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Something else, always over 120k willows AND oaks in LUMBY general store :shock:
thats normal in lumby general store you can make some great deals in worlds with not to maney people




















you should try world 50 or 1 vrrk xD

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a noob can actually make a decent living at the general store.




for instance, a while ago I made a new account, and to get money fast I went to the general store and bought all the gems, ess, coal, iron, and lots of other stuff. then I sold it for like 5x more than I bough it for...




goal:1000 total f2p lvls.

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Best deal I had: in the ranged shop in Varrock there were like 1000 willow bows, so I ran back an forth to the bank for about half an hour to buy as many as I could with 25k, then sold them to the ranged shop in various worlds, making 100k profit :D

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Well, once I saw 3 k gold ores (!) in Lumby gen store, and started running back and forth from bank, but my internet freaked at around 300, and when I came back online they had disappeared.. :(

Completed Skills: Fishing, Cooking, Fletching, Woodcutting, Firemaking -

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Heh, my friend (before he quit..) was at lumby general store, buying something or another, and a green phat came up.. Yeah. He sold it later for around 82M I think? ( Long time ago, he's been quit for a while now.)








He was so lucky.. Chain on First dustie drop... >.<



My Farewell thread. Please post nicely, or die. :^_^:

Yea, I'd vote for him too. But I don't think they let Iraqis vote :P
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I bought like 12 natures 30ea, before Jagex's update to increase prices of items in general store to match street price.



Hacked on January 5, 2007 --> Lost: 56.4M, Santa Hat, Purple Partyhat, Green Partyhat, Christmas Cracker

people who get rich and do it legit like joob and I always get f'd over in the end.
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i saw a santa in a general store for 100g once lol.








Would'nt it be more like 1 or 2gp? :-k








sorry if somebody else already said it.. but they sell for 87gp in the general store :-w

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25O Yew longs @ 3OOgp ea... I bought all until around 15 then they started to get a lil' expensive... I also bought 4 lantadyme, 4 dwarf weed, 5 cadantine, and 1 ranarr seed in a general store. All for 25gp. World 2 is a good place to find deals in the general store.



"Dr. Lutzka, Dr. Lutzka, He's a fake!"

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i saw a santa in a general store for 100g once lol.








wow that sure is a lie... :roll:








when I tried the value out at general store, the store will buy for 5gp, no way it can be 100gp








But since Endo brought in his actual picture of a Santa valued at 48gp, 100gp is a distinct possibility. Who's the idiot now? :P Too many conflicting opinions about Santa prices here, ugh.








Anyways, I like buying uncuts, as well as iron arrows, feathers, all runes but chaos/deaths, and bait. And it's my habit to always buy out the stock of hammers, tinderboxes and chisels to add to my collection. :XD:








OFFTOPIC: I just bought over 50 gems, including 9 diamonds and 13 rubies, for a total of 25k. Woot! 28 sapphires FTW!



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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Where do you think I got all of my rares from. :roll:








Nah, best things I get out of general stores are runes, gems, and talismans. I'm not much for sitting in the General Store.. such a rip-off place half of the time. :shame:








Too bad Jagex doesn't have a record of every coin of profit all the General Stores in Runescape have ever made.. it would be an amazing amount.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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I saw rune scimitars, chainmail, maces, adamant kiteshields(g).








I went crazy over the gilded adamant kite but I didn't get it, I clicked and clicked, but someone clicked faster.








This was in world 1.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I got a guthix plate skirt once :). Was like 81-82k? Sold for about 250k.








Also I found this in one general store :shock:








1,164,000 Willow Longs (U)









Training my pure!



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best evr!!!! a freaking omfg this is awesome!!!!!! secruity book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im soo luckey :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: \' \' \'




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i make all my money from buyin things in general store and selling ive bought all sorts of rune items i saw a santa at catherby i have a full inventory i sell its gone #-o

im not crazy everyone else is!!! unless im wrong


if you give a noob a muffin he will probaly ask for another and butter


scammees always believe the scammer nothing you can do

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