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wILdY ATTRACTION- wat is it about the wilderness PKers?


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As a respectable Skill LeVeLEr- i just wanna know- what is it about the wilderness that makes Pkers Pkers? y do they go there all the time? y do they stop playing thier "mains" if they hav them to play a nooby pure account that doesnt really matter to them? it doesnt make any difference 2 their mains if they score a couple k or so in the wildy- so why go? of coarse some people may not have a preference between their main and pker, some players mains are pkers and i know i go sometimes hoping i"ll pik up full rune before teleporting out of there, but i also know i would never stop leveling up Tyrant Iv to play some lvl 16 pure...



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I actually like to Pk and skill train. :)




I like pking because you are fighting someone with actual thoughts and concerns. It is much funner than a monster, and it is never the same. There is the possibility of drops, although worthy ones are rare on F2P. I can see pking being popular on P2P because most people are wealthy, and wear expensive armour. Pking is for those people who like a challenge I suppose. Making money is my cup of tea though. :roll:




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


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wild pking is the only thing that keeps me playing, and since its becoming ruined i play alot less often

The world would be a whole lot better if little green men in UFO's came down to earth to abduct rednecks.
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People get joy from killing others,it's much better than killing a monster millions of times to train.The victory is much sweeter when you kill some one & it drops something valuable.It's definately a challenge how to defeat someone before they escape.




You only come to know of Pking when you actually make an account & take the trouble of training it & kill a few people.Otherwise you just feel that why do people pk?Pking with main is somewhat difficult if you dont have a clan or a good group(ofcourse it can be done without clans & all but still).Dunno why but making an account from scratch to be a pure is much better.


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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I enjoy a good pk here or there. It is a true test of your skill to go up against someone around your level, after all the human brain far surpasses any A.I. you will find in any game.




I don't like the people that get all aggressive in the wilderness (wordwise not fightwise). When I fight someone I like to hold a little convo with them to keep things interesting, I also always when I die to someone else congratulate them on a good fight. Fighting like that makes the wilderness far more fun. When you can have an honest fight without hateful words, it is so much better.

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People get joy from killing others,it's much better than killing a monster millions of times to train.The victory is much sweeter when you kill some one & it drops something valuable.It's definately a challenge how to defeat someone before they escape.







i agree too

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pk-ing is the only thing in the game that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.




Its exciting challenging you never know who will be next, it takes much more skill than skilling you have to time specs, time pots ,prayer.




pk-ing is addictive if your good at it.

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yes those "wilderness pkers" that has to be the dumbest statement ive ever heard "omg leik why do da n00bs pk n de wildrnes" its what the wilderness was made for i just dont understand how stupid you would ave to be to not understand this its very simple THE WILDERNESS WAS MADE FOR PKING

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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Yea personally i used to hate goin into the wilderness, then i decided to make a pker account, now i love it! rarely go wit my main unless wit friends, but like it wit my pkers. But theres nothing worse when u kill some1 and u start getting pm's 'oh plz can i have my rune scimmy back plz' and all that sort of stuff! id u some how not no of the risks of going into the wilderness???

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I think hes talking about why people make pures for PKing, not why you PK. But I may just read too fast #-o

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Guest Armagedon46disabled

we'll i had a pure lvl 83 range 80 str, and he was hacked, i got it back but the guy for def so i quit it... and then i started pking on my main, lots of dds, d cims, and stuff lots of rune, but then i pk full dharoks and a whip and get pjed, losing the dharoks and my own whip and his whip :( so i quit pking and made a skiller

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About a third of the time that I'm online it's usually for pking. It's not really for the items but it's for fun, items are just a +. :P

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I really don't think he is asking why people pk, I think he is asking why don't people pk on their MAINS?




I have the same question now that I think about it. No matter how successful your pure is, it will always be a secondary account, never as good as the main.




So what if you pk full rune off someone? You will never be able to wear it.




Maybe I'm being too pedantic about it though...

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to all tose people asking about the bit of the title


wilderness Pkers?


i didnt want durial to post here... nah lol i meant


wat is it about the wilderness Pkers?


as in i was asking "Pkers- wat is it about the wilderness?"





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