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Post Phat - QUEST FOR "2"S - Feb 27

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Well, here we go again.








I've completely trashed my beautiful bank just to get a silly paper hat to match my dragon outfit.








Paper must be very expensive in the world of Runescape, cuz that hat cost me every duplicate item I had, 6 Santas, and 15 mil in cash.








The Great Cracker Company must be doing very well these days.








So, we start! Time to replace all my items I had duplicates of! One item at a time!








Here's my bank before I bought the Phat.
















As you can see, its nearly perfect. 2 of EVERYthing. And I really really liked it that way. And I really really want it back to this.








I'm getting it all back. One item at a time. So, here's the checklist:












Enchanted Top: ACQUIRED




Enchanted Bottom: ACQUIRED




2 Santa Hats: Yikes!




Rune Plate: ACQUIRED








Rune Helm : ACQUIRED








Rune Kite (H1): HOUSED




Rune pickaxe: ACQURED




Sara Helm: HOUSED




Sara Plate: HOUSED








Sara Kite : HOUSED




Zammy Helm: HOUSED




Zammy Plate: HOUSED




Zammy Legs: HOUSED




Zammy Kite: HOUSED




Rune (T) Helm: HOUSED




Rune (T) Plate: HOUSED




Rune (T) Legs: HOUSED




Rune (T) Kite: HOUSED




Rune (G) Helm: HOUSED




Rune (G) Plate: HOUSED




Rune (G) Legs: HOUSED




Rune (G) Kite: HOUSED




Guthix Helm: HOUSED




Guthix Plate: HOUSED




Guthix Legs: HOUSED




Guthix Kite: HOUSED




Black Dragon hide top: ACQUIRED




Black Dragon hide legs: ACQUIRED




Magic Short Bow: ACQUIRED




Dragon Med: ACQUIRED




Dragon Chain: ACQUIRED




Dragon Legs: ACQUIRED




Dragon Square: ACQUIRED




Dragon Axe: ACQUIRED




Red Headband: ACQUIRED








Dragon Hally: ACQUIRED




Dragon Baxe: ACQUIRED




Dragon Long: ACQUIRED




Dragon Scimmy: ACQUIRED




Dragon Mace: ACQUIRED




Dragon Spear: ACQUIRED




Red Boater: HOUSED




Dark Cav: HOUSED








Black Cav: HOUSED




Pirate hat: HOUSED




Black Beret: HOUSED




White Beret: HOUSED




Blue Beret: HOUSED




Infinity Boots: ACQUIRED




Rune Boots: ACQUIRED




Wizard Boots: ACQUIRED




Ranger Boots: ACQUIRED




Robin Hood: ACQUIRED




Black Mystic Hat: ACQUIRED




Black Mystic Top: ACQUIRED




Black Mystic Bottom: ACQUIRED




Obsidian Cape: HOUSED




Warrior Helm: ACQUIRED




Beserker Helm: ACQUIRED




Farseer Helm: ACQUIRED




Archers Helm: ACQUIRED




Abyssal Whip: ACQUIRED




Obsidian Shield: ACQUIRED








Seers Ring: ACQUIRED




Warrior Ring: ACQUIRED




Beserker Ring: ACQUIRED




Archer Ring: ACQUIRED








Whew! That was one expensive hat. Feel sorry for the seller, because he had to sell all this stuff. lol








Stay tuned! Updates until I get everything back!

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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Day 1:








This is such a pain. I take something out of the bank, anything, and its place is lost. I spend more time putting stuff back to where it belongs now. Bleah! Time to get some of my most used items back.








Its late at night, and I don't feel like slaving over Abbies. They completely suck lately. Haven't gotten a whip drop in hours. No thank you. Hey, thats the ticket!!








Slayer! I'll just get slayer tasks, since I need freakin everything, I'll just get them as they give them.








First task. Kurask. Yuck! No thank you. Trade it in for Icefiends. Where the heck are those? Oh, friend tells me. Silly. Next task, Turoths. Omg, even more yuck! Trade it in. Skellys. Those I can find on my own. Next task. Suah's. Omg, give me a break.








Heck with it. I'm going to get my rune boots. Off to the Nechs, as thats where my Val's assignment is. I'm there for an hour, no luck. She logs in, walks in the door, and gets boots on her second kill. That's my Val! Grrr. 3 Rune larges, 1 clue, 1 half key, and a bunch of cool seeds later, I finally have my boots.








Do the clue. Black Cav! Woot! Also got black hides and MSB. Hey, this is kinda fun when you need EVERYthing.








Hmm.. I need black Mystic. What the heck drops the hat? Oh well, I do not have energy for Gargoyles, and I need ranaars, so off to the green slimies. 2 hours of these dudes, lots of herbs, 2 lava sticks, more clues that gave me NOTHING that I needed. No black mystic bottom. This is going to test my patience.








I should just go Kinging and buy everything back.








Bleah. Whats the fun in that??
















Day 2








My ROW is completely broken. Decided to go to the abby demons with a 4 dose superset. Thats about 2 hours of killing. Not one whip. Not one clue. Not one rune item. It was so bad, I didn't even get one keepable herb. I walked out of there a little rattled.








Goodness. Lets break this nasty streak with a little speed barrows. I have a dry spell there too. Third trip, I get a drop. Half key. Grr! The last 4 drops I've gotten from Barrows have been half keys. I'm almost not considering that a drop. A little turned off, and its getting late, so I think killing some Tzhaar dudes, maybe I'll get a cape or shield.








After getting whacked around pretty good by these guys with no drops, I figure I'd call it a night. Absolutely nothing gained, except I realize I have more than 1000 blood runes. Barrows were giving them out by the buckets. I can sell those for 500k, and I'll get some minor stuff with that.








Anyone selling fremmy helms?
















Day 3








After reading all the posts on the new hunter skill, I realized one thing. It really doesn't interest me. lol. Especially with the crowds. And I'm too focused to go chasing birds and butterflies for no purpose. So, I headed to the abbies, and although I didn't get a whip, got 4 rune chains, rune med, and a half key in about 40 minutes. I alched it, went to W2, sold 1000 bloods for 500k, and went shopping. Picked up beserker, warrior, and archers helm. Dragon b-axe. Black mystic hat. (I wanna get the top and bottom from drops, cuz I'm a goober)








So I headed to Gargoyles with Dharok and whacked on them for awhile. Got 2 addy boots, which I don't need, and got bored, and figured I'd whack a couple abby demons with my last super set dose. Whip! Woot!








Good day, got 6 items, small ones, but still. Getting there. Gonna need to go DK'ing soon, and hopefully the Dkers will get bored of tracking lizards and birds, and get the itch for adventure soon.












Day 4








Ah, the breakthrough! I begged Valerie to get one of her friends to give me a flatpack for Level 3 clue scroll items for my house. That sure made some headway. lol.








I no longer need duplicates for a ton of items, as I "housed" the god set, (except for Sara which I actually wear sometimes) and all the hat sets, and some other things. Huge update on the "needs" list. Made me very happy! Now I wanna get my house wardrobes filled, but thats after I get my bank fixed.








I raised my construction level 1 level needed to get the armour wardrobe to fit all items, so looking forward to collecting that too.








Woot! Now I just need to take care of a few items, all of them high dollar, but I'm a happy camper!












Day 5...and on hold








Okay, I'm hooked on Hunter. lol. The rewards rock. The skill is fun to level. The weapons are incredible. So, now my bank has 3 lines of hunter stuff in it. lol. Until I get black salamanders and boxed imps in my bank, this blog is on hold.








But, updated nonetheless.
























Tip.It'ers to the rescue! I've had some great folks help me out alot.




Biggest thanks goes to Laikrob for GIVING me a dragon med! Wowzers! I promised to pay her back, but she won't take money for it. Consider that a wedding present, then. :) <3: Also thanks to Genius for selling me farseer helm and dragon long. And thanks to PJ for selling me enchanted top for super cheap. Also, I dusted off the progress hat, and used what I was saving for a magic book ( only telekenitic points needed) and used some for a pair of boots. Now I'm back down to 6 tele points. God I hate that part. Bleah!








Although I've been in a hunting craze, I got lucky at barrows with Karils top, Ahirms hood, and Torag legs in about 20 runs. Nothing huge, but it all adds up. Cash is up to 2 million now, and I don't feel so poor now.








Anyways, thanks guys! Hope no one already got these items for wedding pressies.
















Dec 5th








Well, the wedding went great. Then my house flooded. Greeeeat. Story of my life. Fantasy goes great, real life sucks. :P








Finally logged was able to log in last night after work, and Valerie was getting 99 prayer tonight. Party time. 15 minutes, she says. Okay, well... uh.. I know, I'll do speed barrows run while I'm waiting.








Grab my black salamander, head down, hit my first 24 with mage with it, blow through the brothers, jet to the chest, and boom. Torags helm. I'm having lots of hits lately. Not a good item, but still nice to hit.








One more run. The lizard is fun down here. Checks inv, have 450 harlander tar left. Uses about 50 per run. Not too bad. Fire through the hills again, head to the chest. BOOM! Guthans spear! Wooooot! *teles immediately* Okaaaaaay, I'm done there. lol








Party at Val's house, train to the prayer cape master, CW for celebration. I click the portal in the respawn room. Noob. I'm out of the game 2 minutes into it.








I figure I'll log off, start working on my post-flood pad, and that was it for RS for me for the night.








Hmmm.... :-k What should I buy, what should I buy? Hmmm.....








Well, that guthans spear would get me an entire ring set. Would like to get those on my own, though. Hmmmm....
















Dec 6th -








Well, after a huge wedding event, my house getting flooded, 99 prayer parties, and taking the old folks home of Tip.It down to the Dag Kings, it was very nice to kidnap Valerie, and veg out at the abbies for clue hunting after work. Had a very nice time with very nice company. Took awhile to get one, and got nothing new but purple sweets. Came back, then she got one, and got her hubby a shiny rune pick axe. Woot! I got one immediately after that, and after noticing it was high wild coordinates, I went to bed. Was tired. No whips. Wah. Still haven't sold the spear yet.
















Got home from work, did the clue. WOOT! Magic Comp Bow. Tried it out. It sucks. lol. World 2 here I come. Wheres the new items being sold at? Omg, nevermind, the tele spot is flooded with new item sellers.




8 ppl selling magic comp bow. Sold for 500k, 100k less than what they were asking. Sold Spear for 4.9 mil. Sold Torags helm for 250k. Went shopping. Dragon Legs, Wizard boots, Cannon, Dragon shield, D2H, Hally, enchanted bottom, black mystic bottom.








Spent an hour redoing my bank, and its pretty again! Woot! Organized the new hunter stuff and it worked out really nice. Almost there again. All I need is the big stuff. Time for Dag Kings again.








Holiday weeks -








Christmas and computer problems took me away from the game for awhile, but I was able to play a little bit. I was camped at Barrows for a week or so, but only played enough for about 10 trips. Got a Dharok plate, nice piece. Also made enough for 1000 bloods. And I had about 500 blue dragon hides banked. And then, while doing a slayer task of 189 abbies, got a whip! Woot! So, I sold everything, alched some of the rune items I had building up from clues, and I was looking at 6 mil. Ah, nice to have some money again. Bought a ranger set. Broke again. lol. List is dwindling, though. I'll be back on the game regularly now. Tonight, I'll hang with Valerie, and then... its time to round up the Dag King Team again. Get ready boys!








Oh, forgot. I also sold 33000 chaos to the Tzhaar rune shop and got a fury ammy. For those of you who don't know... Just put the mouse button to one, put the pile of choas on the second to last row in your inventory, and click away. No mouse moving needed. It will sell 10 every time without having to move your mouse. Went very fast this way.




Anyway... one less thing. :)












Jan 1 -








Well, during the last week, I've had some bland but steady gains. First of all, I'd like to thank WolfHunterz for giving me sara legs! I just got 98 range, and was very happpy, and was hanging out at W99 Edgeville. Saidinwot gave me enchanted bottom he's been saving. Somebody gave me red flowers to match my dragon, and even knew to give me two. Hehe. It was a very festive time, and I gave away some god pages, and some other things. Very nice crowd, tipiters. I enjoyed hanging out.








There were 2 Dag King trips. Kinda bleah, but made a little. Did some Barrows. Kinda bleah, but made a little.








Took a bunch of adult Tipiters to KQ for a "Meet The Queen" event, and ended up getting everyone 2 dragon chains. Thats not so bleah. lol. Made 1.74 million for 19 people.








Been spending some time getting stuff for house closets. Did the qhost robes subquest. Cool god talk in all that stuff. Spent a billion trips through Rogues maze to get full rogue. The last piece took forever. Tested my mettle, thats for sure. Working on getting all the mystic sets.




A good friend made me a split bark set for only the cost of making them.








Basically all I need for house is Pest Control armor. (Will be getting 99 range with red chimps, and spending the points on clothes) And also infinity robes, which is not going to be cheap.








Anywaaaaaaaaay, got some items. All I need is one ring, one axe, one dragon chain, and 3 pieces to a sara god set. About 20 million to go. Very cool!








I've been going crazy on slayer lately, but now that I've got a black demon task (yuck!) I'm gonna go live at Barrows. Oddfaery has been living there lately. Sounds like good company to me. Cya there!
















Yeah, I haven't updated this in a while, because there isn't much change.








The little playing time I have had lately has been focused on getting 99 mage.








And last night I got it! So now I have 6 99 capes, and all of them combat. lol. I guess I'm not much of a skiller, eh? Next one will be prayer, but I'll take my time on that.








In my quest for 99 Mage, I did some solo maging at Dag Kings. For those of you who have Dk'd with me before, know that I usually do the ranger role. Well, now I am experienced with Rex's process, so I am now officially a fully experienced DK'er.








Did pretty dang good too, for solo. I was able to stay for 5 hours my second trip. After I realized I could stay for a very long tme without the need for prayer, I brought enough runes and Super Duper Anti Poisons to last longer. Five hours got me one Zerker ring. My luck has left me.








The time before that, I was there for 2.5 hours, and only got a warrior ring. The time after that, I stayed for 3 hours and got nothing. Squat. Zippo. 10 hours of solo'ing Rex, and not one D-Axe to show for it.








Oh well. I got some good mage Exp, and now I have my pretty cape.








And now to 99 prayer... and living at the green dragons will get me some cash from skins and clues, so I should be able to buy the rest.








All I need now is a Dragon Chain and a D-Axe.








But I really should start a new blog which has me more interested. And that is filling out my house closets.








The armor wardrobe is complete. I am NOT getting Void Knight set. Everything else is done.








The Magic wardrobe is missing Infinity robes only. I'll get that last after I get the treasure trail items.








The Treasure Chest is going to be fun. Lots and lots of spots to fill in there. I do have one God Magic set (Got the Sara robes, and it looks gorgeous with the magic cape), and one dragon hide set, Guthix of course.








Looking forward to getting the rest of the goodies.








And I only need one more mime to get the mime outfit out of my bank and in the house. Of course I NEVER get that random.









A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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Lol,crazy how you had 2 of everything...Ill dig up something that you dont have in my bank and I sell it to ya..Gratz on the red btw












Edit:I have rune plate,legs, and D mace waiting for you :P


-3,940 to 99 Cooking~3,366 to 99 Magic-

-1,241 to 99 Thieving~7,501 to 99 Ranged-

-14,608 to 99 Defense~17,528 to 99 Hitpoints-

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...Ill dig up something that you dont have in my bank and I sell it to ya..Gratz on the red btw








Edit:I have rune plate,legs, and D mace waiting for you :P








And I have a total of about 16k in my bank that isn't owed to Valaraz for a Dang King payoff. :P








Yes. Leesters is dead broke. lol. I can't even buy a bow for DK. Thanks for the offer, but I can't afford it yet.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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I'll sell you:




Enchanted top




Rune plate and legs (t)








Add both of my accounts...Pjtomboy/Sumikotsu if you want to buy these.


do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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I'm dead broke, guys. I have no money to buy anything yet. Give me some time, and I'll make some money.








Toast, my bank looks ordinary now. Ordinary with no cash, no santas, and no duplicates. Just an average bank again, with one little party hat. *cries*








I'll add you, (forgets f2p's name) if you're gonna be on in 90 minutes. I'm at work right now. Need to get QueenValerie and me together for slave auction picture.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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I'm dead broke, guys. I have no money to buy anything yet. Give me some time, and I'll make some money.








Toast, my bank looks ordinary now. Ordinary with no cash, no santas, and no duplicates. Just an average bank again, with one little party hat. *cries*








I'll add you, (forgets f2p's name) if you're gonna be on in 90 minutes. I'm at work right now. Need to get QueenValerie and me together for slave auction picture.




oh, ok. I though you were gonna be on in the next 2 1/2 hours. Yeah, i'll b on. Just pm me when you come because i'll fall asleep and forget i'm taking a picture of you. :P

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I'm dead broke, guys. I have no money to buy anything yet. Give me some time, and I'll make some money.








Toast, my bank looks ordinary now. Ordinary with no cash, no santas, and no duplicates. Just an average bank again, with one little party hat. *cries*








I'll add you, (forgets f2p's name) if you're gonna be on in 90 minutes. I'm at work right now. Need to get QueenValerie and me together for slave auction picture.




Theres always rune mining, what I do if I somehow lose all my cash on something :-s

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I'm dead broke, guys. I have no money to buy anything yet. Give me some time, and I'll make some money.








Toast, my bank looks ordinary now. Ordinary with no cash, no santas, and no duplicates. Just an average bank again, with one little party hat. *cries*








I'll add you, (forgets f2p's name) if you're gonna be on in 90 minutes. I'm at work right now. Need to get QueenValerie and me together for slave auction picture.




Theres always rune mining, what I do if I somehow lose all my cash on something :-s








Or KQs are nice too, i think...

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Good luck Leester on your quest to have 2 of everything.




Cause everyone knows 2 is more than 1!








At least you get a paper hat that, wish I had one of those.




Just go do some rune mining (fun,fun,fun) to get some small cash back.




Then see if you can come out ahead on a few DK trips or the cheaper alternative KQ. And boohoo, you and your slayer asignements, Kurasks aren't that bad :?








Anyways good luck on your goals, and if you have the time check out my blog will ya \' (points to sig( \'

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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I'm dead broke, guys. I have no money to buy anything yet. Give me some time, and I'll make some money.








Toast, my bank looks ordinary now. Ordinary with no cash, no santas, and no duplicates. Just an average bank again, with one little party hat. *cries*








Lee you fool lmao. Go DK-ing man.

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good luck man!








hope your dry streak goes :-s ::'








hope you can achive your goal, oh and you forgot to get a double red phat 8-) :oops: :roll: :uhh:

R.I.P badboyjoe1, hacked and stolen, aged 2.5 years, 1401 total lv and over 14 m net worth.



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