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My mom hates online games so I just tell her its a low graphic version of morrowind. And she still thinks it is






hmm....morrowind....im lvl 66 on that(before it got uber boring and easy) i play xbox version i dont have game of the year edition though :cry:




anyways...my mom dosent care.....shes never gona pay for membership though

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my parents dont really care. Theres nothing really to complain about really I still get good grades and everything. And as for the ammount of time I spend playing, well acually I spend more time skateboarding than anything else. And my dad doesn't complain about that he skates too. I'm usually only on at my mom's because she lives in a apartment and I can't skate there, and she's fine with how much me and my brother play. Sooo yeah they dont care. Used to pay for membership too but then my mom couldnt afford it, now my grandparents pay lol.



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My parents don't mind the game itself, but that I play it more than they would like. They are currently about to restrict my game play time.



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My parents are interested in it, but exclaim, "how can you play such a repetitive game and not get bored for so long?!" whenever I speak about it :P




Yea, my parents don't really care, whenever they see me playing it they just ask if I've finished it yet (they know it cant be finished :P)




As long as I'm getting good marks in the subjects I enjoy and I stay healthy and keep up my sports they don't mind


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Thanks Jopie211 for the sig

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as a mum to 3 kids who play rs /wow/ eq2, i have no problems with what they are playing.


i will happily do stuff with them in the games they are playing.


i only limit their pc time to give them time to do homework/chores/playing with friends

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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i remember way back when, when the Dragon Slayer quest was released, we didn't have the internet at our house back then, so I would sneak down to my dads office, a few blocks away from our house where he worked, and play it, until one night when im finally fighting the dragon, he walks in on me, in the middle of the fight and unplugs the computer.




i was almost as upset as he was.






those where the old days.




i now live by myself. parents arent fun. I suggest everyone move out . heh \'

[combat level: 124][skill total: 1,800+][quest points: 260][Mining: ??]




Go Vegan!

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My parents hate it, blame it for everything that goes wrong in my life!! Playig RS til 2 in the morning and then getting busted by them might have something to do with it i suppose :-k






I know how you feel




we ALL know how you feel


Not all of us....


Since I've been out of the house for a few years now, my parents probably don't even know RS exsists. My friends all say I have mental problems for playing it, though.

Crocodile hunter-Rest in Peace

"Theres NOT a country in the world that Bush would not get BOOO'd at ....even if Bush went to Antarctica the penguins would demonstrate."-Darknovae, NS Forum

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They think it's a huge waste of time. My parents are the kind of people who want you to be ready for college at 10. At 13 years old, i have them on my neck about checking the financial market..




I'm sure i'm not the only one that thinks they are crazy after the last sentence.




Anyways, i have an IQ to boust about, i take double AP math, play sports like a mad man, and Ace every class, no matter what. And when they catch me on rs, they start calling me lazy, and other weird things....when i'm sure i've done x500 of what they have done by the time they were my age.

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My parents haven't actually read the guide, and they know very little about runescape. Except that I play it (although I must say, they pronounce it 'Run Escape').




However, my parents subtley think (I know this seems like a strange thing to say, but it's true), that any pastimes/hobbies other than sports are a waste of time. Not that they force me to play sports or anything, but they hint it every know and then.




So basically, they don't really like it :P

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They think it's a huge waste of time. My parents are the kind of people who want you to be ready for college at 10. At 13 years old, i have them on my neck about checking the financial market..




I'm sure i'm not the only one that thinks they are crazy after the last sentence.




Anyways, i have an IQ to boust about, i take double AP math, play sports like a mad man, and Ace every class, no matter what. And when they catch me on rs, they start calling me lazy, and other weird things....when i'm sure i've done x500 of what they have done by the time they were my age.




Its sad when parents get overly ambitious on their offsprings behalf. All they risk achieving is a kid who rebell against it and act the oposite way of what they want.




Hopefully you wont do that, and waste a good brain and a bright future :)




See it like this: your parents know this world is a tough place to be in, and what they really wish for, is for you to have a surviving chanse. They know you are bright and smart! But they also know that talent and lazyness goes hand by hand, and thats probably why they are concerned.




Have you ever watched a wildlife show on TV about eagles?




Have you there seen how the eagle parents raise and train their fledgeling? Its a tough world to face for that litle kidling! They nest on the top of a high mountain, and the nestling cant move around much without the risk of falling over the edge. When the time arrive to learn to fly the fledgeling have to literally jump of the cliff and hope for the best. He spreads his wings and trys to hang in the air as his parents, but the first time the litle one lands on his head on a protrusion and sits there till he feels ready to do it all over. All the time his parents hover above him, with encouraging crys.




I think this is very much how we parents is with our kids; we know its a tough world out there, so we try to prepare you for it the best way we can, while we affectionately cheer you on.




Your parents see the potentional in you and dont want it to go to waste. Appreciate that :)


- "I am willing to die...I mean try" - Jewelfire (Want to go bossing?)
-"we tried, we cried and we died!" - Limparse (What happens to old farts and tarts on monster-hunts)
- "...and we found out that there are as many ways to get to warriors guild
...as there are elders trying to get there" - Lysi
*snods agely* sorry... *nods sagely* - Brammy

-"Equality is being treated the SAME as everyone else;

not having special treatment and unique things added in to everything." - Sy_Accursed

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Well unlike some of you I'm restricted to only playing computer games on friday and saturday, excluding holidays. As long as I don't just stay on the computer all day, they don't seem to mind too much about what I'm doing providing I get out for some exercise and do some study. My parents are tough but fair :P

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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My parents hate it, blame it for everything that goes wrong in my life!! Playig RS til 2 in the morning and then getting busted by them might have something to do with it i suppose :-k
lol so true, parents love to blame everything on something other than them. My dad blames every health condition that might ever come up, on the computer. As if im sopposed to have perfect health :roll:




i have perfect health and do ntoihng else then school and playing runescape and other games :lol:

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My mom says "Haha it's that game with those funny little people in it". She really is clueless about computer games.


Over all she's not taking a liking of me gaming though, especially not "shooting games" (FPS).




My dad always hated RS since he managed to get some info on how it works. He calls it " ROONSCAPE! that crap game where you stand by a tree all day" (from watching me lvling combat nearby a tree). He doesn't like MMOs since he figures they make you asocial. I kind of have to agree with him.




Of course, now I'm a big boy and can decide myself. And I've come to realize how much RS sucks and how much time it steals :shame: , so I only play from time to time while I'm waiting for DarkFall to be released.

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My mom always asks me when im gonna finsh that game, and I ussaly always say tommarow :-#




Ehhh ...my dad dosnt care as long as I do stuff dureing the day and keep my grades up (I have all A's but one D) Yay but they dont know that yet :wall:

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my parents get pretty mad when i play it and do nothing else but since i read and do a lot of sports they don't feel that bad about it




+1 Except you should convert it all to past-tense, I quit a month ago for school. Only on this forum cause I felt like seeing if it had changed much. I would have stayed active except for the fact that I thought it would draw me back into the game. Thinking of doing the multi-forum steel wars though :twisted:

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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