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The Death of The Internet


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I feel that this is an extremely important topic that belongs in a higher traffic area then "off topic"




Right now, AT&T, Verizon and Bell are lobbying congress to pass a bill which would end net neutrality. Net Neutrality is what is letting all of us access any site we want without limiting bandwidth. If this bill passes it will mean that companies will be able to designate bandwidth to sites that pay the most, limiting your access to internet sites, possibly even restricting access to sites that cannot pay the money.







This is all true and it could restrict our last real right to free speach, please do not delete this or move it




If you want to relate it to RS




No more clan websites


No more tip.it


No more RunescapeCommunity

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Yeah, it's lame. But Congress will never pass it.








Because the congress people will not pass a bill that will anger their constituency (the people in their district or state). Because if they do, they won't be re-elected, nor will the people be very happy.




They can try all they want, I doubt it will ever pass. It'll probably be purpously mucked up and delayed for a long time :)




Sorry I know alot about this stuff, I took a college civics class this summer.

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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Be it serious as it is, a topic is a topic and belongs only in it's rightfull place.


The Runescape section is strictly here for only RuneScape discussion. There is a shadow of it in General now so if anyone that wants to post their opinions about this topic here can instantly be taken to OT and post.




If you still disagree with this decision take it up to an admin and PM him about the situation. His/her dission will be final.




~Philip K.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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Be it serious as it is, a topic is a topic and belongs only in it's rightfull place.


The Runescape section is strictly here for only RuneScape discussion. There is a shadow of it in General now so if anyone that wants to post their opinions about this topic here can instantly be taken to OT and post.




If you still disagree with this decision take it up to an admin and PM him about the situation. His/her dission will be final.




~Philip K.




I'm happy as long as it gets seen











Here's another few videos that might give you a bit of insight on the subject as well




The best advice I can give is to do research on it yourself and really look at the pros and cons and then decide for yourself where you stand.

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Who ever said that America controls the whole of the internet? The internet is used by everyone the world over, so I can't see anyway that the companies can dictate what sites set up in other countries can do with bandwidth.

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This is nothing new, let me tell you.




However, I doubt that any of these bills proposed by any of the cable providers will ever pass. I don't think that congress is even that stupid.




It's funny that the only strong reason they have for doing this and seeming legitimate is music, movie, and gaming piracy. All the statistics of which are based upon highly flawed and biased studies.




Let's just hope that all the fiber cables that google has been buying lately will serve as a backup, just in case. :)




Will this affect everyone in the world or just Americans?




Just Americans. However, it could also affect anyone outside the United States who wishes to access a web page based within the US? Not sure on that, but that makes sense to me.




As a matter of fact, I could see a passing of such bill leading to a huge amount of outsourcing to countries with a free internet.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


Expand your mind.

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Who ever said that America controls the whole of the internet? The internet is used by everyone the world over, so I can't see anyway that the companies can dictate what sites set up in other countries can do with bandwidth.
Well, the American Military technically invented the internet. And the majority of major pipes are US-Owned. It only takes one suit to decide to give preferential treatment to us-citizens and they have cripled the internet :uhh:






And in all honesty, if this happens - there would be a cyber war so huge the USA would go down in history as the country that caused world-wide finacial ruin. If congress can't see the ripple effects of passing, they have no right to be running the country.

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Who ever said that America controls the whole of the internet? The internet is used by everyone the world over, so I can't see anyway that the companies can dictate what sites set up in other countries can do with bandwidth.
Well, the American Military technically invented the internet. And the majority of major pipes are US-Owned. It only takes one suit to decide to give preferential treatment to us-citizens and they have cripled the internet :uhh:





The us did not create the internet HTTP was created by an american using resocers from CERN which is based in Europe. In world war two America made something which connected the coumpters on many bases. IT IS IN NO WAY THE THING WE USE TODAY.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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Guest GhostRanger
Who ever said that America controls the whole of the internet? The internet is used by everyone the world over, so I can't see anyway that the companies can dictate what sites set up in other countries can do with bandwidth.
Well, the American Military technically invented the internet. And the majority of major pipes are US-Owned. It only takes one suit to decide to give preferential treatment to us-citizens and they have cripled the internet :uhh:





The us did not create the internet HTTP was created by an american using resocers from CERN which is based in Europe. In world war two America made something which connected the coumpters on many bases. IT IS IN NO WAY THE THING WE USE TODAY.




Obivously it has evolved, but the American Military (specifically the Navy I believe, I could be wrong about that though) did create the concept of the Internet. It had never been done until the U.S. Military did.




Just because it's evolved and is very different doesn't mean they didn't create it. That's like saying the Wright brothers didn't invent the airplane because it's compeltely different to the commerical jets we use now.

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Willhelm Schickard's mechanical calculator is in no way what we use today so I guess he can't be credited with creating the first computer?




Charles Babbage's Difference Engine is in no way what we use today so I guess he can't be credited with creating the first computer?




Colossus is in no way what we use today so I guess it can't be credited with being the first computer?




The ANITA Mk VIII is in no way what we use today so I guess it can't be credited with being the first computer?

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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Pretty sure this wont actually happen... there would be a lot of angry people... Tip.it is English based and this is going on in America so Tip.it probably wouldn't close.

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Tip.it is English based and this is going on in America so Tip.it probably wouldn't close.




Nothing will be shutting down at all, even if it were US based. It is actually about the priority which certain traffic is given, where large corporations could pay for their traffic to be given higher priority. It does not mean any sites will be closing.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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Pretty sure this wont actually happen... there would be a lot of angry people... Tip.it is English based and this is going on in America so Tip.it probably wouldn't close.




I always thought tip.it was Italian based because of its domain name. But then I have no idea where they host servers are.

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Will this affect everyone in the world or just Americans?




I could see this affecting other countries as other large companies would soon try to follow. Least case senario might mean that we would have limited contact with our american friends. If this were to pass in America then it's natural that the UK would be very close behind in implementing it as well as George Bush and Tony Blair have good relations with each other and many things have already been used in the UK that were started in the US.

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Pretty sure this wont actually happen... there would be a lot of angry people... Tip.it is English based and this is going on in America so Tip.it probably wouldn't close.




I always thought tip.it was Italian based because of its domain name. But then I have no idea where they host servers are.




The guy who created this site along with Lightning is from Italy. 8-) His name is/was Silverion and he mainly work/ed on ArenaScape stuff ever since years, years ago. The site had also subforums and hints for Asheron's Call and Dark Ages of Camelot but as far as I remember they had very little activity.




P.S. Actually, if a bill like this was passed in the U.S., it would effect other nations as well, thus hugely pissing them off. Most of the backbone pipes as mentioned are in the U.S., the domain registry monopoly is held by the U.S., and so forth.

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I'm a bit more worried about it than those of you that say that congress would never pass it because there would be too much outrage. There should be outrage, but I'd say that the population is generally politically apathetic, especially to internet matters where most people don't have an inkling of understanding.




If I recall correctly, various bills to guarantee net neutrality have been voted down in congress.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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Yeah, it's lame. But Congress will never pass it.








Because the congress people will not pass a bill that will anger their constituency (the people in their district or state). Because if they do, they won't be re-elected, nor will the people be very happy.




They can try all they want, I doubt it will ever pass. It'll probably be purpously mucked up and delayed for a long time :)




Sorry I know alot about this stuff, I took a college civics class this summer.






They just need to get some congressman thats on the inside to tack on a bill to allow mcdonalds to charge twelve thousand percent tax on their food. - that's how most bills that are rediculous get killed, someone tacks on something even worse to make it a gauranteed no.




Note- Please forgive me for my atrocious spelling.

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I'm pretty sure it won't come close to passing, that or it will be pocket-vetoed.




Yea, just another stupid thing America is doing that the rest of the world can laugh at. *Sigh* Bloody country, curse me for having to live in it. :cry:


Me doing staff.

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