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Armor as a Favor


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Ok, i would put this in rants, but i'm not quite that mad about it, so here it is:




How do higher level smithers deal with friends who ask for armor as a favor?




I mean, I like my friends and all, but it is starting to tick me off that they ask me to make them some armor, for free of course.




Do they really think that its free and easy for us? Like making full mith is just like chopping down a tree?




How can i deal with friends who beg for armor?

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"Do you really think that its free and easy for us? Like making full mith is just like chopping down a tree?"




Say that :P






But it isn't just for high lvl smiths. This also applies to other skills, like fishing. I get begged all the time by some of my friends to catch me a couple sharks. I just always log out or ignore them :oops: .


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Depends who it is. If it's a new friend, I usually politely tell them no, unless they give me some materials. If I've known them for a while, then the armor is free :D




But if they're you're friend, they should be able to understand that you don't have the resources to be giving them free armor. :x


Retired tip.it moderator.

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I put those friends on the ever so helpful, ignore list :twisted: haha jk. but i do put them there. if they ask for free stuff its just like a low lvl beggar noob asking for full mith but i am recently getting my friend a gift for being a good friend (100 sets of full mith)


Seling 45548 Airs PM if u want to buy some!

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Say that to them, thats understandable.




Or say, I cant have you as a friend if your gonna ask me for free stuff.




Absoultly right!



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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i wudnt say im a high lvl smith like my smithin is only 56, but even if any of my low lvl friends ask for full steel or iron or some mith bits, i normally tell them get me the bars and ill do it. Otherwise its just not worth my time.

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If its some one you know in real life, then you could make it should they provide materials, but if its some one you meet on runescape, politely decline. If you make a habit of it, they will miraculously get "hacked" or "die" and inconviently need a new set. -__-

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I normally just give em the mith .. but that's because I'm way nice, I even mine the mith and coal ... which is normally a pain I'm nice like dat :uhh:




but if some random guy comes up and asks me to make mith I'll be like :evil:

i am a paint noob
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yeah, you can help them obtain it easier but they shouldnt expect you to give something worth anything between 10-200k because they randomly die with it, you could ask them to get you the equality in coal instead, most people can mine coal, if they can't they aren't even trying anyway.




my friend gives rune sets for either the bars needed or 950 coal, wich I think is a decent deal.

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