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Why do some people call low lvl's noobs for no reason?


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Why do some people call lower lvl's noobs simply because they are a lower level? In my opinion noobiness is judged on how you conduct yourself in the game. Running around calling people noobs means YOU are the noob in my book.






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*bangs head against wall repeatedly*




Wait we have a smiley for that... :wall:




This has been discussed over and over again - so many topics on this subject! There's really not much to say. People call other people noobs because it's just become a pathetic mainstream insult suitable for when the person who is saying it can think of nothing more intelligent to say.






Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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Because most low levels...




1. Ask you for free stuff




2. Say they got hacked and ask you for free stuff




3. Fail horribly at Scamming








4. Auto :shame:




Thats a noob ^ some people judge other people before giving them a chance and end up being called a noob, to bad


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Yeah... I'm perfectly happy slowly leveling and skilling, but i can't stand having people walking around calling 'HEY NOOB' and 'NEED SOME HELP NOOB' or 'yeah but yere a noob'.


Look, lvl 24 IS NOT A NOOB.


And Mr. lvl 46, you walking around calling people noobs is just plain noobish and immature. I haven't done anything to make you vall me noob, i'm just there.




o well




or possibly not

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If a low lvl is minding their own business and some guy just says noob for no reason, then thats wrong and the guy's an idiot.




If a low lvl is begging, asking to be gf/bf, closing doors as you're opening them, etc., then the low lvl is the noob.

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They have no one else to bully... so they say the "n" word to people with a lower level than them. (No, not that "n" word... #-o)




But the thing that really makes me uncomfortable is when people with a lower level than you calls you the "n" word. (Level 50 steals a level 90's Moss Giant, and the level 50 calls the level 90 the "n" word.)


^ Blog.


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Because most low levels...




1. Ask you for free stuff




2. Say they got hacked and ask you for free stuff




3. Fail horribly at Scamming








4. Auto :shame:




Thats a noob ^ some people judge other people before giving them a chance and end up being called a noob, to bad




You do know that includes you and most of us, right? We all were low levels once, but I dont recall ever being that noobish. And thinking about your number 4, I honestly think that if someone Auto's they are... probably not low level?




Anyways, I also get annoyed by that, but its something that most of us have integrated into our way of thinking. I myself call my low level pkers my "noobs". I think that most PM their friends and say, "Im going on my noob", or something like that.

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I myself call my low level pkers my "noobs". I think that most PM their friends and say, "Im going on my noob", or something like that.






I've heard this one quite a lot too. Bloody common these days.




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What's the point of this topic? There have been countless others like it.




There is no one reason why one person may call another a noob, so that's it. I really wish people like you would stop posting pointless topics like these before thinking.




There's a search button which you could put to use as well.





99 Ranged F2P achieved 21 November (2961st)


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Anyways, I also get annoyed by that, but its something that most of us have integrated into our way of thinking. I myself call my low level pkers my "noobs". I think that most PM their friends and say, "Im going on my noob", or something like that.




Aye, own the insult and use it with pride and it loses its meaning - becomes no more insulting than walking up to someone and saying "hey, your palms are somewhat pink". Just an observation - only you know whether its an accurate one, and if it is, then take it to heart. If not, then don't. Words don't have the power to hurt - its how we take them.

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There is no one reason why one person may call another a noob, so that's it.




I think that we all just gave reasons other than one as simple as yours, so there is a point in posting these topics. Plus it keep people who dont regularly come here up to date.

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I think people call other people noobs because:




-They are a low level and they feel they have some kind of authority over them




-Your skills are better than theirs and they're embarressed




-They beg, annoy, yeah...




But i think it's mean, so i don't call anyone noobs. I actually have a LOT of low level friends, and they're really cool. People call me a noob and i'm level 82. Ah well, i saw some level 42 guy callin a level 112 guy a noob...




What can i say, haha. :roll:

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Because they are plain jerks who get a thrill out of being a jerk over the internet. Usually your average player who sits around, trying to grab attention and blatantly makes out that he is the 'cool' kid because when he is on the internet he is the boss around town which really reflects of his social life which is sad and empty, as he whimpers at the fought of a fight in the real world and is crying out for attention.


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Some people think that they are better than others because they have a high combat level. They're the real noobs :evil:


I'd like to see them call people noobs in real life :twisted:


Hypocrites! :x


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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