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Zanaris: Is It More Mysterious Than We Think?


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I should note that this is intended to be an entertaining (and possibly educational) read, and that my claims do not have completely solid evidence to rely on. Let's begin...






We all have heard of Zanaris, land of the fairies and home to a triology of quests. But is there more to the place? Does it have secrets hidden amongst its unusual features? Like many of you, I rarely thought twice about it, until that fateful day...




When the "Cure A Queen" quest came out, I heard of a Centaur Valley having no coordinates at all on a sextant; being inquisitive, I checked it out for myself. Coming back to Zanaris, however, I pondered something: what were its coordinates? Apperantly, the evil chicken shrine in the area has coordinates of 44 degrees 0 minutes north and 0 degrees 2 minutes east. Checking the tip.it coordinate locator, it appears as if it is slightly to the west of the Picatoris Fishing Colony and about 10 degrees to the north of it. At first it would appear as if this is only a relatively useless trivia question; but if you're imaginative and psychotic like me, you'll see a whole realm of possiblities.




Theory #1:


This theory relies on the idea that Zanaris is located in Runescape, somewhere far northwest of Relleka. The fairies call this place another dimension many times--but if Zanaris is located in Runescape, that must mean they're lying! But why? Perhaps it is all a coverup; the fairies have a dark secret that the citizens of Runescape were never meant to hear. More likely, however, it is the fact that the fairies actually believe this, as few of them have ever left the land in their lifetime (despite the fairy rings). As stated by the fairy coordinator, they do not know much about their past.




What past? Where did the fairies come from? Nobody knows, but we can make an educated guess. Here's my stab at it...




When the God Wars broke out in Runescape, Saradomin and Zamorak began a huge fight over control of Runescape, which appeared to devistate all areas of the mainland. A small group of settlers, opposed to the conflict, may have sailed away, seeking shelter in the isolated northern lands of Runescape. The island they landed on, the area now known as Zanaris, became their home. In this area, they were able to manipulate powerful magics and developed a natural fortress against invaders. In a later time, probably after the end of the wars, the people decided to make contact with the mainland once more with the use of their Fairy Rings. Perhaps the people left, their civilization destroyed by some unforseen force, only for the island to be later inhabited by fairies. Maybe the people evolved into these creatures in order to better suit their environment or as a curse from a Runescape diety. We will probably never know...




Theory #2:


Although the sextant states that Zanaris is located north of the Picatoris Fishing Colony, it may not be so; Zanaris, in fact, might not be in the land of Runescape at all. The sextant is quite a simple tool--a person has two views, that of the horizon and that of the sun. When the upper or lower edge of the sun touches the horizon, then the angle of the sextant is recorded (found on the side of the sextant; a second person oftentimes determines it). By looking up the time,and then using a special chart, a person can decipher the information to find out their coordinates.










The problem with this is that is was designed to work at sea level, and thus the charts are only accurate if you're on the ground. It is possible that Zanaris could be located in the sky, or possibly even in space! See this chart to better understand what I mean.








Yeah, it's very bad..I know. The green represents land, the blue sky, and black space. Anyways, both dot A (Zanaris' possible location on land) and dot B (Zanaris' possible location in space) are at the same angle to the sun, meaning you should get the same reading on the sextant. Of course, since you can see a sky through the sextant when in Zanaris, this must mean that it is either an island in the sky or it is a satellite of Runescape that has its own atsmosphere (which is remarkably similar to the one of its mother planet). The fact that you can craft cosmic runes in Zanaris may make this possible. This would techically make the fairies aliens, and make it so that you are actually deciphering an alien language in the "Cure A Queen" quest.






Zanaris is definately a very mysterious place, and we'll never know all the answers. I tried my best to come up with appropriate theories (and have been shot down because of my misunderstanding of the God Wars); there is so little information on the area itself that it is quite pathetic, to be honest. Even with a quest triology taking place inside its walls, we know almost nothing more than we did when we started (and from what I can gather, the last quest won't tell us much either). One thing is true, however, and that is that Zanaris is not located in another dimension at all. :D

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interesting theory but i think somewhat useless




the location is the chicken liar as with all other 'dugneons' or other plains is simply an off main map location




As for zanaris itself it is the lost city, that implies it once wasn't lost.


As for tis location it clear seems to be purely underground in the lumbridge swamp- al-khaird area. How far underground remains to be seen




As for your god wars theory if you learnt tht god wars correctly you would see tht is total jibberish




Guthix is god of balance - not of natural stuff. His role is keeping saradomin and zamoraks influences and lands in balance.




As for during the god wars in all stories it is clearly stated he was in slumber deep below ground, but was awoken by the wars. Rose to the surface to end them.




Once the gods agreed to not set foot on the planet again he went bk down to re-start his slumber, stopping at guthix tears to weep over the destruction and his power was so gr8 tht the rocks wept with him




And that version of god war events can be 100% backed up by stuff around the rs site and in-game facts


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Somebody didn't read the first two sentences. :roll:




Anyways, it's true I didn't read too much on the god wars, but I'm quite sure that Guthix has a connection with nature...and a rather strong one at that.




Anyways, thank you for correcting the inaccuracies of this post. It was just an attempt to look deeper into the oddities of the game...there's nothing wrong with that.




At least it's better than the same old content published over and overand over and over and over and over...




Anyways, I'll revise the first theory.




Thank you for posting.

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Somebody didn't read the first two sentences. :roll:




I did read the first two lines, juts thought I'd point out tht where ur theory lacked the evidence to exsist. There was evidence for it to not exsist


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My first theory was a little weak, I'll give you that. I completely forgot about the conversation my character had in the "Tears of Guthix" quest. :wall:




Anyways, I changed it so as not to include Guthix. Tell me if you like that any more.




Look, I've always been curious as to why Zanaris was the way it was, especially since the fairies note that they do not remember anything about the original people (possibly their ancestors) and because it's quite odd that it does have coordinates. Why didn't they make it so you couldn't find the coordinates in the first place?




I respect your opinion on the matter, although I disagree about the fact that it's worthless. Like I said, it's something different and it gives people a chnace to see things in a different light. My view of the God Wars may have been a bit corrupted, but that doesn't mean that the thread has absolutely no evidence supporting it.




Also, I'm not sure whether my logic for my second theory is 100% correct...although I hope it is.




As for Guthix: I don't know, I swear I read he was associated with nature. Maybe it's because the statue of him in the mage arena makes him look like a hippie? Not sure...

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I personally think it is an interesting theory




But I personall think the co-ordinates are a glitch of some sort




Due to the walls and many many torches I think it to be underground somewhere, moved by magic perhaps thus making it lost




Of late alot of palces that were never allowed to have co-ordinates before have been allowed to, such as the inside of rc alters.




But then again working on tht theory, perhaps it has yet to be placed, due to its off mapness




There was shown to be another landmass west of the elf lands in a recent world map slip up. And all the current 'western' lands (aka beyond the underground pass) have strong nature and magic connections, so perhaps the fairies could be inhabiting there






If it is on map the current northwest of rellekke co-ordiantes do not work really as going further north the lands are becoming graduall more barren, whihc leads me to be;ive its more like to be in the west




I mean if you look at rs areas they shown trends


Heading west it goes more natural




South it gets more barren (orges and desert)




To the east it turns swampy and desolate




Island in the water in southern palces are tropics (karmaja, ape atoll, mos le harmless)




And heading north heads to snow and mountainous lands




So if it was in the actually map, I would be inclined to think it would be more in the west than where its current co-ordinates suggest




Just my thoughts and musings


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I can understand that logic. I said it was an island because of Miscellenia, Etceteria, and the Picatoris Fishing Colony are all in the area near Relleka. And yes, although the area does seem to become gradually more barren and frozen the further north you go, it might be possible that Zanaris would be part of a chain of islands that circles around an artic circle or an artic landmass. Again, we don't know the climate of the area, so...




And yes, I do agree that it is probably a glitch of some sort. This thread was more about trying to logically explain things in Runescape, which oftentimes doesn't happen as much as we wish.




Again, I really do value your input, and it's certainly giving me something to think about. I was going to add the fact that Zanaris might be underground as well, but then I realized that you wouldn't be able to see the sun then...




Anyways, I guess this thread is more about filling in the gaps in Runescape's history which look like they'll never be filled.

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Never say never




New rs updates alwasy turn up new paths of convo and new information




All the history is getting muhc more filled in of late




It was all very patchy but since around july last yr it has gradually been filled in




From the story of zaros to info on vampires




it is getting there, and hu knows what a fairy tale part 3 will bring


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You are right, but I'm not sure how Jagex is going to pull this one out of their hats.




Unless the Fairy Godfather turns out to be a diety in disguise who had destroyed the previous civilization and has now come back once again to unleash his destructive power to the world or something else really shocking/border-line irrational, I don't think we'll get all the answers we're looking for.




It's true that you should never say never. I guess you could've also said that appearances aren't everything. :)




Wow...we've been going on back and forth for a while now, haven't we?




And yes, "interesting" would be the way to describe these theories. :lol:

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I think the logical palce for the answers we want to come from will be information on the 'huge dimensional rift' that the fairy queen utilised to make fairy rings




she may not know all the answers, but the rift would have to have come from somewhere and someone somewhere else on the rift (aka at a currently unworking location or the pine forest perhaps) must know more on the rift and origins of the planes of exsisit around it




perhaps the wise old man knows something


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You have clearly put alot of work into this, you have won Dayking's smartest post of the week Yes, i know no one gives the **** about what I said, but its a great, and intelligent post, that deserves all applaud it gets. :D. =D> =D> =D> .


Currently going for 76 fishing

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interesting theory but i think somewhat useless




the location is the chicken liar as with all other 'dugneons' or other plains is simply an off main map location




As for zanaris itself it is the lost city, that implies it once wasn't lost.


As for tis location it clear seems to be purely underground in the lumbridge swamp- al-khaird area. How far underground remains to be seen




As for your god wars theory if you learnt tht god wars correctly you would see tht is total jibberish




Guthix is god of balance - not of natural stuff. His role is keeping saradomin and zamoraks influences and lands in balance.




As for during the god wars in all stories it is clearly stated he was in slumber deep below ground, but was awoken by the wars. Rose to the surface to end them.




Once the gods agreed to not set foot on the planet again he went bk down to re-start his slumber, stopping at guthix tears to weep over the destruction and his power was so gr8 tht the rocks wept with him




And that version of god war events can be 100% backed up by stuff around the rs site and in-game facts




Unfortunately, his theories are credible. Though not the God War. But as for it being in space, or north of the fishing colony is yet to be seen. The coordinates for Al-Kharid and Lumby Swamps is not that of what the coordinates speak, so thusfore ruled out. It was explained 100% accurately, though it is yet to be proven due to it being theorum.




Guthix is the God of Balance, but he is also the God of nature, you have the rest correct, simple mistake. Saradomin is the God of Light, Zamarok of Evil, Guthix of Nature (and balance).




I can understand that logic. I said it was an island because of Miscellenia, Etceteria, and the Picatoris Fishing Colony are all in the area near Relleka. And yes, although the area does seem to become gradually more barren and frozen the further north you go, it might be possible that Zanaris would be part of a chain of islands that circles around an artic circle or an artic landmass. Again, we don't know the climate of the area, so...



Let us now go back in time to a promising from Jagex about let's see... a FROZEN LAND? yes my friends, YES!!!! We have a winner, and a new theory.. And a lead to the frozen lands that were promised long ago?




I love your theories, they're logical and fit well, we'll see what Jagex does won't we?

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interesting theory but i think somewhat useless




the location is the chicken liar as with all other 'dugneons' or other plains is simply an off main map location




As for zanaris itself it is the lost city, that implies it once wasn't lost.


As for tis location it clear seems to be purely underground in the lumbridge swamp- al-khaird area. How far underground remains to be seen




As for your god wars theory if you learnt tht god wars correctly you would see tht is total jibberish




Guthix is god of balance - not of natural stuff. His role is keeping saradomin and zamoraks influences and lands in balance.




As for during the god wars in all stories it is clearly stated he was in slumber deep below ground, but was awoken by the wars. Rose to the surface to end them.




Once the gods agreed to not set foot on the planet again he went bk down to re-start his slumber, stopping at guthix tears to weep over the destruction and his power was so gr8 tht the rocks wept with him




And that version of god war events can be 100% backed up by stuff around the rs site and in-game facts




Unfortunately, his theories are credible. Though not the God War. But as for it being in space, or north of the fishing colony is yet to be seen. The coordinates for Al-Kharid and Lumby Swamps is not that of what the coordinates speak, so thusfore ruled out. It was explained 100% accurately, though it is yet to be proven due to it being theorum.




Guthix is the God of Balance, but he is also the God of nature, you have the rest correct, simple mistake. Saradomin is the God of Light, Zamarok of Evil, Guthix of Nature (and balance).




I can understand that logic. I said it was an island because of Miscellenia, Etceteria, and the Picatoris Fishing Colony are all in the area near Relleka. And yes, although the area does seem to become gradually more barren and frozen the further north you go, it might be possible that Zanaris would be part of a chain of islands that circles around an artic circle or an artic landmass. Again, we don't know the climate of the area, so...



Let us now go back in time to a promising from Jagex about let's see... a FROZEN LAND? yes my friends, YES!!!! We have a winner, and a new theory.. And a lead to the frozen lands that were promised long ago?




I love your theories, they're logical and fit well, we'll see what Jagex does won't we?


Aren't there frozen lands already? Where you do the desert treasure part of rescuing the troll parents etc.? or the frozen lands were promised after dt? But i might be wrong so sorry if i am :(


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Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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Nice story for the first theory but the only proof of that theory is because the chicken area has coordinates.




I think Zanaris is similar to the Abyss plane; a type of 'lobby' dimension which you can use to enter many other dimensions.


99 Magic, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Fletching, 99 Woodcutting, 99 Firemaking, 99 Thieving, 99 Ranged, 99 Prayer, 99 Cooking, 99 Fishing

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Due to the walls and many many torches I think it to be underground somewhere, moved by magic perhaps thus making it lost






No somewhere in that quest (lost city or just talking to the fairy queen) it says that zanaris is not of this world...




when i do the quest again on my staker ill let y'all know :boohoo:



New sigzor^^

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Due to the walls and many many torches I think it to be underground somewhere, moved by magic perhaps thus making it lost






No somewhere in that quest (lost city or just talking to the fairy queen) it says that zanaris is not of this world...




when i do the quest again on my staker ill let y'all know :boohoo:




Well if it is in space, then technically, it wouldn't of of this world, would it? Also, it DOES have the cosmic rune alter there.. which leads to 'space' style alter.

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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....You need to take a break from the game, mate.




Lol.. yeah h... I mean! :o THere's no need for the spam matey! :P O:)

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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haha sweeeet! :D




what I really want is a quest were I get to see/talk/fight with one of the rs gods. That would be sweet :)




+1... i have always wanted to own the god of zamorak... :anxious:

Getting another sig


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There is a flaw in your theory...




The horizon in space (point "B") is not straight to the right, and if you're not ont he ground , your horizon would be at a less sharper angle...




or what if its way out there... then there would be no horizon to set your sextant to

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I'm stil waiting for the day that you fall off the cosmic altar and land at the Piscatoris fishing colony. Would be funny.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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