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Runescape on XBOX360?


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jagex said they will only have rsc and rs2 and will not have it on any other system




Did you read the main post at all? Or did you just grossly misunderstand it ... ?




Anyway, with a mouse and keyboard hooked up to an Xbox, I fail to see how it differs from playing on a computer. Still need an electrical outlet, still need an active connection to the internet. Only different is a larger screen, but since there's already a special cord which allows you to use your TV as a PC monitor, it's really no different. Just a slightly faster/slower CPU (depending on the Xbox's capabilities, which I'm not familiar with).


i think the 360 is the strongest computer out there (excluding customized super computers anyways)

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on psp it is possible but the screen is very very bad








never owned a PSP. I have a friend who does, i'll see if i can play runescape on a PSP during class sometime.




can psp's get wireless internet? lol




Yes, psp can go online wirelessly.




Only problem is with the 222Mhz processor and the 4MB of DRAM, I don't think RS would run very well :?




very very hard


i tryed pking in it


(just dds)


my play was like a level 3s first time in wildy


so har dto controll


had to log off in like 7 min


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Guest IdiotElzar

Dang! I wish I wasn't lazy enough to get Media's Center running. I do think you can use the keyboard, mouse is in question. FFXI supports the keyboard, or I heard. Try it, I think as long as it has the USB plug, you can.

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heh, that'd be awesome. right now all my 360 does is collect dust, my father wont let my play mature rated games. Feel free to pm me some descent Teen rated games.








sorry for going off topic.

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might work on a ps3, seeing it has a hard drive even bigger than an xbox360. Plus i heard you can plug in normal key boards and stuff. A mouse too cuz it has like 5 usb ports!




Had. The new PS3 model shown at E3 this year lacked all the nifty ports of last years model. It has 2 or 3 I think.

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the revolution might have a few usb slots by september..... i cud be playing rs on my revolution by october =p (my birthday)
dont you mean the wii :lol:




Yes, and the best estimated release date for the Wii is Sometime between the 2nd and 12th of November, so good luck with that. :lol: Big screen Runescape isn't fun, I've done it on a Smart Board, it's just annoying. :P

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Laptop+52" plasma = ownage :D


No, Touch-screen laptop+52" plasma= ownage, especially if 52" plasma is High Def.




Off-Topic: All this talk about XBox, and Ps2 and all other consoles got me thinking, webcam + digital imaging=animated you. Just have to go through a process that programs all the actions (I know its impractical), along with a screening process to get rid of obcenities, and then viola, like looking into a blurry mirror. I know that this would probably make the game run slower, so there should then be 3 versions to rs2: High detail, low detail, high detail with animated persons.

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Runescape on PSP is crap.... and the loading times suck [wagon]! The best system I could see Runescape on would be Ps3 since I heard they are making a Mouse and KeyBoard attachment (Rumour don't flame me) It might be even possible to get Runescape on your dreamcast lol. I still have mine I'll have to see if I can load Rs on there sometime.




Also in the lastest issue of Gamepro the Ps3 is likely to have newer models of it out each year!


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