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General store :0


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I saw this guy ages ago, give me a break ok? ill try to find him from what i remember from his name. :wall:




P.s: And dont you dare go calling people noobs for nothing. Did you even read my first reply??? . I said that guy HAS NO OTHER RANKED SKILLS. ROMEO has A WHOLE BUNCH OF OTHER RANKED SKILLS. Dont go accusing me of talking about romeo and dont call me noob for nothing. :roll:




P.s.2: I also said ONE OF THE TOP RANKED MINERS. NOT THE TOP RANKED MINER. 'ONE OF' Means anywhere from Top-50th or something.


Join the sodb now!

Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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Not bad i guess :)






Man that is lucky. I got gems but never anything that good.


Back on Topic: Why do the items dissappear like that? I seen it happen on worlds with three other people in the room. There is no way they could have bought all of the items no longer on the screen.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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I also look in general stores sometimes after things that you can sell for profit to players. One time i bought like 100 coals in general store for like 3k. Then i sold them for 15k :) .



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Something that seems to have been overlooked is that gp isn't actually going out of the game when thi happens, it is coming in. The Rune armour comes from the ground, from mining rune and coal. Therefore, it comes into the game for free. When you sell it to the shop, you are converting the armour for gp, and then th armour disappears and is out of the game. Total results = the amount of money you sold the armour for comes into the game.





99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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Yeah, just was killing time and watching what guys are selling for general store at world 1, there were rune plates, legs, larges etc etc, scimmys baxes etc.. then they dissapears automatically and vanishes away from runescape world, think about all that stuff goes into your bank ? Millions and millions of gp's have vanished because of this hehe.




They don't dissappear, people buy them quickly...




No, they dont dissappear quickly.. they are there until most of the items dissappears and they do to -,-




Let me assure you this, when items (such as rune) get sold to a general store, everyone will try to buy it because of it's cheap price.


Actually, it's more expensive, a rune med costs 20k, legs cost aroudn 65k, plate is like 80k. It's not cheaper than world 1 Varrock price.




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I think it's higher profit when alching?




Not everyone can do high level alching.

If you have 99 smithing, but don't have 55 magic, you should be slapped. HARD. :P




or you could be just a great skill pure =P




anyway i love general stores, i get a lot of gems, logs, ores, lobbies and talies if i can be bothered =)

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General store is a source of body talismans. I need to buy them there cuz i can't be bothered to kill guards.

Currently P2P.


I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.


Formerly known as: Ghstkill8, Serene Ghst, Genius Goats

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Yeah, just was killing time and watching what guys are selling for general store at world 1, there were rune plates, legs, larges etc etc, scimmys baxes etc.. then they dissapears automatically and vanishes away from runescape world, think about all that stuff goes into your bank ? Millions and millions of gp's have vanished because of this hehe.




They don't dissappear, people buy them quickly...




Uh, no they don't




A ruen plate is over 100k, ruen legs- 81k, ruen kite at around 70k and rune full helm at around 45k. Who'd wanna buy that!?

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I dont visit general stores much but when i do they are usually stocked with 15-20k oaks 10-15k willows and things of the like. they are always however stocked with iron things that people made. also goblin armor poision and other junk that newbs sell for money. altohught i can say this much about it. the most overlooked item is the newcomer map. i used one yet nobody does these days. its sad really.

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I dont visit general stores much but when i do they are usually stocked with 15-20k oaks 10-15k willows and things of the like. they are always however stocked with iron things that people made. also goblin armor poision and other junk that newbs sell for money. altohught i can say this much about it. the most overlooked item is the newcomer map. i used one yet nobody does these days. its sad really.




there are more overlooked items... like that skull in the wildy for example =p



Proud leader of 65+ Clan Demonic Plague

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