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The gp of DOOM!


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u decide to range something but u notice ur crystal bow has turned into a seed, no problem and u teleport to llyeta, on the way to ilfeen u accidentaly snag a tripwire and get poisond by some arrows, all nouxious from the poison u take the wrong way and tumble into a trap where u get done 500 damage, and elf finds u and takes the gp from you but i kill him on a slayer task weee.

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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The deadly gp in your hands starts growing in your heart an imesurable greed. Guided unconsciously by the Gp of Doom, you start a incredibly long jorney to Al Kharid, and fight the mortal heat of the Kharidian Desert, to get to the Pyramid of Jalsavrah. Althought the heat was mortal you make it up to the entrance of the Pyramid. "I know what I'm doing - let's get on with it!", you say, blinded by the shine of all the treasures you imagine that are inside.




Bravely you go foward with your tomb exploring, avoiding some of the terrible traps and fighting the horrible creatures released by the ones you fail to deactivate. Then finally, exausted but still moved by the greedy influence of the gp of doom, you get to the final chamber of the Pyramid, to get the biggest of all treasures, The Sceptre of The Ancient King.




You grab it, and while youre hipnotized with the bright of the gold and jewels in it, you don't realize that behind you, is a young, beautiful and white haired girl named Nayarah, who was following you all the time since you entered the pyramid. "Look at him, he seems hypnotized by all gold, and still has a 'determination look' in his eyes", i thought, "this guy might be the one who will gently do the hard work for me!"...




When i notice your fascination for the sceptre i release the final trap, deadliest of all ones, a beast no one could handle. It notices the sceptre at your hands ang goes with all its fury in your direction. Surprised, you fight it with all your strenght, but youre already tired and finally fall down. A minute before you die, you see me in the corner of the room, grabbing the sceptre and smiling at you, biting a delicious piece of swordifish and looking at you like saying: "would you like one of those, i have plenty in my bag!"... You hate me with all your heart in the last seconds of your life... And swear revenge when waking up in Lumbridge.




In my full shape because i haven't fought anything inside the tomb, i have enough power to defeat the creature, wich was already a bit weakened by the previous fight with you... Before i leave the room, i decide to give you a decent funeral for the favor you had done to me and... Whats this? A coin? It looks brighter than the others in the pile!... I grab your money and keep the special-looking gp in my pockets, and decide to make it my "LUCKY" gp!... I leave the tomb with the sceptre, your money and that unique "amulet" with me... To a nearest good market place to do some business.

Onen i estel Edain, ÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¡-chebin estel anim...

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u come to ardougne to do some trading and then u notice a cake stall with a delicious chocolat cake on it. not very nice as you are u decide to steal the cake, but the moment u reach for it a guard appears out of nowhere and teleports u to a cage somewhere in varrock.




i come out of lumbridge looking for a rich player to beg for partyhats when i see you, i recognise u and determined to take my revenge i start throwing rotten tomatoes at you as hard as i can. a tramp next to me finds it very ammusing and starts throwing too.




blinded by the tomatoes u accidentaly eat one, after a while u manage to get out of the gate, but the tomatoe u ate made u very sick u can hardly walk and u look all green. then out of nowhere an evil chicken appears, with your last strenght u manage to kill me but ur so weakend u tumble into the fountain and drown.




i start laughing very hard and walk to the fountain there i see something shiny, it's the coin hehe welcome back my friend.

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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as u walk south of varrock to the mine u notice a lvl 15 fighting a bear the lvl 15 is almost dead so u decide to stay and look. the newb dies and u, as noobish as u are, run to his pile to grab all his things.




in your wildish clicking to get the stuff u accidentaly attack the bear, and then u notice u only have 1hp left and the bear rips you to pieces.




i again coming out of lumbridge notice the pile and see the coin.............i decide not to take it as it caused my death 2 times already and walk over it, the coin gets stuck under my boots without me knowing it and so i still have the coin.

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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i suddenly notice i lost my boots somewhere and start looking for it after a while i see u shooting someone with a machinegun and think !wth! since when are there machineguns in runescape. i walk over to you to ask you for some boots when suddenly out of nowhere a mystirious weirdo with a beard appears and teles you away.




you were supposed to be teleported to a mime theater but accidentaly got teleported 2000 feet above me and u fall down, i just walked away to find boots when i hear u smacking in the floor, there in a 6 ft hole i see u lying dead. I take the boots and the coin.

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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Jagex finally accepted my idea of machine guns being allowed into Runescape I pull out my machine gun and kill u the coin flies in the air and lands in my palm




The following assumes Seanite to be a boy!




On waking up in the old Lumby, i sit down for a moment and meditate... I think of al my life of dirty tricks and all the bad things i've done in the past, the cruel and oportunist murders... The last experience at the Pyramid and its consequences really made me think. "Yes... I really need to change my behavior and way of living..."




Then i come to the conclusion that i must go on a diet.




I make a short mental list of how it should be. It consists of only 3 items:




1 - No more chocolate cakes;


2 - No more stealing;


3 - And definitively, no more tomatoes.




As i get to the road to the next bank to get some cash and re-equip myself, i think, not much concerned about it, that "No more stealing" is not exactly related with the concept of going on a diet.




Than i see this unbelievable scene that is a guy with a "what-the-heck-is-that" thing in his hands, blowing out someone else and getting all of the poor dead man's posessions... Including a shiny small thing that i reconize being... "My LUCKY coin!!"... My fast analysis of the situation leads me to the conclusion that i cant easily trick this guy into givin the coin to me because he could point that thing at my head just as he did to the por guy... And that would be sooooo disgusting!




So i quickly change to some more "confortable" clothes wich have also the feature of showing off some of my "well balanced and attractive physical attributes", and invite Seanite to a drink at the closest bar.




While at the bar, the beers going really really fast, i go to the toilet sometimes to drink my special "anti-alcohol" potion, that keeps me clean while Seanite is gettin more and more drunk. When he gets high enough to mistake a broom by his sister, i say: "-Tell you what, Seanite: that thing is big enough to blow someone's head as if it was a pumpking... But i doubt that you can shoot one of those small rats in this bar!"




To that Seanite laughs really hard and starts shooting the rats. Everybody on the bar, including the owner, runs out. I take some free beers. The shooting doesn't end untill Seanite finally manage to shoot a rat, all drunk as he is. Some more free beers (and he's so drunk now that i dont even need to go to toilet to use my special anti-alcohol potion), and i notice 2 things:




1 - The holes made on the floor by the shots looked really deep;


2 - There is a dart game with a nice target painted on a wall.




"That's my chance...", and i say: "Hey Seanite, tell you what: you hit the center of that target and i will... Do, or give, anything you want, you choose! Its a bet!"




" - Hehehe... Ok lady! And what will be your prize if i loose?"




" - Oh i... I just want that small coin in your pocket!"




Seanite takes it out of the pocket and look at it... Then gives me a distrustful looks and say "Why would you want that piece of #@&%???", to what i answer "-Oh i just liked it and want to make it my lucky amulet... It's just a dumb female's thing..." The distrustful look vanishes, Seanite puts the coin over the balcony and points the gun to the target.




"-Wait! Not so easy!..." I say.. "-Go some steps behind.... Good. Now some more to the left... Hum, i think its good enough... No, wait! One more step behind!"




And Seanite falls down to one of those huge holes on the ground... But he doesn't wake up in Lumbridge, because he's so drunk that he shows up sleeping in the front stairs of Lumby castle. Not even some kicks from the guards there could wake him up. Some other players leave some coins and saphires thinking he's in absolute misery. When Seanite finally wakes up he gets about 5k around him, no memories on what could have happened and and horrible taste in the mouth.




Meanwhile, i walk around with my lovely, shiny and cute "lucky" Gp of Doom...

Onen i estel Edain, ÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¡-chebin estel anim...

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I wasn't able to post my story to Seanite before Black_Sim_X did! So i believe the story follows from his statement quoted below. Sorry for breking the story line! :wall:






becomes a zombie the second before u kill me, so i wont die when u shoot at me, ill take the machine gun and shoots u into 1000 pieces :twisted: *coins rolling out to me...picking it up :thumbsup: *

Onen i estel Edain, ÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¡-chebin estel anim...

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determined to find the guy who teleported the steel dragon to that guy u sail to ardougne, but on the way there your ship gets attacked by the kraken and everyone on the boat dies. by a miracle u survive and with a piece of wood from the boat u get to shore somewhere on karamja.




There u see a man walking by that happens to be me, happy with my new boots (that are actually my old one but i dont know) i thought of slaying some metal dragons. you follow me secrectly into the cave and follow me all the way to the metal dragons.




when we get there all the dragons are gone, and only a mage is standing in the middle of the cave. i start talking to him and ask him where all the metal dragons are. he says: "well when i asked someone a good way to train mage someone said 'teleother thing' and someone else said 'mage metal dragons' so i thought of combining those and started teleothering metal dragons, but now all the dragons are gone."




as i wanted to slay some dragons but all the metal dragons gone i head to the red dragons you still following me, when we get to the red dragons i suddenly see an iron dragon and want to attack him, but not before he noticed you and sent a fireball at you, u survive again as by a miracle but only have 10 hp left so u start running around like a mad man, not looking where you're walking u trip over a vine right up a baby red dragon. the baby dragon starts to cry and the mother runs over to you and attacks you, you quickly put on melee prayer but you forgot your anti-dragon shield and got hit by a fire attack and die. me noobish as i am run to the pile to loot but all there is is a coin. i take it with me and kill the iron dragon. woot dragon legs.

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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Person above stupidly puts dragon legs on head. Suffocate! Issy the expert pirate picks up that lovely' coin.

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when i get to lumbridge i know what went wrong, i didnt make any breathing holes in that helmet, so i make some at the nearest anvil.




stupid as i am i forgot to make holes, to look trough and keep bumping into people, then i bump into you. u fall from a cliff but land in a magic tree, as by magic u return back up the cliff and try to push me down when suddenly a steel dragon appears. u have no idea whats going on but i have , that kid is teleothering metal dragons again :?, so i pull out my antidragon shield and survive a massive fire ball, u happen to have one too and and survive him too. together we attack him and i dont know how i kill him, with this helm that makes me blind, but i kill him. too bad u dont and u die when i walk away i walk over the coin and it's stuck under my boots again.

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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a giant pot of hot oil falls on your head, you burn and scream for about 46 minutes,and then the searing pain makes you die. i take the coin 8-)


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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When you pick up the 1gp, the sandwich lady appears infront of you. She hits you on the head for stealing her kill. You wake up...all you can see is blue around you. You look around, with a strange feeling. The blue doesn't seem to move either. It seems that she has teleported you into the ocean, but you aren't wet.




As you get more and more confused, you look down. You didn't see water...you saw the ground, coming up to hit you. With a bone shattering bang, you hit the ground.




Who would know that the sandwich lady was so murderous?




Anyway, the coin in your pocket was launched away. Unfortunetly, I was standing at the wall in varrock. As the coin flies across the sky, it somehow managed to go straight for my head. As it hits my head, I was just thinking about money.




With a severe pain in my head, I look around to find the object that just hit me. All I find is 1gp...


I flip it, catch it, put it in my pocket and carry on....standing at the wall...


Dai jou bui!


The full stop and comma are your friend....


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