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Would you consider this scamming, or just being competitive?


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I got into a fight with my friend the other day about this. He's hiring noobs to mine him iron for 20gp each, 80gp less than usual. They don't know any better, so do it, and he makes huge profits off them.






He says it's their responsibility to know what items cost, and he's just being smart.








Who is right???

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i say you pm his employees and tell them what it's worth (make sure you tell them not to reveal the source of the information :P )

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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Explain to me how it's scamming. People do this all the time, they call it "creating a company." Ruin his business if you wish, but I don't see how it is scamming. The people he hires are ignorant to the market prices, that's their own problems, if they're happy with 20gp/ore, let them be happy.

I am a tree.

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Not scamming. The newbs agreed to work for him, thus agreeing with the pay. If they are ignorant to check the true price, their fault no?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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its not scamming... its good money


I should try it




i mean sure, they could be making 4 times more... or five... but its better than them standing in lumby or following people around, getting 5k a day

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There is nothing wrong with this, and I find it fun to boss over other people and still make a huge profit out of them.




I do this all the time with my "rocks". I have slaves getting me zammy wines, rocks, pots and all that crap that I resell for a higher amount.




It's also known as another type of merchanting, but you don't have to stay in front of the computer doing it.

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Dont c a single problem wit it. To a noob 20 gp ea is good, and the dont have the experience yet to save up like 1k iron ore then sell for much higher, when noobs try to merchant they normally sell like 15 iron ore at a time, or something small like that, and most ppl dont waste there time making them trades. I say its a pretty good deal for every1.

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Then it would also be scamming when people sell their party hats for 1gp on the general store. It's their fault for not knowing the prices.

Lamest attempt at a lure ever.
No, Ive seen "selling easter egg 5m must be level 78 77 or 76 and meet at varrock bar unarmed.
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If we take this example over to real life - then it's like, stupid people who don't go to school and get poor jobs making clothes, for people who studied hard and made enough money to sell the clothes for 300% more.


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Sounds like the sweatshops in china. But its not a scam, just a big time rip thats AS BAD as a scam.




Tell his workers the truth, but tell them not to reveal their sources. Like said above :D


i once saw ruby and ash in the wildy, thought it was a santa hat.

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Silverchipmunk[/b]":ubrtih5w] Tell your friend that goldchipmunk says "Shame on you!" :shame:


:lol: :lol:




Anyways, I dont see a problem with it, unless it bothers you morally dont do it. I do it, not wiht iron, but with another item, and i dont see anything wrong with it..playing the market, right?







The Carter III

"I can get your brains for a bargain, like I bought it from Target.

Hiphop is my supermarket, shoppin' cart full of fake hiphop artists."

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nothing wrong with that at all. if i wanted to i could stand in world 2 fally park and shout selling rune axe 10M thats not scamming becuase i'm not making out that the item i'm selling is anything but a rune axe. (i woldn' goto fally park world 2 and say selling rune axe 10m btw i do that on world 71 lol)

Agaisn't pures

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