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not as many people play rs anymore


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Well, if me not playing for over a week counts... so -1 :P .




Stupid HS Junior year.... 6 hours of homework a night... impossible...




That and the game's boring as heck.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Well, if me not playing for over a week counts... so -1 :P .




Stupid HS Junior year.... 6 hours of homework a night... impossible...




That and the game's boring as heck.

6 hours a night?! thats ridiculous. you can easily learn twice as much with a quarter of the same amoutn of homework. stupid teachers.




but anyway, yeah, its school, and i'm pretty sure that schools around the world are going into the regular rounds. either way, less people = less of a chance of encountering idiotic morons. i'm all for it :thumbsup:






i'm a senior in HS, just in case you wanted to know.

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Well, if me not playing for over a week counts... so -1 :P .




Stupid HS Junior year.... 6 hours of homework a night... impossible...




That and the game's boring as heck.




Well ive been getting reported alot for jokeing around and thesrs always that thing called high school mkae it -2

Just an average player with a horrible name...

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Summer is over, school is in session. Just wait till Friday evening and the weekend, there will be more people again because well, it's the weekend!

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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i play more world of warcraft now on the school days, cuz it isnt so addicting....i guess people DO have lives :|




You play WoW and rs?! Wierd....




But hey....Yea i cant play as much but i do get in some playing time.



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i play more world of warcraft now on the school days, cuz it isnt so addicting....i guess people DO have lives :|




You play WoW and rs?! Wierd....




But hey....Yea i cant play as much but i do get in some playing time.




i play WoW for entertainment, i play runescape cuz my parents play it

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I feel old now. :lol: I have a lot of notes to study, but my schedule actually works out so I have Thursdays off, 1 class on Tuesdays, and I'm finished for the day by 11:30 in the morning twice. Even with work, I have time to play this.



~Member of Legends' Guild~

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Yeah, school is the main thing probably. A lot of teens play this game, now school started, time for RS to settle down, college doesn't give you much time, 1 or 2 hours for me if homework isn't all that bad. In the summer...the rise was tremendous, or seems like it. Those 70k people will be kids skipping school, sick, um people that don't go to school, etc. Some parents put more hours into jobs when they're child goes to school, why sit home, lol.

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