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Hey penguingeek3, it's not because RuneScape is an exception to most online galesthat say:"you don't pay, you get nothing", that you should beg for more :shame: . It's simple, F2P has always wanted more space, just learn to live with it, they are not going to change it, you are not even paying :lol: , so what do they care if you don't play it or not, because of lack of bankspace? You have no levarage (spelling :? ) in this deal. You are just asking and they say no, nothing you can do about it.




With enough support nothings impossible. If your going to post here you might as well support the idea. Even if it probably won't work, its better than doing nothing about it.








Anyways, it's not begging. It's suggesting.












The version of RuneScape you play is free, so you can't really complain so much about the lack of bank space.




Currently, no it's not. And yes I can. :P




























Oh yeah, and....








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Hey penguingeek3, it's not because RuneScape is an exception to most online galesthat say:"you don't pay, you get nothing", that you should beg for more :shame: . It's simple, F2P has always wanted more space, just learn to live with it, they are not going to change it, you are not even paying :lol: , so what do they care if you don't play it or not, because of lack of bankspace? You have no levarage (spelling :? ) in this deal. You are just asking and they say no, nothing you can do about it.




Do people not even try to find out that I'm a member? F2P have leverage...They're all potential members, most give occasional money through ads (mis-clicks...) and can introduce friends to RuneScape, who end up being potential members. F2P help Jagex, not as much as us members, but they help. So they should get SOMETHING in return. If you aren't crazy, you'd probably think that a FOUR LEVEL DUNGEON is A LOT compared to TWELVE bank spaces. (And F2P are getting more and more items. When the complaints first started, a year or two ago/whenever, there were less items. Mainly random event items.








And Tetsuya, you've made the 1000th post of this topic! Congratulations! You don't get anything, but who cares! :thumbsup:


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Do people not even try to find out that I'm a member?




I'm afraid they must not... :( ...goes to show how many ignorant people reply to the P2P's who support something F2P...












F2P have leverage...They're all potential members, most give occasional money through ads (mis-clicks...) and can introduce friends to RuneScape, who end up being potential members. F2P help Jagex, not as much as us members, but they help. So they should get SOMETHING in return. If you aren't crazy, you'd probably think that a FOUR LEVEL DUNGEON is A LOT compared to TWELVE bank spaces. (And F2P are getting more and more items. When the complaints first started, a year or two ago/whenever, there were less items. Mainly random event items.)




[Note from quoting poster: ")" added for consistency....... Also, I'm not trying to blast you with the following points, so I apologize in advance. This is aimed at those negative folk who wish to down this suggestion thread...]








Anywho, you're right, the Stronghold is quite a large, and somewhat nice, place to train in. Sadly, I find the 3rd and 4th floors near constantly unused. Why? Because of complaints in both F2P and P2P of the lack in teleport charges of the "Skull Sceptre" and in, obviously, LACK OF BANK SPACE... Where do you store parts as you're making the next sceptre, eh? This has been the one problem of that addition, and has caused yet more controversy to the whole mess.








Also, there is all the arrows, runes, clothes, and other useful things that a person can collect from there. Space is needed for these too, seeing as they would all help with training of one type or another.








And then, yes, finally, there are all those pesky random events that happen to players just when they're thinking they will get a good training run. (This has happened to me one too many times, BTW...) The following is a fast perspective of one's thoughts of this situation...




Oh hey, random event clothes!!! Whoa, wait a minute....... I (AND OTHERS, OBVIOUSLY) HAVE NO PLACE TO STORE THESE!!! Well, there's no place I can have these restored if I lose them... Grr... NEED BANK SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!












And Tetsuya, you've made the 1000th post of this topic! Congratulations! You don't get anything, but who cares! :thumbsup:




I think no other comment then "Congrats, Tetsuya." is sufficient here...








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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I support, even though I'm a p2p(member) I think that f2ps should get more bank space too due to hloiday items and such. I remeber when I was f2p I keep having to throw away stuff that I wanted to keep because there was so little bank space. I'm thinking f2p should get 2 1/2 rows.




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Remember how ss was deemed illegal? Remember what people did?








If we get that organized, we could possibly do what the swiftswitch people did. If we do that, we could possibly get what we want.




Or get ourselves banned from RuneScape. No, I don't think that will work. We would need 1000 P2P's supporting this to have any chance at all, and that we DON'T have. :(








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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supported :thumbsup:







Or get ourselves banned from RuneScape. No, I don't think that will work. We would need 1000 P2P's supporting this to have any chance at all, and that we DON'T have.








~Mr. Devnull















9999 more to go

DoD:S ownage

what we have here is a ..um.. failur to communcate

check out my steam ID page @ alpha company

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supported :thumbsup:







Or get ourselves banned from RuneScape. No, I don't think that will work. We would need 1000 P2P's supporting this to have any chance at all, and that we DON'T have.








~Mr. Devnull















9999 more to go





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supported :thumbsup:







Or get ourselves banned from RuneScape. No, I don't think that will work. We would need 1000 P2P's supporting this to have any chance at all, and that we DON'T have.








~Mr. Devnull















9999 more to go








Probably 9950 or something. I was one of the first P2P supporters...I'd know.








Happysniff and Limpbizkit, all we're asking for is 12 rows. A row and a half. 4 at least.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Probably 9950 or something. I was one of the first P2P supporters...I'd know.








Happysniff and Limpbizkit, all we're asking for is 12 rows. A row and a half. 4 at least.




What do ya think, around 500 supporters right now, including the 50 P2P's?








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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supported :thumbsup:







Or get ourselves banned from RuneScape. No, I don't think that will work. We would need 1000 P2P's supporting this to have any chance at all, and that we DON'T have.








~Mr. Devnull















9999 more to go








Probably 9950 or something. I was one of the first P2P supporters...I'd know.








Happysniff and Limpbizkit, all we're asking for is 12 rows. A row and a half. 4 at least.








I don't really think 12 more rows is ncessary, you dont need that many items, and anyway I never objected to it, I think f2ps should get more bank space.

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I support.








I think more bank space is essential, not just for F2P, but also P2P.




The new Treasure Trails are a real space hogger in the bank. Can't believe we need all those useless items to do a treasure trail now.








Either Jagex need to increase bank space again, or adjust TTs so that less items are required.

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supported :thumbsup:







Or get ourselves banned from RuneScape. No, I don't think that will work. We would need 1000 P2P's supporting this to have any chance at all, and that we DON'T have.








~Mr. Devnull















9999 more to go








Probably 9950 or something. I was one of the first P2P supporters...I'd know.








Happysniff and Limpbizkit, all we're asking for is 12 rows. A row and a half. 4 at least.








I don't really think 12 more rows is ncessary, you dont need that many items, and anyway I never objected to it, I think f2ps should get more bank space.




Oops...I meant 12 spaces. :wall:








Anyways, anyone else want to count the number of supporters?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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the problem with counting them is this topic has been cleaned at least once before. I suggest prankster king repost his list of supporters and start from there. it would be hard and probaly take many days of effort but I dare say we probaly have at least 500 supporters right now and thats just in tipit.








I have spoken to a level 98 player moderator frend of mine in game and he's F2P. supriseingly even the player moderators dont get more space than we do. He has been trying to get more space for years. he even try'd to get a rally going but not enough people showed up. What we need to do is to get in contact with the authors of topics like this on some of the other major fourms. then we could come up with a time and place for a rally in game.








the secret as I have been told is for jagex staff to know in advance that such a rally will take place and where it will be. If we are lucky they may take notice and come and see our distress. then if we are lucky they may just make an update and give us some more bank space. but I dont think sending in costomer support quorrys is the answer, its so boged down there was almost a month delay for a auto responce for one of my quorrys.








well there I have stated my mind heer on what our nexed step should be.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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Hmmm...That gives me an idea. What if through the "Customer Support" thingy, we tell Jagex that we're going to hold a rally or whatever, and possibly warn them about the spamming, and that we don't want [too much :lol: ] spam. Then we hold the rally, and a few player mods, maybe even a Jagex mod come. Maybe that'll work. (Bufoman, maybe ask your friend to recruit other P-Mods to keep the spamming down...So we don't get into too much trouble)


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I could try but we need to decide when and where first. I have been told by a member of the tipit events teem that he finds 5PM Eastren time to be the best to hold events becouse its ideal for both US and europeon's to attend. that said we reely need prankster king's input becouse after all he is the leader of the tipit F2P bank space movement.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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I've been playing for about 6 years now off and on (straight F2P only), so I've seen the long line of changes. I have several of my own rants about RS and how it's changed, but that's for another time and another place.








Yes, F2Ps need more space. I cannot count the times I've said to myself, "If only I had one more space... Just one more..." As others have stated, 12 spaces, the rest of the row and another row would be sufficient for quite a LONG time. It would definitely solve any problems I would have. I've had to throw out so many things, or stop what I was doing and do something else for long enough to use up whatever was taking up the space. And, after I would do so, within a few days, I would find myself in dire need of what I had used up, or chucked out for more space.








I have several... choice, select comments for Jagex on this situation as well as a few others, but they wouldn't be appropriate to state in ANY forum.








This has my full support.








Can't let you know who I am though, certain reasons.








Thank you, good luck with it all.

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