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New player interfaces!


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Good ol' ungratefull community :D






Jagex Mod




27-Sep-2006 13:39:59


You can click anywhere in the area of the run buttons to switch from run to walk and back again.




You do not have to click on the little buttons, so it's not a smaller area to click than before - if anything it's slightly bigger










Remember the bucket rants? Everyone's used to them now, just give this time.

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It's so weird. I just got onto RS for the first time in a while and it feels like I'm in a dream from last night. You know how dreams can have elements of the real thing but all mixed up? Well, it's like that.




I find it really difficult to get the hang of. Why a whole page just for little-used emotes? The old system was so much less complicated.

I helped on the Black Knight's Fortress Quest Guide. Stop messaging me in game! All I did was say BKs are lvl 33, not 31!


All skills to level 30!

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The only thing that bothers me is the run really, first of all it's gonna take forever to get used to it on a different menu. Second, it seems like they took something I never use (emotes) and made them much bigger, and something I use all the time (run) and made it smaller. I like the old look better too actually, but run is the only thing that's driving me nuts.

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Lol, I just laughed at official forums as everyone was crying that the game looks too childish now and they will quit playing. :) Makes me wonder how the player interface change makes the game look childish, if the game is great I don't mind what the interface looks like as long as it's usable. Personally I love the update, well maybe some tweaking here and there but it's great. I like the orange text too, the emotes are more logical now, but who uses them anyway? Perhaps mime random is easier now for players who are not so familiar with english. :roll:

Rsn: Onauric Combat: 136 Total: 2150+


All quests done since: 3rd December 2005

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The graphic of the bucket has been changed and everybody was like "OMGEE ITS SO LAME!!! IT LOOK HORRIBLE IM GONNA QUIT!!!11!!one!!"




#-o -.-


pretty dub if ask me ::'

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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i like it run is a bit annoying but bearable, and as for the people complaining about having to clicking twice to see stats, thats just plain lazy and also i belive you had to click twice to see your full stats anyway in the form of a scroll bar


My capes in the order they were achieved

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lawl taito...




Youll get used to it. go get drunk and pretend it never happened.




i thort people had forgot about that?!

Why would we EVER want to do that? :P


I really like it, I mean, some things I could definately do without, like the orange skills, emotes and somethimes just being able to look at your stats straight away is nice... But just for looking at your stats not in a hurry, it's better, sounds rule, and lets be honest, if you want to take a picture of an outfit, well, the new stats thing owns j00!

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If you click on "show equipment stats" while walking, you will walk in the new open window.




If you are running, you will run in the window.


Nice! Can you try it whith emotes too?

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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