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What is the Appeal?


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millions of accounts.








Really, this number is extraordinary and very surprising for an online java game and has attracted big companies to purchase them as shown in a recent tip it times article. But with this large figure, what is it that drives you to the game? I was recently talkng to a friend that quit, he was saying how mad he was about how jagex has made it so hard to get money in comparison to other games like fable for example, where things are hard but they aren't tedious to make money. I may not agree completely with this statement, but it is true...the best ways of making money are quite tedious. And without DOUBT money=happiness, so why do we keep playing a game that has it's best money maker's in tediousity? Personally, i believe it's the community we find here, like in the tip it community...the friends you meet here. However the greatest appeal for me is the variety of things to do, you can be bored but just hop on the rate this forums and you'll be inspired to hit that 99 WC goal you've always put out of reach. Discuss what you think keeps you at rs, the appeal of it.

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Addiction is what drives the most # of members... at the end of the road...








yes, but what are they addicted about the game...making cash which gives them happiness? :-k

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Addiction, friends, fun, parties, skills......shall i go on?




Mainly these forums and Necrobrawlers forums are great communities that keep me here




I also would like to reach my goals too, so thats keeping me here


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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I really like getting levels up, thats what keeps me comming back, but the thing is that there is always something different to do in RS, i played guild wars for a while but got bored after about a week when i got to level 20. In RS you can keep going, unless your on top then you just try to stay there i guess. but in RS you have to actually work to get better, it just dosnt come naturally. Today i got my first actual good drop, it was a dragon drop, i got d legs and then d skirt back to back on my last two iron dragons assignment, i was rediculously excited. That keeps me comming back as well. RS is a huge game, and there is always new stuff to do.

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The friends you make on rs help you stay on the game. Whether you chat for fun or race to skills, they help you stay hooked to the game. Then there are the scammers, autoers, and dishonest people that would make you want to quit the game. Some people might play to get their skills high and show off to the newbs and be proud of their work. Personally, it's kind of fun to see the new players go "Wow" and respect you. The only reason I continue to play this game is because it's in a way part of my life, (I know, kinda sad) but it's hard to just forget about a game and not know what's going on with it.

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for me its leveling and having fun with friends that keeps me hooked. not many games are thier when users come on and play everyday, its not a game where the avarage person plays once a week. the avarage player plays more than 1hr a day. also if your bored thier is quest and minigames. castle wars if that was a standalone game it would still be fun.








meeting friends where you not only talk about the game but about real life stuff to that is what makes us come to runescape. if runescape did nto have a messanger i do not think i would still be here. it would be like whats the point.

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I'm currently in the "pre-quit" phase, where I'm still attached the game (and friends) but most things have lost their appeal. Basically, all I do nowadays is Ice noobs in CW (soon to be permanent Barraging, with half a level left) and fund said action with DK'ing. That's why I'm so poor- all my cash gets burned on runes :lol: .








I have to say, seeing that little level 70 wail as I put them in an Ice Cube has got to be the most fun thing I have ever done in this game.








Everything else just seems repetitively dull and boring, and who plays a game for that?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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For me it's the way you are always in complete control of what you do. In every other genre of video game, there is a set plot and set sequence of events. In RS and in other RPG's, no one tells you what to do. That's the main reason I come back to this game day after day.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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erkid"]What keeps me addicted is trying to always be better than others. So if I had no body to challenge me i'd find it boring and quit.




I agree, I also play for the challenge of the game. Would being rich really make you happy if it was easy, and everyone else was too? It'd be completely boring in my opinion.. As your friend said, there are plenty of games for people with the attention spans of 5 year olds, let those people play those games. ;) I'd much rather a challenge.








Also, I really do just enjoy most aspects of the game, skilling, quests, pking (not so much now as I used to, but i'll still go pking every once in a while :P), etc. :)


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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Runescape is not a game, it's a way of life..








It is also an extension of you as a person, like a virtual world that exists outside of real life, if it was not like this you would only play for a few hours a week and soon move on.

Quit Runescape 10 jan 2007 - Playing again 2012



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Runescape has grown big and even larger because it is a big game with a lot of players.








The massive number of players in the game, and the popularity of Runescape makes you think that everything in the game means a lot. It could be for instance your money and skills. It's exactly this kind of thought that makes you addicted and want to play the game.








MMORPGS are a huge success nowadays, because you have many people to compete and interact with. Being rich or having high skills means you can show off to the millions of people poorer than you. And if you look at it the other way, being poor means you can beg for money when you see a rich dude :P








Don't you guys agree?

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I play both Runescape and World of Warcraft, WoW is better than Runscape, but there is just something about Runescape that keeps me playing it. I guess I can't really say that WOW is better, because I would be coomparing two entirely different things. RS always has something new for you to do, and you can always take a break and come back without much of an impact on you, where as with Wow, if you leave for a bit you will most likely come back to no guild and no friends because their all mad that you left for a little while. I've seen people kicked from a guild on WoW for going on vacation for a week. But with runescape I left for almost four months, came back and all my freinds were happy to see me back. A much better conection between people on RS than on WoW, it's really a hard thing to explain, but that could be because I'm sick and all hopped up on medicine. :-k

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Open ended gameplay, the fact that it's hard to "beat", the social interaction, there's lots to do, and it's reasonably addictive.








that sorta stuff is a given for any real mmo/mmorpg








I think it is the variety of things to do.




i mean look 25+ skills which in itself takes along time...




Updates weekly instead of when game companys feel like it like most other games...




Quests that are not like "kill 10 elves" "Quest Complete!"...




Many game makes you start out on 1 server and make a new name for everyone..But in runescape you can go to server (world) to server




Dont gotta buy a CD for every large update like in WoW....




LOW MONTHLY fee..WoW= $15 a month...RS=$5........




Just to many things to count that runescape exceeds in that others doesnt....



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I was recently talkng to a friend that quit, he was saying how mad he was about how jagex has made it so hard to get money in comparison to other games like fable for example, where things are hard but they aren't tedious to make money. I may not agree completely with this statement, but it is true...the best ways of making money are quite tedious.








Um... fable is a single player game? Plus they're in an entirely different market. They're not trying to get you playing the game for thousands of hours, where jagex is.








But anyways, who's to say making money is hard? I find that claim pretty stupid. If you played in rs1 you know that money was extremely rare compared to now. Money's really easy to come by now. Why else do party hats cost billions of gp? On that same note - again, making money is pretty easy. Buy a rare and let it make millions for you. But I'm sure we're talking to the average Joe here, and I'm sure you wouldn't let my point finish off on that note.








Lets take a level 25 member. He has plenty of options, even with zero to basic levels. He can pick flax and sell it (or spin it) easily for 100gp+ each, whatever they've been inflated to these days. Or mine rune essence for easy money. And if the person has no levels in anything? Run nature or law runes to make a ridiculous amount of quick money without even being that level. Sure, those are pretty tedious like you said, but only an hour on them rakes in 100k+ an hour. They're not hard at all. Just take breaks or switch what you're doing.

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lol, Money isnt anywhere close to being my reason to stick to rs. i am level 104 and my total worth if i sold all my items would be about 5 mill. I Never have more than 30k In my bank or on me. i always find a way to spend it or loose it.








I have never Really cared about making the "huge" mills (like 500+ mil) i just play rs for the fun. Sure i would wish to have like 100+mill to get my Killer wants (Not needs) But hey it doesnt mater i am happy with the stuff and cash i got right now.













----Retired Runescape Player 1/13/07-----

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lol, Money isnt anywhere close to being my reason to stick to rs. i am level 104 and my total worth if i sold all my items would be about 5 mill. I Never have more than 30k In my bank or on me. i always find a way to spend it or loose it.








I have never Really cared about making the "huge" mills (like 500+ mil) i just play rs for the fun. Sure i would wish to have like 100+mill to get my Killer wants (Not needs) But hey it doesnt mater i am happy with the stuff and cash i got right now.











Ditto, and i think the novelty of having party hats and all the barrows armour would soon wear off. It's the sense of achievement that keeps me going, not the money.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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With me it is the friends that keep me on the game. Recently I have been adding nice people from the forums to talk to. This is because my friends are quitting and that i's the only reason I play, To have fun with friends...









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I think the appeal was that I was young, and got hooked on it young, and now its just a part of my life routine. The highlight of my day is coming home in the afternoons after school and continuing whatever I was doing. I just love this game, the friends I've made on it, and the fact that its so simple to understand yet holds you for so long. I'll play this game until the day its gone (unless my parents kicked me off for some reason :( )








this is really the only game I play anymore, my Playstation 2 and Xbox 360 would be collecting dust if not for my little brother. I dont need any of those games, just this one.

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One thing I thought about the other day was how "user-friendly" it is. There's no items I can think of that I had no idea what they did when I first heard of them like so many other fantasy games. There's no "Goster of Conter" or crazy things like that which are completely and utterly unobvious what they are. This makes it so someone who's never played a game like this before can get into the game without first having to know hundreds of new words.

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