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Horror Movies!


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Halloween is just 2 days away, and I got some movies and im watching em at night for fun. ::'








So far ive seen Dawn of the Dead 2004 (Yay zombies!) and Silent Hill (Yay pyramid head!). :thumbsup:
















I got The Descent ready for tomorrow night (Monday), but I still need to pick one for Halloween Tuesday night. :-k








I only intend to watch one movie, but I can't a good one...












So what would be the best Halloween horror movie that you guys would recommend to be the best one hands down? :-s
















Like a seriously scary one!




















One that can mentally scarr me for a very long time!




















Make me piss my pants for god's sake!
























Anything at all? :-s

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Oh My God. I was just at my grandmothers house for the weekend helping her move into her new house. I went to my cousins house cause he is nearby so I'd have somehting to do. I slept over with him and his friend. They watched Shaun of the Dead. It was on Comedy Central. I was pleading for them to turn it off :ohnoes: . Like when the zombies reach into the guys stomach and just pull out all the blood and guts :ohnoes: Ugh, Horror movies aren't for me :(

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Ive seen Shaun of the Dead like 6 times now lol. Classic. ::'








I need a more scary one plz! :uhh:




















Event Horizon as in the space movie where the ship went to a very evil place and everyone got insane?








Okay thats in my list now, thanks! :wink:












The ring originals... I don't think I cant find them atm sorry... maybe sometime for sure. :(

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I agree with Darkrick about Event Horizon; it's by far the scariest movie I've ever seen.




I've seen it maybe three times since it came out, and there are still some things in it which I'd rather not remember :ohnoes:








"28 Days Later" is another good horror movie. It's about a virus infecting people with rage, among other things.

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I've seen half of 28 Days Later, but I never really finished it... :(








I should be able to finish it this time though. :-k




















Alright guys keep it coming, I only have a day to get a copy of a video from the store so drop your suggestions in! :!:

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Ever considered The Hills Have Eyes?








I watched that movie with a good friend of mine, and we both brought dates for some reason. Some of the parts in the movie where so ..fudged up the girls almost pissed their pants, and me and my friend are just sitting there laughing our [wagon] off. \'








Good movie, i'd watch the remake of it if you want .. more gorey/graphically appealing movie, but the original is also good.








PS: Watch the unrated version. :3>



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Oh My God. I was just at my grandmothers house for the weekend helping her move into her new house. I went to my cousins house cause he is nearby so I'd have somehting to do. I slept over with him and his friend. They watched Shaun of the Dead. It was on Comedy Central. I was pleading for them to turn it off :ohnoes: . Like when the zombies reach into the guys stomach and just pull out all the blood and guts :ohnoes: Ugh, Horror movies aren't for me :(








Shaun of the dead isn't a horror movie :?








And it's not very funny either. I think it was popular because of its novelty.

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For as long as I can remember, there has not been a movie that could scare me.








'The Hills Have Eyes' was gorey but not really scary though I liked it and watched it a few times.








'The Grudge' was a great movie! I watched it with 2 of my neighbors and they both got scared and left part way through the movie. I of course stayed and watched it alone (in the dark, while I was home alone). I also picked up a little bit of Japanese from the movie but forgot most of it <.<








'Hostel' was horribly gorey and started out almost as a porn (interesting censor for word meaning 'dirty movie'). I wouldn't recommend watching this with parents..








I can't really think of any other horror films I've seen lately, but if I do I'll let you know ::'

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Watch 'The Grudge' if you havn't seen it, that is a seriously scary movie :ohnoes: I wanna see the second one so bad...
I hope you're refering to the Ju-On series.
















deloriagod: I know what you mean. I haven't been scared by a movie since I was about 6, maybe 7. And Hostel was indeed horribly gorey. Which reminds me, I need to check out Wolf Creek sometime.

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'The Hills Have Eyes' was gorey but not really scary though I liked it and watched it a few times.















Agreed, but some people find gore, scary (not me! ::' )



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Try "August Underground's Mordum" or try the Guinea Pig series (movie series of course). You'll have a very gory night. You could always try Aftermath (1994) as well.








[edit] They're not exactly G-rated.


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'The Hills Have Eyes' was gorey but not really scary though I liked it and watched it a few times.















Agreed, but some people find gore, scary (not me! ::' )








I always imagine itt happening to me >.<








Same with everything else in a movie though =\ Especially embarrassing moments, because for some reason I'll get really embarrassed when they're being shown o.o


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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The Silence Of The Lambs




The Exorcist








The Sixth Sense




The Shining




The Birds




28 Days Later




The Omen




Child's Play




An American Werewolf In London








The Ring




A Clockwork Orange




Nightmare On Elm Street




The Wicker Man




The Blair Witch Project








Cape Fear (1991)




























The Bone Collector




The Evil Dead








The Hand That Rocks The Cradle




The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)




Rosemary's Baby




What Lies Beneath




Bram Stoker's Dracula




The Amityville Horror (1979)




American Psycho




Taxi Driver




Shallow Grave




The Fog




The Grudge




The Fly (1986)



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Ive seen some of those for sure, others im only familiar with the names, but friends are gonna watch se7en later tomorrow hopefully. ::' The Omen looks like a good watch too.








And also I went to the store and got 28 Days Later and The Village.








For some odd reason I didn't see Event Horizon (dang Blockbuster videos...)








Might try again in the future. :-k








Thanks for the suggestions and enjoy halloween! :D

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If you wanna feel sick theres always Cannibal Holocaust...



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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If you wanna feel sick theres always Cannibal Holocaust...








not really, that movie wasnt that sick








actually, if any1 can tell me a movie which is really sick, inform me, im trying my limits

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Alien - the cat made it comedy in my eyes :lol:




The Silence Of The Lambs - blalalalala, classic.




The Exorcist - the face creeped me out a little, nothing special =]




Se7en - pfft, skinless man? I saw that on buffy.




The Sixth Sense - crap, no a real horror movie, just a giid twist.




The Shining - god I wet myself in laughter at the "here's JEEEONNY!"




The Birds - never seen :S




28 Days Later - I was terrified, good choice.




The Omen - new or old? old was pretty creepy :S




Child's Play - funny.




An American Werewolf In London - corny.




Psycho - he's a rite perv!




The Ring - old or new? I didn't wet myself on the old one...honest




A Clockwork Orange - giant...woody kill was hilare *gayhand*




Nightmare On Elm Street - scared me on my 12th :S




The Wicker Man - haha, can't complain, I'm a sucker for any bee's :oops:




The Blair Witch Project - pile of dog toffy, hardly and ending...or a story...or a FILM!




Carrie - I still think it look's like strawberry ice-cream juice \'




Cape Fear (1991) - pants, still can't get over the tv mistake. janes addiction vid with G&R music? lame.




Misery - never seen :S




Scream - I found it so comical :S




Poltergeist - creepy, not incredibly scarey though=]




Halloween - his mask has something to do with william shatner. how do i know that? :-k




Candyman - can't remember, wasps or bees? still not very scary.




Creep - haven't seen it :S i was scared of the film when i heard somebody got a scythe...in an area.




The Bone Collector - never seen, sounds corny=]




The Evil Dead - fake.




Saw - good film, clever, not scary.




The Hand That Rocks The Cradle - never seen, sounds like a learning mother's video.




The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - saw the remake, pants. sure the original was better.




Rosemary's Baby - never seen :S




What Lies Beneath - Didn't really like it :S didn't like the fact the ghost helped her...should've killed them all.




Bram Stoker's Dracula - haven't seen :S only seen drac. 2000.




The Amityville Horror (1979) - good film, i liked this, the whole story interest's me.




American Psycho - haven't seen, probably worse than psycho.




Taxi Driver - Good film=] freaked me out abit. It was like jaws for taxi's




Shallow Grave - was ok :S didn't like the fact that the kid walked around naked :S




The Fog - old one was pretty good, it finished at half twelve in the morning haha, i was freaked.




The Grudge - jap or crap? jap = awsome, crap = ...crap.




The Fly (1986) - he can arm wrestle abit...good. awsome.








so yeah...them =D minus all the ones i dissed, so like 5.


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The Exorcism of Emily Rose is some scary stuff ;(




Especially since it claims to have been made after a real life case. I dunno if that's actually true or just a gimmick.

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