at the ground and the thought creeps into my mind "jump!" but i dont want to freak out my family so i dont do it :P .




also, i love (well, dont love, but have no problem with) bees and wasps and such, my friend has a phobia of them, ill walk under a hive and could care less, i mean, geesh, they're bees, i see one on the ground, im like "owned" ftw that bee just got roflpwned on my shoe lawl! now, i might have a problem with killer bees if i lived in .. japan? i believe they're in japan... but only cuz they're huge and id stand no chance lol.




Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia- Fear of money. .... i gotta see the moron that has this, he can give it all to me :P :D

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Doctor Seuss. Anything by him creeps me out like nothing else. o_o




Also, having the volume on anything be an odd number drives me psychotic. D:




Oh yes. Telephones make me veritably panic, and I don't like bugs either (I can handle butterflies though).

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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I really dont like talking to people over the phone. I never touch or use it unless I really have to.




Im uncomfortable of the thought of marriage and close personal relationships in general... :(




Im also afraid to touch a certain number of insects and worms...


I.E. big cockroaches, big earthworms, leeches, crickets, some spiders, etc.




Though I think I could see myself holding tarantulas and beetles. :-k

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Me, I'm scared of the dark (blushes right now) yeah I can't walk into a dark room




You're afraid of the dark and you're gothic? (Judging by sig...)




How does that work..?


Yeah .. I know kinda freaky ain't it, you's expect me not to be :P




Off-topic: I'll also be 15 on July 30th :o


Woah that's so wierd lol, I thought I was the only one with a b'day on the 30th because ithe date is not really common o.O

i am a paint noob
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spiders. its the way they walk that freaks me out. i can tollerate them if they stay still. my dog btw is a great spider hunter hehe




being put into situations where i don't feel safe. i.e: being on top of a step ladder i don't mine, but if its wobbly and i don't have handholds i panic.




phones. not so much a phobia, but i just hate them, using them gives me the creeps. i feel like they are gonna hang up on me and beat my self confidence to a pulp. i semi panic when i have to call someone.- its the same with msn, i feel the same way too.




:oops: :oops: :oops:

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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I don't think he fears H2O :notalk: I think he means big things of water where you could drown and get confused and such.
You can drown in 1cm of water....
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I don't think he fears H2O :notalk: I think he means big things of water where you could drown and get confused and such.
You can drown in 1cm of water....








umm... getting trapt under ice would suck a pickle or two..

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I'm aquaphobic. I can't swim because the whole thing of being in water scares the smeg out of me :( Like, when they had The Blue Planet on TV not so long ago, I swear, it's the scariest thing I've seen in years. All those powerful waves *ooo*




guess what... your 75% water




Yeah...That joke got real old reaaaaal fast.

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I'm aquaphobic. I can't swim because the whole thing of being in water scares the smeg out of me :( Like, when they had The Blue Planet on TV not so long ago, I swear, it's the scariest thing I've seen in years. All those powerful waves *ooo*




guess what... your 75% water




Yeah...That joke got real old reaaaaal fast.




rofl :lol:

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Akrophobia - fear of heights - I fell down two flights of stairs as a kid, maybe that explains my lack of intelligence :P


I found a funny one though: Fear of long words-Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia or Sesquipedalophobia




Ask a person suffering from this phobia - "how do you spell your phobia?"




Result: crazyman2on.jpg








Strange to name a fear of long words with a word 35 letters long, am I wrong? :?

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