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72 new mini pixels and mini font. UPDATE 37! (21-07-07)


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not really a fan of the last one. colors contrast to much (fg & bg), his nose is to straight, bg color is bad, his mustashe looks like a turd, his hair looks a bit smushed together, and the sig is huge for something that takes up like 1100 x150 lol...

wop wop

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not really a fan of the last one. colors contrast to much (fg & bg), his nose is to straight, bg color is bad, his mustashe looks like a turd, his hair looks a bit smushed together, and the sig is huge for something that takes up like 1100 x150 lol...




i lik contrast ^^ his nose isnt broken =P what bg colour would be better? its a goaty not a tash =P i agree the hair isnt great... i decided to have a big sig =P






in ordere to make these sigs you need alot of paicience, and about 1year 8 months practise...






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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lol, yeah im old. well 15, meh. anyway yeah, by the time you practised as much as i have i know you willl be miles ahead of me, your very good as it is!




w00tness for teh 1337 200th post in this topic!




yey for spam #-o






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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I actually have a request if you are still taking them, here how i would like the sig to be.








Guy with green shaggy hair and a green gotie (sp?) is standing in a place that resembles egdeville, the guy must be wearing full mime (cept with white boots) and a santa hat/glory, The guy should be weilding a rubber chickin and the image should catch him mid - whack, then the text should read. "fearspudgod, edgevilles local chicken masta"

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urrently working on a new piece and will post it once finished.








oh and in other news i had a graphics tablet. the pen broke =( but last night my dad fixed it for me! yey! so ima try that out later, but i have to revise before i get it. always a catch!










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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right yeah the pen isnt fixed #-o








really rather anoying.








thanks daver.








and eckered graphics tablets have been used on this forum since before you even came here. i remember there was a time when everyone was doing free sketchy sigs, lol.










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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you guys arnt even flaming anymore. why does noone reply? is it that you all are bored of it.








it really makes me think whats the pount? there is no point, i berly enjoy it anymore. theres just no point. anyway i have better stuff to do, like try and get good grades, i ahve loads of stuff to do, yeah screw it, i just quit.








heh, bet noone will even read this.










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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see two replys when i say thats it only two replys. at the beginin i had many replys for 1 image, now look, more images than pages and half the posts are my discised bumps.








new style all for but what? as for more realistic i just cant texture atall and dont really know how to make it more realistic. if you have ideas for others styles then show me and i may see if i like but, ugh *offtopic* its like only for 2 r 3 people they seam to be the only ones who care, like noone cares i put alot of effort into stuff and yet recive very little back. it makes me wonder what is the point? it just seams so pointless. also im not going through a great time atm, very busy stresful and i get in bad ways which doesnt help. im a teenager i have mood swings and often i make mistakes argh, im just ranting im sure your not interested.










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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this is like my first reply on this thread. I've just enjoyed your pixelating "behind the curtains", and never posted here. But seriously, your work is damn awesome IMO. Maybe not the most detailed work, or best shaded but your style is such a delight to see for me, and I know that there's alot of people like me, who just don't reply here.








Don't stop



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thanks. but like when your behind the curtains i dont see you, its like doing a play to a load of invisable, muted people, they may enjoy it but theres no way of knowing and if they dont laugh at the right moments and cry at others how are you ment to know if its going well? now im not asking for everyone on the forum to post there comments on all my pieces thats pure madness but ive posted stuff before and not recived a single comment about it. considerig i put all that effort and time into making it, about 2 hours for an avarge sized one and hear nothing its really rather depressing. i doubt i will stop all together, i do still enjoy it, i enjoy creating, im creative by nature, i enjoy drawing, all my school books testify to that. so no i probably wont stop, but if it continues how it is at the moment then its going to spoil it. my family take little interest my friends raerly see it and no one ever seams to comment. here i am just ranting to a computer, letting my thoughts flow out into this keyboard but so often it feels sterile, like its, just, nothing. its sad really, spending my time doing dots in a program then posting it here for people to see, people that i dont know and will probably never meet. who knows? i may havew meeten some of you before, i may even meet some of you on a regular basis, but i dont know you and you dont know me. i know this has like nothing to do with my pixels but its to do with the mediam i am using. at the same time i may not what to know who you are. maybe its best how it is... i dont know and i really dont care, i may know some of you on here yet in real life you may be totaly different people, i know i am. i dont know where im going so ill shut up.










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Haiii I'm elitehun, and I'm watching you even on tip.it forums! :P




Harr-harr when will you finish the edits? =P~




Btw your pixels are amazing, you have an unique style I'm telling you! =D>








ARGH! YEY! i have a stalker, w00t! lol. yeah ill get it done soon, but well yeah, shush. im a little bit hyper and smell of rum hehe.








i do like to be unique its more fun =)










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Dont Pj its you that made me try, its you that made me look into it was you who made me the best sig found on this forum, It was you that was my friend when I was having a bad day, It was you that made my birthday worth not commiting suicide! It was you, I tried.












Your friend in pain,




















I love ya man


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