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Is 1Gb enough these days...


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Well in the next few weeks i shall be getting my hands on a nice new computer but i cant decide on 1Gb or 2Gb of ram sure 1Gb will be ine for now, but how long for? Is it worth the extra cash now for the 2Gb or just upgrade at a later date?

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I suggest you get 2GB. I had 1GB and I've recently upgraded. I've noticed quite a performance boost with everything. Windows Vista Professional (Or whatever) requires a minimum of 1GB of RAM, while the basic edition requires 512mb. If I were getting the 'Professional edition' I wouldn't want the bare minimum.




I believe the bare minimum for XP is 64mb of RAM. I've ran XP on 64mb of RAM. It's not very fun. I think it's enough for now, but with all of the new technology submerging I think it'd be wise to fork over some extra cash.

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My computer personally still has 512MB :x




I'd say if you are either 1) doing a lot of high end stuff on your computer or 2) planning to upgrade to Windows Vista, get 2GB. If not, 1GB should be fine.


Retired tip.it moderator.

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You could just go for a stick of 512. But of course like others have said, it depends on what you're using your computer for.




If you're just a RS player that does a little bit of homework and listens to music, then 1GB is more than enough.




But if you're looking towards stuff like Oblivion, Call of Duty, and Doom 4, then you'll be needing that extra 1GB.




Also, it's not sensible to go overdrive and get like 8GBs of RAM because then your system will spread out the tasks over the 8GBs, which reduces performance and it's expensive.

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I'm running 768MB myself (333 speed because the mobo can't run 3 DDR sticks at 400 speed) with a Sempron 3100+. I'm planning to upgrade to 1Gb.




System specs, especially memory, have a lot to do with what you're running. Programs such as current PC games, photoediting software, etc. will require at least 1Gb and you may want the 2Gb to match the rest of the system requirements for them. Anything graphics-intensive is going to require more memory with a good VGA card.

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Yes but most people do NOT NEED 1 gig of ram. I have a gig of RAM and honestly I don't need it. You need a gig of RAM if you're going to be running new PC games or fancy photo or video editing software. If you use a computer just for internet, word processing and something light like runescape, with music running in the background like 50% of computer owners, then all you need is Windows 98 or 2000 with a pentium 2. Honestly I think that alot of upgrades are unecessary, they are just the computer industry capitolizing on the uninformed. Dell cons people left and right putting people's computers together and telling them they need all these upgrades. NO! YOU DON'T!




I could go to a thrift store and get a pentium 2 for fifty dollars and not even miss windows XP and my high-end computer most of the time.








Anyway get a gig of RAM, it will be plenty for the next several years. You can upgrade later if you need to

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It depends on the games you are playing too. For example, some games are much more texture extensive *cough* Everquest II *cough*, and realy require more RAM to speed things up. (because it is pretty much having to get more texture info and store it constantly. Can't explain it that well).




However, some games seem to be a bit more friendly towards your RAM but harsher on your video card.






Anyways, if you have the cash I'd go for 2GB. Right now I personaly have 1GB (I'm thinking about getting another gig, i'm not sure however. I want to get a 7600GT first though [to upgrade from my 6600GT])





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thanks for all the replies, im not gonan be hardcore gaming on it or anything.having said that i cant really say because my current pc sucks more than my hoover at this moment in time and it crashes if i bring a new pc game past it in the case.




Anyway i have a fair idea of what im gonna get, but i dont actualy have a budget at this moment in time (not my money u see :lol: ) i will post the processor etc below and u can tell me what you think.




Bear in mind this is for nothing too demanding a few games ( im not fussed about top notch graphics turned up full blast or anything ) some internet.




IntelÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî PentiumÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî D 820 Dual Core Processor (2.80GHz, 800MHz, 2x1MB cache)




IntelÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî PentiumÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî D 930 Dual Core Processor (3.00GHz, 800MHz, 2x2MB cache)






1024MB Dual Channel DDR2 533MHz [2x512]




2048MB Dual Channel DDR2 533MHz [4x512]




And ofcourse their is the graphix card. which it just so happens i knwo nothing about, so maybe one of you could tell me if this would be any good for some basic gaming on low graphix settings




256MB ATI RadeonÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî X600 HyperMemory graphics card

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I would go with the 930D for the proccesor, mainly because it' just newer and it runs on 65nm than 90nm for the 820, which means it will demand less power and run cooler (and quieter).




The memory go with the 1gb in dual channel but go for 667mhz. If you do deside to go with 2gb, get x2 1gb sticks instaid of 4x512s.




For graphics I suggest these: (slowest to fastest)











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I personally think 1GB is enough however it all depends on what you use your computer for. If you can get 2GB why not then u have it is you need it! :-w

Joe. :D


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1 GB is fine for now.




I would suggest upgrading now...but RAM falls at such a quick rate nowadays i would wait a bit and see if you can save 20-30 bucks.




RAM is so cheap now though that upgrading now would be a decent suggestion as well.




if you wanna save 30 bucks or so...wait a bit and look for a deal. if not...just get it now (2 1GB sticks)




i mean...look at this RAM...pc6400 (double the frequency of mine) and the latency is superb. i bought my 1GB a year ago (pc 3200..2 512's) for like $100. and now for 2GB at double the frequency it is at $158 with a mail-in rebate. see how quick it falls lol? :lol:




http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6820145590

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Yes but most people do NOT NEED 1 gig of ram. I have a gig of RAM and honestly I don't need it. You need a gig of RAM if you're going to be running new PC games or fancy photo or video editing software. If you use a computer just for internet, word processing and something light like runescape, with music running in the background like 50% of computer owners, then all you need is Windows 98 or 2000 with a pentium 2. Honestly I think that alot of upgrades are unecessary, they are just the computer industry capitolizing on the uninformed. Dell cons people left and right putting people's computers together and telling them they need all these upgrades. NO! YOU DON'T!




I could go to a thrift store and get a pentium 2 for fifty dollars and not even miss windows XP and my high-end computer most of the time.








Anyway get a gig of RAM, it will be plenty for the next several years. You can upgrade later if you need to




dude, i have a pentium 2 with windows 98. and i cant even run RS, along with a browser. and i have 262 RAM.

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thanks for all the replies, im not gonan be hardcore gaming on it or anything.having said that i cant really say because my current pc sucks more than my hoover at this moment in time and it crashes if i bring a new pc game past it in the case.




Anyway i have a fair idea of what im gonna get, but i dont actualy have a budget at this moment in time (not my money u see :lol: ) i will post the processor etc below and u can tell me what you think.




Bear in mind this is for nothing too demanding a few games ( im not fussed about top notch graphics turned up full blast or anything ) some internet.




IntelÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî PentiumÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî D 820 Dual Core Processor (2.80GHz, 800MHz, 2x1MB cache)




IntelÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî PentiumÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî D 930 Dual Core Processor (3.00GHz, 800MHz, 2x2MB cache)






1024MB Dual Channel DDR2 533MHz [2x512]




2048MB Dual Channel DDR2 533MHz [4x512]




And ofcourse their is the graphix card. which it just so happens i knwo nothing about, so maybe one of you could tell me if this would be any good for some basic gaming on low graphix settings




256MB ATI RadeonÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî X600 HyperMemory graphics card




That should be able to run stuff (such as half life 2) on all high details fairly easy.




the new Dual core processors are great from what I heard, and an X600 isn't bad.






I'd personaly go with a 6600GT though, you could get one on newegg for something like 100$-ish.

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/me laughs at count chocola




First of all, pentium 2 for 50$, your getting RIPPED OFF imo.




Second of all, Dell has fully customizable products, and they May suggest that you will need an upgrade, but they wont tell you. Ive ordered 3 customized computers with dell, and none of which have had a person tell me what to upgrade.




And i will be shocked if a gig of ram will be enough for most highend games this time next year, you need ram no matter what you are using your machine for, but i would not suggest under 512 or over 2gb, because that will lack the performance you are looking for.


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Yes but most people do NOT NEED 1 gig of ram. I have a gig of RAM and honestly I don't need it. You need a gig of RAM if you're going to be running new PC games or fancy photo or video editing software. If you use a computer just for internet, word processing and something light like runescape, with music running in the background like 50% of computer owners, then all you need is Windows 98 or 2000 with a pentium 2. Honestly I think that alot of upgrades are unecessary, they are just the computer industry capitolizing on the uninformed. Dell cons people left and right putting people's computers together and telling them they need all these upgrades. NO! YOU DON'T!




I could go to a thrift store and get a pentium 2 for fifty dollars and not even miss windows XP and my high-end computer most of the time.








Anyway get a gig of RAM, it will be plenty for the next several years. You can upgrade later if you need to




dude, i have a pentium 2 with windows 98. and i cant even run RS, along with a browser. and i have 262 RAM.




Last I checked you can't have 262 RAM. That aside I lived with a PII 350Mhz, 64MB and 8GB for a year or so and it ran everything fine - Winamp, RS, Doom, Quake (to an extent)... If you have 256 it should actually fly for most things. People really don't put enough faith in low-end technology these days; a computer like that would make a fine web browsing terminal.




Anyway I have a gig of ram in each of my machines with at least 3.2Ghz or equivalent processors and x800 or better video cards and they all run fine. I don't see what need there is to up it to 2GB. The only time I lagged was while making a map in Valve Hammer and playtesting it at the same time.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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/me laughs at count chocola




First of all, pentium 2 for 50$, your getting RIPPED OFF imo.




Second of all, Dell has fully customizable products, and they May suggest that you will need an upgrade, but they wont tell you. Ive ordered 3 customized computers with dell, and none of which have had a person tell me what to upgrade.




And i will be shocked if a gig of ram will be enough for most highend games this time next year, you need ram no matter what you are using your machine for, but i would not suggest under 512 or over 2gb, because that will lack the performance you are looking for.




Well I still think Dell is a rip-off, because you can buy your own parts and put together your own computer for less money without a whole lot of technical knowledge. That and I don't like how their hard drives come loaded down with Dell junk and software they think you need, and they use mini-ATX motherboards and crappy cramped cases.

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262 RAM? LOL




Where are you getting this 6MB RAM stick? :roll:




Here's the general rule of thumb: If it was released before 2000, a Pentium II with 64 MB will almost certainly run it. :D




It is possible, although highly unlikely.




(128 x 2) + 8 = 264MB.




Take 2MB for on-board graphics. Leaves 262MB Ram.






1GB is enough for XP on everyday usage, in fact. Even with 2GB of RAM. My computer never uses anymore than 900MB~ when surfing etc...




If you're playing new games like Oblivion, I suggest 2GB just to be safe.




Plus having 2GB is good for the bragging rights. :wink:


Notoriously Trollish.

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ok people thanks for the info, i geuss from what your all saying i will def get atleast 1gb but depending on my budget i will try for 2gb for the future, but if i cant i geuss its no big deal and i will just upgrade later as long as it as easy as u say :shock:




Idiot proof yeah?

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ok people thanks for the info, i geuss from what your all saying i will def get atleast 1gb but depending on my budget i will try for 2gb for the future, but if i cant i geuss its no big deal and i will just upgrade later as long as it as easy as u say :shock:




Idiot proof yeah?




Yep, installing memory yourself later couldn't be easier.




There are also guides on the internet and in PC magazines that can show you exactly.


Notoriously Trollish.

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well ure kinda REALLY STUPID if ur buying a pc before 2007 cause if u are ur pc will be a piece of CRAP in 2007 cause all the comps are gonna have 64 bit prossecors and most of them now are 32 bit unless u gettin amd athlon 64 fx proccesor... so one thing DO NOT BUY A PC IN 2006




also here are my comp specs:








Dell: (mine)






pentium 4 1500mhz




vid card: 32mb nvidea gforce




soundcard: turtle beach santacruz




Operating Sys: Windows Xp Professional Service Pack 3




harddisk: 120GB Seagate




memory: 384mb




and im able to run apps like:




GTA: Vice City




NFS Underground 2




NFS: Mostwanted




Autocad 2007 (SAYS min specs are 1GB of ram and 3.0ghz prossecor n 64bit vid card but runs perfectly fine no lag




Adobe Photoshop cs2 9.01




Gta: 3




SO heres a pic:








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