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Crystal Saw Effects!


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From the construction guide onthe knowledge base.




"This odd piece of equipment is a combination of elven mystic arts and gnomish ingenuity, given to those adventurers who successfully aid the gnomes in the Eyes of Glouphrie.




By having the crystal saw in your inventory you will be able to construct furnishings in your house with a Construction level up to 3 levels below that which you would normally require. If you have level 57 Construction, for example, you will be able to construct level 60 furnishings such as gilded four-poster beds - provided you have necessary materials, of course.




As the power of the crystal is drained slightly in doing this, you will only be able to construct 28 items in this way before the saw reverts to an uncharged crystal seed and it will need to be recharged.




This bonus can be stacked on top of bonuses from tea and Evil Dave's Stew of DOOM. Obviously, if you are lucky you may use all of these to get a massive +12 to your Construction (though only on furnishings) - on the other hand, you may be unlucky and the Evil Stew of DOOM may stack with the tea and the saw to give you +0..."

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Zomg?!!?!? Guilded altar at 69 Con ftw???




Dang, now I have to do this quest..Doesn't look like my kind of quest.

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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you can't charge your crystal bow or shield in the bowl btw i read that sum1 had asked that answer : No




In addition, you can't charge the elven teleport crystals either.


The bowl only recharges the saw.


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Stew+tea would probably not stack...




attack+super attack doesn't stack so.....




But stew+saw would stack. That means you can get 9 con lvls




EDIT: runescape knowledge base says that you are able to stack all these for a 12+ bonus...

Got fire cape at the 17th of June 2006

Abyssal whip drops: 6

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what tea gives you a construction bonus?




Tea made from your shelves in your house...but it depends on the shelves u have. you get +1 from lower shelfes, +2 from like teak shelves orsomehting, and + 3 from guilded shelves. Im not sure the exact shelves but the higher they are the more bonus you can get.


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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woot :) ive been 72 for a while and had my guilded alter for a while, but now i can also make flame pit without buying 74 :)




ive already made alot of renovations thanks to the +6 cons i can now get :)








+12 cons possible now!!! this is from the RS KB








Crystal Saw




This odd piece of equipment is a combination of elven mystic arts and gnomish ingenuity, given to those adventurers who successfully aid the gnomes in the Eyes of Glouphrie.




By having the crystal saw in your inventory you will be able to construct furnishings in your house with a Construction level up to 3 levels below that which you would normally require. If you have level 57 Construction, for example, you will be able to construct level 60 furnishings such as gilded four-poster beds - provided you have necessary materials, of course.




As the power of the crystal is drained slightly in doing this, you will only be able to construct 28 items in this way before the saw reverts to an uncharged crystal seed and it will need to be recharged.




This bonus can be stacked on top of bonuses from tea and Evil Dave's Stew of DOOM. Obviously, if you are lucky you may use all of these to get a massive +12 to your Construction (though only on furnishings) - on the other hand, you may be unlucky and the Evil Stew of DOOM may stack with the tea and the saw to give you +0...

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only things u need a saw to make get the +3 bonus, not a bug


i tried stacking stew and tea it does NOT work, either a bug or the knowlege base is flawed


:^o (wouldent be the 1st time) i'm hopin theyll fix it so u can get +12 :thumbsup:

my site(not much on it yet :p)


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I haven't tested it, but I think the only way for the stew + tea to work is if you use the tea first and then the stew. Otherwise the tea just goes over the stew. But then again, I haven't tested it yet...




i have the same theory and i am putting it to practice as we speak



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At this point having tested 24 stews and teas then 24 teas and stews i can safely say there is a bug or guide error




that stinks :(




+6 is still rather nice though \'




Isen't it +9? (6 with stew and 3 with saw?)




Anyways yah i just finished the quest - sooo easy. did it without a guide and it takes less than an hour for those wondering!




Terrrrrible quest (even the cutscenes were lacking hardcore) but good reward. :-s

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yea, seems to me it'll be +9. anybody wanna help me with stew? i tried making stew with 3 orange spices in it and it did -4 construction. is it random each time or am i messing up?




very random aeacus. make sure you tell hiddel to use the stew to...

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