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Unorclan, we can play word games, but you can't deny that Jagex is focusing on P2P, NOT F2P




Also, I'm curious as to how you protest....Do you just spam places up and wait for someone to report you or what? I mean whats the going to do ..?




Yes, Jagex does focus on F2P. Thanks for stating the obvious. I hope you feel all good and smart. :) But not because F2P is a "demo" that doesn't "deserve updates". It's so that they can have enough suscribers to keep both types of gaming servers running (F2P *and* P2P). As people have said above, P2P was built off of F2P, not the other way around. This was only because Andrew Gower couldn't keep the F2P version running freely on adverts alone.




How do we protest? There's quite a big selection of pictures you can look at in my main post, as well as a video. Try reading, please?








If you want Jagex to do something, give them a balanced reason. Not a bunch of numbers and say something along the lines of 'WAHHH WE CAN'T HOLD THE ITEMS WE GET FROM DEALING WITH JAGEX'S ATTEMPTS AT PREVENTING AUTOING! MORE BANKSPACE PLEASE! MORE BANKSPACE PLEASE!'




Lol? What the hell do you think my entire first post is stating? :roll:




Firstly, if you really want more bankspace, ask them for something a bit smaller, such as a closet that stores stuff or something




A bit smaller.. Ok, we'll ask for one space, for that chisel we're just dieing to store.... It's 12 spaces. That's as small as you can get. It's not that big a number. <.<






Oh, and in response to a later post you made... You suck at 1337 speak. Don't do it. It's insulting. The caps just ruined it. And don't come in here flaming and insulting everyone, as you seem to do quite frequently. The entire relation to drugs is unnecessary. Go into your own happy little world if you want to go off about drugs. Not here.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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hey genius.....if you p2p then you get more bank space. if you don't like it, though
If you would kindly read the first 125 pages you would see that your comments have been made many times over. There have been reasons given for not being able to become members as well as reasons why F2P DOES need more bank space (even though it isn't the primary source of income). I really do suggest reading even just the entire first post before posting in a thread.
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Firstly, if you really want more bankspace, ask them for something a bit smaller, such as a closet that stores stuff or something





Members already have a Costume Room. If it gets released it will be for both F2P and P2P. What's the use of having a costume room when you can have a free closet to store them?





Uh wow, you're stupid. I chose the word firstly because it was a beginning of a procedure. My opinions were not a part of the procedure. Learn english nub.








Why are you so prejudice against it? This thread isn't a personal attack upon members. This is just a petition to ask just for freaking bank space! We're not asking for dragon items! We arn't asking for Castle Wars. We are asking for bank space. What harm can that possibly do? You are certainly making a mountain out of a molehill.




hey genius.....if you p2p then you get more bank space. if you don't like it, though




What's the point of becoming a member just for bank space? Many people are unable to become members so they end up giving some stuff to newb accounts so they can store their needed items.


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Yeah thats one organized bank, tard T_T


I'm not saying I'm against FR33 STYFF, but you guys are totally immature. You're asking for a benefit membership gives you. Z0MG! I C4N'T ST0RE FULL M1M3, FULL Z0MB1E, 172 CH1Z3LZ!.




So was I right? You go spam up places until you get reported and z0mfgbanzed?




What's the point of becoming a member just for bank space? Many people are unable to become members so they end up giving some stuff to newb accounts so they can store their needed items.


Yeah you're going to pay 6 dollars a month for only bank space. Brilliant.

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Yeah thats one organized bank, tard T_T


If you're being sarcastic, how is that not an organized bank?


If you weren't being sarcastic, calling people "tards" isn't going to help your case. It makes you look like an idiot who resorts to name-calling.





I'm not saying I'm against FR33 STYFF, but you guys are totally immature. You're asking for a benefit membership gives you. Z0MG! I C4N'T ST0RE FULL M1M3, FULL Z0MB1E, 172 CH1Z3LZ!.


How is this immature? Do F2P not have the right to ASK for things? And also the extra bankspace for members is mainly for all the items members have. How do I know? I'm a member. Yes, believe it or not, quite a few members actually support this. Also, this is not just about random event clothing. I've seen F2P banks with NO random event clothing, yet are still full.


And I have to go with Prankster on this. You're 1337 speak isn't funny, insulting, or anything you think it is. It's just making you look stupid.



So was I right? You go spam up places until you get reported and z0mfgbanzed?



Why don't you READ the first post and watch the video?




What's the point of becoming a member just for bank space? Many people are unable to become members so they end up giving some stuff to newb accounts so they can store their needed items.


Yeah you're going to pay 6 dollars a month for only bank space. Brilliant.


:lol: That's exactly the point we're trying to make.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Yeah thats one organized bank, tard T_T


I'm not saying I'm against FR33 STYFF, but you guys are totally immature. You're asking for a benefit membership gives you. Z0MG! I C4N'T ST0RE FULL M1M3, FULL Z0MB1E, 172 CH1Z3LZ!.




So was I right? You go spam up places until you get reported and z0mfgbanzed?




What's the point of becoming a member just for bank space? Many people are unable to become members so they end up giving some stuff to newb accounts so they can store their needed items.


Yeah you're going to pay 6 dollars a month for only bank space. Brilliant.




This is the situation when the immature little 8 year old it too immature to realize it. Its a common and natural thing... ::'






Omgsh! Could it be...could it actually be some freaky unknown idea to...like....actually read the ENTIRE (omgsh the ENTIRE) first page? No WAY! <.< :roll: :roll:


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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but you guys are totally immature.








So was I right? You go spam up places until you get reported and z0mfgbanzed?


No. You're completely wrong.




Yeah you're going to pay 6 dollars a month for only bank space. Brilliant.




I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're serious on this one.

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Yeah thats one organized bank, tard T_T


I'm not saying I'm against FR33 STYFF, but you guys are totally immature. You're asking for a benefit membership gives you. Z0MG! I C4N'T ST0RE FULL M1M3, FULL Z0MB1E, 172 CH1Z3LZ!.




So was I right? You go spam up places until you get reported and z0mfgbanzed?




What's the point of becoming a member just for bank space? Many people are unable to become members so they end up giving some stuff to newb accounts so they can store their needed items.


Yeah you're going to pay 6 dollars a month for only bank space. Brilliant.




Fatuus es (It's Latin). All the ideas you have said, as others have already said, have been said about one hundred times. To save you trouble here is the link to my reply to someone, albeit a much more intelligent person, who used a similar argument against us.




Also as others have said, |_||? 1337 5|*34|<20|?2 !5 +3|?|?!813 [Alternate 1337 speak: ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâõÃÆýâââ¬Ãâ ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâùÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâóÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâó7 ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâçÃÆÃâÃâþÃÆýÃâãÃÆýÃâñkzÃÆÃâÃâøÃÆýâââ¬Ãâz ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâáÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâç ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâàÃÆýÃâãÃÆýâââ¬ÃâÃÆýâââ¬ÃâÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâáÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¸ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâãÃÆýÃâã (translation: Your leet speak is terrible)]. The way you use it is demeaning and frankly makes you look about 6 years old.




You said our spam should make us get banned. Ok, Mr. Hypocrite. You are the one that for the last few posts on here, you have: posted old worn-out arguments after clearly not reading the first post (spam on this), made drug references and used 1337 speak to cuss and try to insult us. So who do you think would get banned first, us or you?




Lastly, you go on this complete, mindless rant and then what do you do at the end? You contradict yourself, and all your other arguments. That's real smart. =D>




Stop trolling this post! If you want to speak in here, try and think of something new to say, and do it properly. If not, ID SUGE! -.-


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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Yeah thats one organized bank, tard T_T


I'm not saying I'm against FR33 STYFF, but you guys are totally immature. You're asking for a benefit membership gives you. Z0MG! I C4N'T ST0RE FULL M1M3, FULL Z0MB1E, 172 CH1Z3LZ!.




So was I right? You go spam up places until you get reported and z0mfgbanzed?




What's the point of becoming a member just for bank space? Many people are unable to become members so they end up giving some stuff to newb accounts so they can store their needed items.


Yeah you're going to pay 6 dollars a month for only bank space. Brilliant.




We are immature because we are asking for bank space in a nice, respective manner? And you are mature because you are trolling us with 1337speak in a non-respective manner? I'm sorry, but get out of this thread if you can't post a respectful and meaningful arguement.




What do you have against F2P players anyway? They didn't do anything to you at all. Stop making the sterotype that all F2P players are immature idiots. What makes you so superior to anybody else for paying for an online adventure game? Not everybody has sugardaddies willing to pay for a RuneScape Membership you know.


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Yeah thats one organized bank, tard T_T


so now uve sank so low to insult some1's bank that looks fine in order to get ur way?


I'm not saying I'm against FR33 STYFF, but you guys are totally immature. You're asking for a benefit membership gives you. Z0MG! I C4N'T ST0RE FULL M1M3, FULL Z0MB1E, 172 CH1Z3LZ!.
firstly, we dont want free stuff as u keep implying... immature? theres so much irony here i could right a poem... we're asking for 12 banks spaces, not the whole member wrld, the member items, the member games, not even a full member bank! just 12 bank spaces... so actually, we're NOT asking for a member benefit. and plz stop embarresing urself w/ leet speak.





So was I right? You go spam up places until you get reported and z0mfgbanzed?



no, actually ur completly rong. does holding rallies in a organized manner suddenly qualify as spamming and a crime bad enough to b banned? also, try reading the first post. o, whoops, i forgot. so many ppl have told u this and u haven't so that means u either cant read or ur terrible ignorant (probably the latter). either way, here's a quote so u dont have to bother ur self with reading...:

Only type out the messages once every 10 seconds. We do not want any of our ralliers to get muted for spamming.




u c? so u think we spam to get our way? think again (if u can)

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Thanks for the support, Doctor. :)




I :lol: in real life when I see how everyone's swarming over Jackle... Notice he didn't even respond to my counter argument against him, which made complete sense and nulled his entire reason for staying in here. :roll:



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I :lol: in real life when I see how everyone's swarming over Jackle... Notice he didn't even respond to my counter argument against him, which made complete sense and nulled his entire reason for staying in here. :roll:


A few minutes after his last post, I replied. Four minute later, Unorclan takes him down. Still, Jackle hasn't replied. Tetsuya and Id_Suge seemed to have ended it...Not. Killerred and Moneyman add in their input as well.




This is what teamwork is like. :wink: (Lol...SIX people have countered his post.)


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Hehe, I was too lazy to give a tirade. If I did, it would have been about half the page. One of my posts on one of harrinator1's suggestions would give you a brief idea.




About 10 months ago, this was my favorite board. Other than OT, it was my only board. Anyways, I commented on nearly every suggestion. I only liked a certain few, which are now the only ones in my sig. Anyways, there was one suggestion I didn't support. I think it had something to do with coal. Not sure what, but anyways, I wasn't alone. A bunch of other people didn't support. I repeated their counter-arguments, which I felt made sense, and added quite a few of my own. The suggester commented on every single point I made, and I did the same in return. Back and forth, and eventually, we took up pretty much an entire page. xD


Anyways, we moved to PMs. I wonder if I still have them. (BTW, it ended in a draw. We were both too lazy to continue.)




A little more on-topic...What if F2P got more bankspace AND the ex-mem closet was added? Yes, it would take more space. Yes, it would cost more. Yes, it would be better for everyone.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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"white: F2P needs more Bank Space!"


"white: F2P can't store all of their items! Give them more F2P Bank Space!"


"white: We all love pie.. But we have no room to store it! Give us more F2P Bank Space!"


"white: What do we want? F2P Bank Space!"


"white: F2P doesn't have enough bank space!"


"white: Give F2P 12 more bank slots!"


"white: 12 new bank slots in F2P is all we ask for! Why not give it to us?"


"white: More F2P Bank Space!"


Yeah I was right, you go around spamming things up




...Oh, the irony.




Congrats on getting your three posts reported. :roll: You're just starting to troll, now.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Dude you guys are dumb


Ha! The sweet irony.


Bank space isn't the only benefit, if RS isn't worth 6 dollars a month then don't play it.


If you would actually read this damn thread, instead of just looking at the title and the first post, you would see about 15 counter arguments to that. Post something original you idiot.


If you can't afford 6 dollars a month, then honestly that's kinda sad.


:lol: You just said that a few lines ago. Do you have the memory span of a goldfish? (three seconds)


I expect to get flamed


Well, that would never be trolling...


Why do I expect to be flamed? (Because I am a trolling douche bag) Because you are asking for something and I am one of those who don't think you should be have it.


What? And you have the nerve to say we have bad grammar? You filthy hypocrite. There is a post in the rants section called anti-ftp bank space. Express your views there and don't spam up this place with stupid arguments. If you could actually read the big damn red lettering on the first post, it would say, spamming and trolling ISN'T ALLOWED.




If you honestly think you can change any opinions here, you are dead wrong. Look how long this topic has lasted. You don't stand a chance.

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Dude you guys are dumb


Bank space isn't the only benefit, if RS isn't worth 6 dollars a month then don't play it. Send a message to Jagex and maybe if you spam them up enough they'll care. If you can't afford 6 dollars a month, then honestly that's kinda sad.


I expect to get flamed, theres no real reason to be serious. Why do I expect to be flamed? Because you are asking for something and I am one of those who don't think you should be have it.


Happy [bleep].




Stop trolling. If you can't think of anything constructive and benificial to say, get the hell outta this thread!








"white: F2P needs more Bank Space!"


"white: F2P can't store all of their items! Give them more F2P Bank Space!"


"white: We all love pie.. But we have no room to store it! Give us more F2P Bank Space!"


"white: What do we want? F2P Bank Space!"


"white: F2P doesn't have enough bank space!"


"white: Give F2P 12 more bank slots!"


"white: 12 new bank slots in F2P is all we ask for! Why not give it to us?"


"white: More F2P Bank Space!"





Yeah I was right, you go around spamming things up





Us as individuals arn't spamming. The words are constructive. If we were spamming we would have "@@@@@@" or "#####" in our messages. It is also every 10 seconds, therefore we arn't spamming.




Either way you aren't going to gain much crying in F2P and spamming up fansites. Maybe you should spam up youtube and veoh while you're at it, then Jagex will start caring.




We arn't spamming. We are posting a well-constructed petition on why we should get space. If you think that is spam, then every single thread that is well-constructed should be considered spam too. I would suggest reading the forum rules on what spam is. Also, if it was spam, someone with moderator or administrative powers would have locked/removed this thread.




Oh, and by the way, you triple posted. :shame:


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