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When Noobs go a little to far...


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Thanks scruffman for this thread idea first off. Something i noticed particularly in cw but all over is that some noobs have an urge to go way into the belief of the gods, so far to that you might think they believe in them. Particulary if you're walking around with you're new zammy armor and someone goes up to you and says "noob, zammy's a loser". You think, "what they hey? its just an armor... :? "


or at cw, when people say "ZAMMORAK LET US CRUSH SARA, GIVE ME YOU'RE STRENGTH!!!!" except its spelled wrong and worse, but thats the best example i can think of now. Anyway, the point of this thread is to say what you thnk of this and/or post a example of someone getting a little to far into god belief in rs..




EDIT: Alright, people are really mistaking this. Here's a good example of what i'm talking about from muggi.


Looong ago when splitbark was first released, I saw some person talking to himself wearing guthix, full splitbark, etc. Someone asked him where he got the armor. Instead of saying "Oh, I bought it," or "Oh, I worked in the shade tombs for it," he was way too over-dramatic saying things like "and I became one with nature, devoting my spirit, my soul, and myself to Guthix and nature..." blah blah blah




its the over-dramatic things like that is what i'm trying to get at. not at like zamorak empower me type things. I guess my example at top is not very good then. Please read this one before posting now.

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not at all. I say those kinds of things all the time. The first comment on saying zammy is a loser is just saying that he doesnt like the god or he doesnt like the color of the armor. The second comment about crushing saradomin I've probably said in many variations. It just adds to the fun of the game and sometimes gets you some laughs when your hangingout with buddies in rs :D .

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Well, it's not called a role-playing game for nothing. For some people, the acting out as they would want their character is all part of the game and the fun.

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

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Looong ago when splitbark was first released, I saw some person talking to himself wearing guthix, full splitbark, etc. Someone asked him where he got the armor. Instead of saying "Oh, I bought it," or "Oh, I worked in the shade tombs for it," he was way too over-dramatic saying things like "and I became one with nature, devoting my spirit, my soul, and myself to Guthix and nature..." blah blah blah




Yeah, of course I made fun of him. Or her. I can't remember.






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ill do the second thing all the time and im not a noob..




usually ill saysomthin about guthix and cast bloom or something. scares the crap out of some newbs. the ones who havnt done the quest allways think im atking them or something.

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Looong ago when splitbark was first released, I saw some person talking to himself wearing guthix, full splitbark, etc. Someone asked him where he got the armor. Instead of saying "Oh, I bought it," or "Oh, I worked in the shade tombs for it," he was way too over-dramatic saying things like "and I became one with nature, devoting my spirit, my soul, and myself to Guthix and nature..." blah blah blah




Yeah, of course I made fun of him. Or her. I can't remember.










but yeah some ppl do take things more seriosuly then others, its just a game, lets them

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Sometimes people just goof off to annoy people like you...




But yeah, it does get very annoying... One guy said that I would burn in hell bcuz I believed in Guthix... I was like N00b He created Gielinor... Then the N00b is like, lol! wtf is Gielinor? Wrong RPG n00b..... I'm smiling to myself thinking hmm.... Who is the n00b now?

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That's what the rpg element is about. It seems equally ridiculous to me - but they get into it and the game's set up for that kind of immersion. They're just exploring their psyche. Role playing can be fun if you get into it. They have the energy and interest - you and I don't. But just because we don't doesn't mean we can't objectively understand that they do, and not think they're weird for it.

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That's what the rpg element is about. It seems equally ridiculous to me - but they get into it and the game's set up for that kind of immersion. They're just exploring their psyche. Role playing can be fun if you get into it. They have the energy and interest - you and I don't. But just because we don't doesn't mean we can't objectively understand that they do, and not think they're weird for it.




finally someone intelligence posts about this subject =D> ...people either love it or flame it....its fun at times, i tend to be a bit "religious" when i play things that have to do with the RS gods(ex. cw or pc) and have fun with it, but i dont hold anything against people who do it all the time. just look at other MMORPGs and see how deep people get into it, i think its admirable actually because: 1) they feel secure enough to do something generally laughed at. 2) they have the intelligence(usually) and imagination to get into it.




i actually wish that Jagex would make a new server for rpers so they can get more into their characters, a few other games have them, and they have their own censors (things in "leet" and "noob" are censored/reportable), to give rpers a place to meet and experience that part of the game with likeminded individuals without being harassed for it.


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The economy is run by 13 year olds. Inflation hits when their girlfriends dump them. Besides, in any normal economy an influx of new items is a good shot in the arm.
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That's what the rpg element is about. It seems equally ridiculous to me - but they get into it and the game's set up for that kind of immersion. They're just exploring their psyche. Role playing can be fun if you get into it. They have the energy and interest - you and I don't. But just because we don't doesn't mean we can't objectively understand that they do, and not think they're weird for it.




finally someone intelligence posts about this subject =D> ...people either love it or flame it....its fun at times, i tend to be a bit "religious" when i play things that have to do with the RS gods(ex. cw or pc) and have fun with it, but i dont hold anything against people who do it all the time. just look at other MMORPGs and see how deep people get into it, i think its admirable actually because: 1) they feel secure enough to do something generally laughed at. 2) they have the intelligence(usually) and imagination to get into it.




i actually wish that Jagex would make a new server for rpers so they can get more into their characters, a few other games have them, and they have their own censors (things in "leet" and "noob" are censored/reportable), to give rpers a place to meet and experience that part of the game with likeminded individuals without being harassed for it.


Yes, an easy way to figure out if someone knows what they're talking about or if they are worth listening to:




The correct philosophical use of subjectiveness/objectiveness ftw.

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you know whats fun?


going onto the zammy team in cw or into a big group of pro-zammy's and calling zammy "emo." i know, it has nothing to do with the actual character but its fun to see the "noob"'s fly across the screen :lol:

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RS is a mmorpg (massive multiplayer online role playing game)


simply some people like role playing. it makes the game more then just a game so to speak, your just not controling your character you are the character. rping helps achive this.


i too often find myself shouting "death to the non-belivers" before blasting them to hell with flames of zammy ect

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In a choice between white/blue, red/black, or green I choose red/black and therefore am incorrectly aligned with Zamorak. My character is an Aztec lost in Asgarnia and therefore does not believe in any of the RS Gods - instead following his Goddess Itzpapalotl. Does my roleplaying mean that I forsake my beliefs in real life? No more than PKing breaks the 1st commandment.

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I had a fresh one of tutorial come up to me and she asked where a few things were. As the person i am i showed her.


She added me.


She started to call me master.


I added her to my ignore after she got annoying.


Then about a month later i was casually walking through varrock up to the bank...


There sha was...


I bolted it, and just managed to get away.

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meh,let 'm have some fun :) (altough i've noticed a lot like these)


->points to that one youtube vid of sad kids playing runescape irl running trough town with a piece of rope in their hand and a yellow homemade crown on there heads...yeah...NO!

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