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:: tripsis :: 99 Woodcutting!

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Hehe I should try to take the top spot one day! *Dreams*


I was going to go see Harry Potter tonight with my girlfriend but we decided to go to Vegas with her family instead! I'll have to wait until sunday or monday to see it. I heard it's the best one yet! Have fun with it!




Haha that'd be cool! I've been considering trying to get back into the top 21 constructors sometime in the next couple of weeks.




Oohh cool~! Have fun in Vegas! I'm really excited for the movie, been looking forward to this all year :oops:




Harry Potter ftw! Although, the books were better than the movies... Especially the fourth one, while the movie was good, it deviated from the book too much for my tastes. Anyways... Thanks for the herby tip tripsis




Yes, I completely agree. Though that's pretty much true for all books that get turned into movies :( But the movies are still fun to see, even though they're usually not too great compared to the books.




And you're welcome! Any time :)




I haven't spammed this for too long.




Rofl XD




I haven't spammed this for too long.




Which brings up a good point. Wakka's blog had a lot of spam (Skatedog111) and useless posts (no disrespect to Wakka) whereas This blog is amazing and full of wisdom. Tasty




Aww thanks Piman :) I like having what I like to consider a "helpful" blog :oops:




I haven't spammed this for too long.




Which brings up a good point. Wakka's blog had a lot of spam (Skatedog111) and useless posts (no disrespect to Wakka) whereas This blog is amazing and full of wisdom. Tasty




Only 12 pages away from Oreo's! Tripsis = greatest blogger on TIF!




Aww thanks <3:




Alright. It's official, I'm a 'regular' on your blog now. I understand that you'd want 99 hunter, but I'm still confused on why you'd want 99 farming. If I attempted it my patience would go short before I got to level 40.




And also, I agree, you don't have a blog here Tripsis, you have a mini community within Tip.It




Haha wahoo~! XD I used to hate farming myself. I didn't start liking it until I got into the higher levels. By then you come to realize how relaxing and fun it is. You barely do any work each day. Yes it's annoying getting only ~100k xp a day for several months (similar to RCing actually), but you barely do any work, which is nice.




Thanks Skill_Caster~! -group hug- I wub you all <3:








Well today has been a nice, mellow day so far. It's not too hot today, which is nice. If it's 100ÃÆââ¬Â¹Ãâ¦Ã¡F +, it makes me tired and not want to do anything. But today it's cloudy and in the low 70s, probably, which is nice.




I had to work this morning from 8:30-12:30, which wasn't so bad. Boring, but only a few hours, thank goodness. Then I came home, did my herbies and finally decided to get working on my house. I'll post pictures later, after I do herbs again, but I'm quite happy with what I have so far! I added:




- Two or three junctions/cooridors to my dungeon (don't remember the exact number #-o )


- Another Treasure Room


- Skill Hall


- Study


- Another formal garden




Then I went ahead and did some decorating too -blush- (and I'm not even done!!!). Lets see if I can remember all the things I added:




Skill Hall

  • [*:2zhxntof]Opulent Rug
    [*:2zhxntof]Rune Case thingie
    [*:2zhxntof]KBD head


  • [*:2zhxntof]Large Orrery
    [*:2zhxntof]Infernal Chart
    [*:2zhxntof]Mahogany Telescope
    [*:2zhxntof]Mahogany Bookcase

Formal Garden

  • [*:2zhxntof]Daffodils
    [*:2zhxntof]Tall Fancy Hedge

I spent about 1.6m -blush- All this POH expansion got me back into construction mode, rofl. So I'm planning on making a few upgrades, especially in my dungeon. Since I added several more rooms in my dungeon (now 9 room dungeon! WOW!) and it doesn't have many monsters, it's looking very empty :( Time to hit the runecrafting!!

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Time to hit runecrafting!!




Runecrafting: Hiya!


(not entirely aware of her surroundings) Tripsis: Wait, I thought my chat was off :-k


Runecrafting: No, you turned it on.


Tripsis: OMFG ITS RUNECRAFTING!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT*

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Time to hit runecrafting!!




Runecrafting: Hiya!


(not entirely aware of her surroundings) Tripsis: Wait, I thought my chat was off


Runecrafting: No, you turned it on.


Tripsis: OMFG ITS RUNECRAFTING!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *HIT HIT HIT HIT HIT*




ROFL!!! :XD: That made me smile :lol:




WOOHOO! More additions to the house! I am totally updating my house when I hit 75 and can have every room.


Fancy new house for a fancy new 99! I wanna see it when you get 99 Farm!




Yeah I went a little wild at 75 too :lol: Well that's when I put in all my gardens. The sparkles from the magic trees makes your house look nice, lol <3:








Well I just spent several hours ( :shock: ) taking, editing and uploading pictures of my house for you guys to enjoy (*pokes first page*). It's been ages since I've posted recent pictures, so have fun with them~!

Posted Image


- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Whoot, I will be able to see what I am working towards. <3:


Nice pics, I am looking through them right now. :)


Lol and I just picked up MTK. Two days in a row that I got a spirit seed! \'


Are you jealous? :XD:


Well, keep it up Tripsis! :)

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Harry Potter sucks *insert explicit word* but oh well. You should try some movies like: "The Prestige" Or "Deja Vu" or "Children of Men" Or... "TRANSFORMERS"!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Good luck on 99 Farm!

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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*pokes first page*




First page: Howdy there!


Tripsis: Eh?


First page: That's a nice looking house you have! :shock:


Tripsis: :o


First page: I wanna see it!


Tripsis: Go away *poke* *runs away*


Frist page (finds Trip again): Emote pl0z?


Tripsis: OMFG *takes a pair of magic secuatars to First Page's eyes*




Still spamming your thread because I want to stay with 999 posts for as long as possible, which is nice because I can still post in blogs and and rate this ::'

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*pokes first page*




First page: Howdy there!


Tripsis: Eh?


First page: That's a nice looking house you have! :shock:


Tripsis: :o


First page: I wanna see it!


Tripsis: Go away *poke* *runs away*


Frist page (finds Trip again): Emote pl0z?


Tripsis: OMFG *takes a pair of magic secuatars to First Page's eyes*




Still spamming your thread because I want to stay with 999 posts for as long as possible, which is nice because I can still post in blogs and and rate this ::'





I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Harry Potter ftw! Although, the books were better than the movies... Especially the fourth one, while the movie was good, it deviated from the book too much for my tastes. Anyways... Thanks for the herby tip tripsis




Yes, I completely agree. Though that's pretty much true for all books that get turned into movies :( But the movies are still fun to see, even though they're usually not too great compared to the books.




I'm a huge fan of the first 5 books (yes, the first 5, didn't like the 6th overly much), and while I'll agree that the movies aren't quite as great as the books, I still love the movies. Maybe it's because of Emma and Evanna (the actresses who play Hermione and Luna, respectively <3: (don't tell my girlfriend I said that :oops: )) I'll be going to see the movie soon, probably Friday, and can't really wait.




I've decided to stop lurking on this blog and support. 99 Farming shows a lot of patience, and I look up to it more than most capes (then again, I also look up to the herblore cape, which you have already). And thanks for the help earlier; the costume room set cleared half a page out of my bank, so now I know what bank space looks like again.




Here ends my pointless post.




EDIT: I liked your house. When I went in there for a while, all the gardens made it feel very relaxing, and I felt calmer than I have most of my time on Runescape. Once you finish it, I want to visit again.

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.



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I can't see your house! It isn't showing up! Waaahhhh!!!! :cry: :cry: Oh well....


I'm a huge fan of the first 5 books (yes, the first 5, didn't like the 6th overly much),


How can you NOT like the sixth? It's the best one!!!!


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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Very nice work Tripsis. Keep it up




Thanks so much Jem! As always :)




Whoot, I will be able to see what I am working towards.


Nice pics, I am looking through them right now.


Lol and I just picked up MTK. Two days in a row that I got a spirit seed!


Are you jealous?


Well, keep it up Tripsis!




Thank you~!




Wow congratulations!! I had a few spirit tree seed streaks. Not so many recently though :-k




Nice pics




Jeez, it's 5:18.A.M. here at Finland I haven't slept even a minute, don't know why




Thank you~! :D




Eeep! I remember when I used to pull all-nighters like that. Been a while though (excluding the one I did a few weeks ago) :oops:




Harry Potter sucks *insert explicit word* but oh well. You should try some movies like: "The Prestige" Or "Deja Vu" or "Children of Men" Or... "TRANSFORMERS"!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Good luck on 99 Farm!




I saw The Prestige actually. It was um.. interesting :-w It was good I guess, but kind of slow, I thought. By the time the pace picked up, it started making sense and started getting good... it was over :uhh:




*pokes first page*




First page: Howdy there!


Tripsis: Eh?


First page: That's a nice looking house you have!


Tripsis: :o


First page: I wanna see it!


Tripsis: Go away *poke* *runs away*


Frist page (finds Trip again): Emote pl0z?


Tripsis: OMFG *takes a pair of magic secuatars to First Page's eyes*




Still spamming your thread because I want to stay with 999 posts for as long as possible, which is nice because I can still post in blogs and and rate this




ROFL XD You're so silly XD Those magic secateurs are deadly!!!




I just rewatched the 4th and going to see the 5th tomorrow.




Good luck on 99 farm btw.




Awesome!!! When you see it we can Harry Potter grub together.




And thanks!!




Harry Potter ftw! Although, the books were better than the movies... Especially the fourth one, while the movie was good, it deviated from the book too much for my tastes. Anyways... Thanks for the herby tip tripsis




Yes, I completely agree. Though that's pretty much true for all books that get turned into movies But the movies are still fun to see, even though they're usually not too great compared to the books.




I'm a huge fan of the first 5 books (yes, the first 5, didn't like the 6th overly much), and while I'll agree that the movies aren't quite as great as the books, I still love the movies. Maybe it's because of Emma and Evanna (the actresses who play Hermione and Luna, respectively (don't tell my girlfriend I said that)) I'll be going to see the movie soon, probably Friday, and can't really wait.




I've decided to stop lurking on this blog and support. 99 Farming shows a lot of patience, and I look up to it more than most capes (then again, I also look up to the herblore cape, which you have already). And thanks for the help earlier; the costume room set cleared half a page out of my bank, so now I know what bank space looks like again.




Here ends my pointless post.




EDIT: I liked your house. When I went in there for a while, all the gardens made it feel very relaxing, and I felt calmer than I have most of my time on Runescape. Once you finish it, I want to visit again.




-runs off to go find your girlfriend and tell her right away-




Haha just kidding. I'm glad to see that you finally decided to post!! -grins-ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâà And you're more than welcome!ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâà Glad to hear that I helped free up your bank a bit, hehe.




Aww thank you~! I'm a bit obsessed with gardens. I even added ANOTHER one outside the master bedroom after you left! You're more than welcome to visit again once my house is up to speed.




I can't see your house! It isn't showing up! Waaahhhh!!!! Oh well....


I'm a huge fan of the first 5 books (yes, the first 5, didn't like the 6th overly much),


How can you NOT like the sixth? It's the best one!!!!




I took them down for now :oops: I'll put them back up later - most likely sometime tomorrow afternoon.




I liked the sixth as well, though Harry Potter was portrayed as much more arrogant and moody in the fifth and sixth than the other books, which was a little irritating. I kept getting mad at the book as I read those two :oops:




But I do like how the sixth really shows how they've "grown up" and ventured off into their teenage years -chuckles-








Well I'm leaving the house within the next hour and am really excited~!

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Have fun at Harry Potter! Are you sure you shouldn't have left earlier? :XD: Here, people have been lined up all day for this. Since about 4 in the afternoon. Hopefully it's different in California. It would be depressing not getting into the movie after wanting to go soo badly. I hope you reserved tickets too. :D




Sixth was probably my favorite book too. Poor Dumbledore though. :(

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Have fun at Harry Potter! Are you sure you shouldn't have left earlier? Here, people have been lined up all day for this. Since about 4 in the afternoon. Hopefully it's different in California. It would be depressing not getting into the movie after wanting to go soo badly. I hope you reserved tickets too.




Sixth was probably my favorite book too. Poor Dumbledore though.




It's very different here I guess :oops: Not only do I live in a very.. unpopulated area, but I guess it's just different. I've gone to every HP (except for the first one) and LotR movie at midnight, and I've never had a huge problem with lines (except for the last LotR movie.. the line was huge, but I still got a seat ^.^). I normally get there like 30 minutes early and everything works out fine. Besides, a new movie theater opened up in the same town, so now the old movie theater is always deserted (since everyone goes to the new one now). The new movie theater has had three showing times sold out for a few days, whereas the first showing at the old one only sold out a few hours ago! :shock:

Posted Image


- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Thanks for the quick response to ickdeep...but:




Too bad you couldn't see the movie :( It's rare that it gets sold out ... <.<




On the other hand..more time for you to farm! Lol, imo farming is okay...at times. But with enough funds and motivation, it can be raised to any level!




I'm missing two key elements in my quest towards 70 (lol) farming, that you have in yours towards 99:




1. Motivation.


2. Financial Support.




I'll get around to it eventually, enough about me lol- Goodluck on 99! <3:

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Not only do I live in a very.. unpopulated area,


Hehehe. If I remember correctly, you said you had 4,000 people in your town? Well, I win :) Only 1,000 here!! It's awesome, I know 90% of the students in my school by name (first AND last, and it's a K-12 school :shock: ), and I can recognize around 50% of the town by sight (probably about 20% by name). Small towns rule! \'<3:


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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Keep up the farming! That's some truely amazing progress. Keep your precious yews away from dwarf mistletoe! It's currently turning one of my douglas firs into a hunk of brown needles with swolen branches! It must be the prime killer of yews in runescape.

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I'm missing two key elements in my quest towards 70 (lol) farming, that you have in yours towards 99:




1. Motivation.


2. Financial Support.


(2) is totally redundant in farming skill unless you want to do powerfarming, which trip is doing now. Basically you can just do herbs and gain average farming exp, cheap herblore exp and good money. :|

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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Have fun at Harry Potter! Are you sure you shouldn't have left earlier? Here, people have been lined up all day for this. Since about 4 in the afternoon. Hopefully it's different in California. It would be depressing not getting into the movie after wanting to go soo badly. I hope you reserved tickets too.




Sixth was probably my favorite book too. Poor Dumbledore though.




It's very different here I guess :oops: Not only do I live in a very.. unpopulated area, but I guess it's just different. I've gone to every HP (except for the first one) and LotR movie at midnight, and I've never had a huge problem with lines (except for the last LotR movie.. the line was huge, but I still got a seat ^.^). I normally get there like 30 minutes early and everything works out fine. Besides, a new movie theater opened up in the same town, so now the old movie theater is always deserted (since everyone goes to the new one now). The new movie theater has had three showing times sold out for a few days, whereas the first showing at the old one only sold out a few hours ago! :shock:


I went to the midnight one last night, twas good. ::'

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