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:: tripsis :: 99 Woodcutting!

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I just got back from seeing it.




You should move to Georiga, I was one of 15 people there. \'




Probably my favorite HP movie yet....even though it was my least favorite book.




Was the opposite for goblet of fire...favorite book/least favorite movie.




Wierd. :-k

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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It's very different here I guess :oops: Not only do I live in a very.. unpopulated area, but I guess it's just different. I've gone to every HP (except for the first one) and LotR movie at midnight, and I've never had a huge problem with lines (except for the last LotR movie.. the line was huge, but I still got a seat ^.^). I normally get there like 30 minutes early and everything works out fine. Besides, a new movie theater opened up in the same town, so now the old movie theater is always deserted (since everyone goes to the new one now). The new movie theater has had three showing times sold out for a few days, whereas the first showing at the old one only sold out a few hours ago! :shock:




LOTR FTl.... >.> *Points to name* I hate my name....






Get 86 Farm already!!

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Remember you wanted 87 farming before me right? Well you better get it before I get it in approximately 7-8 days. :-w

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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Thanks for the quick response to ickdeep...but:




Too bad you couldn't see the movie. It's rare that it gets sold out ...




On the other hand..more time for you to farm! Lol, imo farming is okay...at times. But with enough funds and motivation, it can be raised to any level!




I'm missing two key elements in my quest towards 70 (lol) farming, that you have in yours towards 99:




1. Motivation.


2. Financial Support.




I'll get around to it eventually, enough about me lol- Goodluck on 99!




I think you may have misunderstood my post :oops: I was able to get tickets, I got them a day early. I was just illustrating a different point.




As for motivation, can't really help you there, hehe. But anyone can get financial support. Yes, I do have a leg up since I have 91+ runecrafting, but hey.. I got 99 construction before 91 runecrafting so it's certainly possible! You just have to work at it.




Not only do I live in a very.. unpopulated area,


Hehehe. If I remember correctly, you said you had 4,000 people in your town? Well, I win. Only 1,000 here!! It's awesome, I know 90% of the students in my school by name (first AND last, and it's a K-12 school), and I can recognize around 50% of the town by sight (probably about 20% by name). Small towns rule!




I hardly see most of the people in my town. Like 80% of them are old people who never leave the house (kind of like me!! XD) :-$




But yeah, I love small towns ^.^ City = icky




Keep up the farming! That's some truely amazing progress. Keep your precious yews away from dwarf mistletoe! It's currently turning one of my douglas firs into a hunk of brown needles with swolen branches! It must be the prime killer of yews in runescape.




I'll try~! XD




I'm missing two key elements in my quest towards 70 (lol) farming, that you have in yours towards 99:




1. Motivation.


2. Financial Support.


(2) is totally redundant in farming skill unless you want to do powerfarming, which trip is doing now. Basically you can just do herbs and gain average farming exp, cheap herblore exp and good money.




Then again.. if you do herbs all the way to 99, it takes years!!




Have fun at Harry Potter! Are you sure you shouldn't have left earlier? Here, people have been lined up all day for this. Since about 4 in the afternoon. Hopefully it's different in California. It would be depressing not getting into the movie after wanting to go soo badly. I hope you reserved tickets too.




Sixth was probably my favorite book too. Poor Dumbledore though.




It's very different here I guess. Not only do I live in a very.. unpopulated area, but I guess it's just different. I've gone to every HP (except for the first one) and LotR movie at midnight, and I've never had a huge problem with lines (except for the last LotR movie.. the line was huge, but I still got a seat ^.^). I normally get there like 30 minutes early and everything works out fine. Besides, a new movie theater opened up in the same town, so now the old movie theater is always deserted (since everyone goes to the new one now). The new movie theater has had three showing times sold out for a few days, whereas the first showing at the old one only sold out a few hours ago!


I went to the midnight one last night, twas good.




It was very good! I want to see it again XD




Just look at the code:
[hide=My House (many pictures)][/hide]

There are no pictures!




I know :oops: I took them down.. I'm retaking them later.




Wouldn't you try just for 1 month




Hehehe, no one can resist it.




Just one month? :shock:




Gl with farming goal. You go through these things like nothin




If you wanna buy some seeds I got alot of herb seeds and a magic seed


just pm whenever




Thank you!!




Oohh terrific! I'll probably PM you later.




Good luck!




Thank youuuu~! ^.^




I just got back from seeing it.




You should move to Georiga, I was one of 15 people there.




Probably my favorite HP movie yet....even though it was my least favorite book.




Was the opposite for goblet of fire...favorite book/least favorite movie.








Rofl awesome XD




It was definitely my favourite movie too~! I wouldn't say that the 5th book was my least favourite. But I was always so frustrated with how arrogant and moody Harry Potter was in that book.




Yeah I loved the fourth book. Movie was definitely a letdown though :(




It's very different here I guess Not only do I live in a very.. unpopulated area, but I guess it's just different. I've gone to every HP (except for the first one) and LotR movie at midnight, and I've never had a huge problem with lines (except for the last LotR movie.. the line was huge, but I still got a seat ^.^). I normally get there like 30 minutes early and everything works out fine. Besides, a new movie theater opened up in the same town, so now the old movie theater is always deserted (since everyone goes to the new one now). The new movie theater has had three showing times sold out for a few days, whereas the first showing at the old one only sold out a few hours ago!




LOTR FTl.... >.> *Points to name* I hate my name....






Get 86 Farm already!!




Lmao XD




I'm tryying!! I've been pretty busy lately. I've been working in the morning for the last three days, leaving me exhausted later in the day.




Gratz on 85 and good luck with 86




Thank you so much!! ^.^




Remember you wanted 87 farming before me right? Well you better get it before I get it in approximately 7-8 days.




Heheh we'll see!




can you just pm me in game, you never have chat on for some reason and tip.it pming isnt working too well




i have 3 magic seeds




Okie, I'll do that.








Well as I said a few replies up there ^^, I've been working in the morning the past couple of days.. so I've usually been too tired to go on RuneScape that much. And TIF has been having a small crisis: The Case of the Disappearing Threads!!




Hopefully after a day's rest, I'll be ready to get back to work! XD

Posted Image


- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Do you work past 1 pm?




Please don't miss the party!




I don't have work tomorrow :)

Posted Image


- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Tripssyy! Wow, its been a while since I posted here (shame on me :shame: ). Anywhoo, keep it up, you're doing great! \'




Luv the new siggy and avvy by the way :D

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

4,968th to 99 Farming 10/9/09 | Runescaper August 2005-March 2010

Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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Congratulations for 40k views on your blog! It is the highest record here so far in blogscape!

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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[spam]I want 99 theiving but I can't manage to buy any antis :evil:




Also, what food should I use?




Edit: Maybe I'll just craft :-k




or rc. Sell me some glories :o




Edit2: Just rced about 3k nats. I <3 rc. Last night I planked for 60 con (900-1000 per hour, using bulter to plank) and I think I could get a nice skill combo going =D[/spam]

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Congratulations for 40k views on your blog! It is the highest record here so far in blogscape!




Actually, wasn't it Wakka's when he got over 750k+ views? :lol:




I just the new Harry Potter movie. It was ok, nothing special. Very nice special effects, but was too short and I didn't find it was explained much (for people watching the movie without reading the books). Oh well, let's hope the 6th one is better! :ohnoes:




As you can see, I've finally started working on Prayer. Got 4 levels yesterday (and 111 Combat \' ) and will try to get the rest today/tomorrow. We'll see.




Hurry up and get to Farming again! :P


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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Tripssyy! Wow, its been a while since I posted here (shame on me). Anywhoo, keep it up, you're doing great!




Luv the new siggy and avvy by the way




Thanks for posting Oreo!! :D




And thanks, I'm glad you like them~! ^.^








Thank youuuu~! :mrgreen:




Congratulations for 40k views on your blog! It is the highest record here so far in blogscape!




Thanks so much!! 50k will be cool :-w




[spam]I want 99 theiving but I can't manage to buy any antis




Also, what food should I use?




Edit: Maybe I'll just craft




or rc. Sell me some glories




Edit2: Just rced about 3k nats. I <3 rc. Last night I planked for 60 con (900-1000 per hour, using bulter to plank) and I think I could get a nice skill combo going =D[/spam]




Really? I bought all my antis/super antis pretty darn quickly.




I used a mixture between sharks and monkfish. I'd recommend monkfish :P




My glories!!!! :evil:




Nice!! That was my skill combo for a while, I enjoyed it!




Congratulations for 40k views on your blog! It is the highest record here so far in blogscape!




Actually, wasn't it Wakka's when he got over 750k+ views?




I just the new Harry Potter movie. It was ok, nothing special. Very nice special effects, but was too short and I didn't find it was explained much (for people watching the movie without reading the books). Oh well, let's hope the 6th one is better!




As you can see, I've finally started working on Prayer. Got 4 levels yesterday (and 111 Combat ) and will try to get the rest today/tomorrow. We'll see.




Hurry up and get to Farming again!




Wakka's don't count, as they weren't legit views :-w I forget which page on his blog he explained that.. but he used a program or something to get them.




I liked it a lot actually. I've seen it twice already o.O




Terrific!!! Congratulations!!!




I'm confident that I'll be doing quite a bit of farming this weekend. No work!!! -rejoices-

Posted Image


- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Yay for lots of farming this weekend!!!! Good luck with the last 14 levels... You've been at 85 for a while, you pretty close to 86 or just havent been on much lately? And what did you think of the new HP movie? I haven't seen it... not sure if I want to, heard it isn't that great :D

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Why so many pages? =[




Nice on the house, as ive been saying since you got 95 cons or whatever, max out that house!!!




Nice on the farming, im only 19 levels or so behind you :P




Got 80 rc banked, planning on soloing all 85k nats, as that will give me the money for the rest of 99 range =)




Anyway, will check this blog again soon, as I always do, so for now, Ap out <3:<3:<3:

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[hide= 8-) ]99wc3ez5.png[/hide]




oh yeah, i'm in that picture. 8-) piman you are such a dork posting it on someone else's blog. anyway, time to react to tripsis's blog.






ahem... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: holy crap! 99 farming! you're insane! it took me forever to get my farming in the highscores!!!! you are insane tripsis!!!!!!!




well, glad i got that out of my system... but yeah, pretty much what i wanted to say is in that stupid paragraph. once you're done, let's see how much of your sanity is left.... by making you go for 102 farming!!!! mwuhahahahahahahaha!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:



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Hey Tripsis!!! I'm back from a 5 day break but I'm still going to work on getting 60 prayer.




Gratz on 85 farming and GL on 86.... I read the last 5 pages that I missed before I posted so you better reply :XD:




I saw the HP movie on Thursday, wasn't that great IMO (I prefer Deja Vu, MI series, James Bond.... etc) but its better then some of the other HP movies.




and again GL!!!!!...... my fingers are typing soo much slower then normaly because of the break.


Thanks Terly for the best Avatar in TipIt -winks-

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Yay for lots of farming this weekend!!!! Good luck with the last 14 levels... You've been at 85 for a while, you pretty close to 86 or just havent been on much lately? And what did you think of the new HP movie? I haven't seen it... not sure if I want to, heard it isn't that great




Mm a little bit of both. Been busy with work and Dork (<3:). And working in the morning (and just waking up early) has made me get tired really early.




I loved the new Harry Potter movie!! It's my favourite one so far, I think! You should definitely see it.




Why so many pages? =[




Nice on the house, as ive been saying since you got 95 cons or whatever, max out that house!!!




Nice on the farming, im only 19 levels or so behind you




Got 80 rc banked, planning on soloing all 85k nats, as that will give me the money for the rest of 99 range =)




Anyway, will check this blog again soon, as I always do, so for now, Ap out




^^ In response to your first comment, read the end of my post! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.




Thank you!




Best of luck with those 85k nats! That's fantastic!! I hope all goes well -smiles-




[hide= 8-) ]99wc3ez5.png[/hide]








You were supposed to PM me :(




[hide= 8-) ]99wc3ez5.png[/hide]




oh yeah, i'm in that picture. piman you are such a dork posting it on someone else's blog. anyway, time to react to tripsis's blog.






ahem... holy crap! 99 farming! you're insane! it took me forever to get my farming in the highscores!!!! you are insane tripsis!!!!!!!




well, glad i got that out of my system... but yeah, pretty much what i wanted to say is in that stupid paragraph. once you're done, let's see how much of your sanity is left.... by making you go for 102 farming!!!! mwuhahahahahahahaha!!!!




Haha I don't mind! It is a 99 after all!




-blush- I think you'll come to find that I'm very insane XD




ROFL! How about 110? :lol: Anyway, thanks for your support!




Hey Tripsis!!! I'm back from a 5 day break but I'm still going to work on getting 60 prayer.




Gratz on 85 farming and GL on 86.... I read the last 5 pages that I missed before I posted so you better reply




I saw the HP movie on Thursday, wasn't that great IMO (I prefer Deja Vu, MI series, James Bond.... etc) but its better then some of the other HP movies.




and again GL!!!!!...... my fingers are typing soo much slower then normaly because of the break.




Hehe I always reply! Best of luck on 60 prayer!! Shouldn't be too hard -smiles-




Thanks so much for the congrats/good luck!!




Being a sucker for the Harry Potter books, I really enjoyed it. And I agree that this was one of the best, if not the best, Harry Potter movies.




Thanks again!!!




Dang, you're fast




Since it no longer costs 38 cents per post, I can now bump freely




Yaaaay!! Free bumps!! Rofl XD








Well Dork and I spent most of today expanding my dungeon even more and planning for future upgrades. I now have a 13 room dungeon. We've decided to take a week off from farming to pay for these upgrades. We'll still farm, just use low-level seeds from MTK and finish off our herb seed stock.




So for the next week or so, I'll be making 10k nats a day, and he will be making 5k nats a day (minimum). With all this gp, I will be buying:




- 1 steel dragon \'


- 1 dagannoth


- 1 hellhound


- 2 troll guards


- 2 huge spiders


- 1 red dragon




Naturally those are all subject to change (as always). I may even considering getting 2 hellhounds if Dork and I aren't bored of runecrafting yet XD




Afterwards, we'll get back to powerfarming for a few weeks... until I can convince Dork to let me get a Demonic Throne!!! :-$

Posted Image


- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Happy runecrafting for your dungeon! I'll make sure I get 87 farming soon and win the 87 farming competition! 8-)

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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Like my house? Sorry I logged out, I got fricken DCed, it was the first of many DCs tonight. Then, when I tried to apologize, you and Dork weren't on. NOW READ\POST ON MY BLOG OR ELSE I'LL NEVER POST ON YOURS.








Ok, actually, I'll probably still post on your blog =p but post on mine, you never do, and Saru gets lonely. *sobs*











I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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