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Concerning defenders...


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Defenders seem good if your into European style fencing.


Also, the animation for the defender is annoying.


You run somewhere and you have to studder-step everytime your attacked.

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He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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They are simply a blade catching weapon.




The jitte of the japanese midieval era was similar. The whole point is not to take the blunt of the blow on the blade but to push it out of the way. You don't have to stop the swing just push it out of line. Once it is out of line, your opponent is wide open for your own thrust.

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It's a jut a parrying weapon to throw your oppenent off balance. If you watch closely when your using a defender When your charcter blocks he raises his hand up and then kinda moves it to the left as though knocking away the opponents hand :wink:


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Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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Knuckledusters I think?




Brass Knuckles, I'm pretty sure is what he meant :P

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I'd rather have my eyelids taken out and then be forced to live in a sunny and dry place for 3 years with no water. Naked.








I'm pretty sure a 'defender' is used to block swords, made of a sturdy and light metal, small enough to block a sword with 1 hand, and counter attack with your weapon. How the hell it blocks a whip I don't know. :-#

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Defenders are simply small daggers held in the off-hand (yes, held LIKE a dagger is held, lol.) They are often called "Main Gauche", which means left hand or something in french. They were superior to bucklers and other shields in duels against a "thrusting" weapon but inferior against "cutting" (slashing, chopping, etc.) weapons. Since daggers offered a superior form of alternate attack (stab/slash as opposed to bashing their heads in with the shield) and thrusting weapons were viewed as more deadly than cutting weapons, they were much more frequently used in duels. Thrusting offerred both a longer reach and a more protected form of attack (until some guy thought to simply step back and hack at the attackers' arm that is, lol. Took awhile, though.) Another great thing about them is that they offered better chances of a "riposte" (attacking immediatly after blocking/parrying an attack).




So it is held by the "stub" like a dagger. The vantage point that the picture of the defender is taken makes it appear much too small to actually hold on to. A dds would look the same if pictured that way.




...history lesson over. :XD:








i love weapon history buffs!




Used to be waaayyy into that stuff lol :D



New sigzor^^

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to be honest it looks like a cross, on what looks like the blade looks like jesus lol

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Knuckledusters I think?
ummm how about bronze knuckles?? lol I love having a teenage brother, he was reading over my shoulder and chimed in.

finally back in the game! send me a message, all my old friends quit

I laughed so hard I pooped my thong. :lol:
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Watch some Naruto




I'd rather have my eyelids taken out and then be forced to live in a sunny and dry place for 3 years with no water. Naked.








I'm pretty sure a 'defender' is used to block swords, made of a sturdy and light metal, small enough to block a sword with 1 hand, and counter attack with your weapon. How the hell it blocks a whip I don't know. :-#




yes nor have I discovered why you can harm someone with a whip when they are wearing full plate armor.

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Watch some Naruto




I'd rather have my eyelids taken out and then be forced to live in a sunny and dry place for 3 years with no water. Naked.








I'm pretty sure a 'defender' is used to block swords, made of a sturdy and light metal, small enough to block a sword with 1 hand, and counter attack with your weapon. How the hell it blocks a whip I don't know. :-#




yes nor have I discovered why you can harm someone with a whip when they are wearing full plate armor.




I would assume that the entrails of abby demons are made from stronger stuff than metal. A barbless whip can cut through leather like butter in the right hands so I would assume that barbed abby-entrails would do the same to metal? Or it is just magic. Magic, pssh. :roll: :lol:


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yes nor have I discovered why you can harm someone with a whip when they are wearing full plate armor.




They're abyssal. The rules are different over there.

I'm back?! No wayz!!!


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