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Hunting Tips from top 1k hunter (updated)


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Yeh, upon acomplishing my goal (which i have no pic of -.-, ill explain later) I swore i would reveal my secret of fast experience, Which had my friends raging to find out >.<.








What i told EVERYONE is that the first 15 levels will go by VERY slowly.




Just track your highest trackable monster, or you could kill birds. In comparison, they are around the same, with birds providing more exp per kill, and tracking garuanteed, nonfailable exp.








But why level 15 you ask?








The ruby butterflies located in the "woodland" area north west of the gnome stronghold, thats why!








Once you get this level, grab yourself 20+ Butterfly Jars, your trusty net, and anything to bring your weight down.








Now, Im not too keen on the exp of anything, but i do realize what is faster, and you will realize "Wow, this is amazing exp" when your level 20+ in the time it took you to hit lvl 8 (i was 2 seconds off...same dif <.< )








Now, Capture your jar ammount full, then stop and release all of them and repeat (you CAN multy task, i captured birds inbetween every 5 butterflies)








Your next goal, is 25 hunting. Why you ask again?








Saphire butterflies, thats why!!








These give around 43...ish exp per catch, and the best thing about them, is that you can multy task with 2 traps (if you want).








Now then, I know for a fact, there is ALOT of competition for butterflies right now, with the release just being today, and it will be there for the next few days.








So, take my advice, go on a populated server, and stick to ONE spawn. Yes i said ONE! On a full world, they respawn once every 2 seconds after being caught.








Now, if you do it right, majority of the time you should move 1-2 squares and imedietely capture the butterfly. This is because you have a chance to "one hit" the butterfly (comparing to mining) and its actually fairly high.




You wont do it all the time, but 50%-60% of the time you should one hit him.








Now, If you have read up to here, you might be thinking "Well, i guess i go to lvl 35 and hit the next level of butterflies, right?"
















At level 29 you have the ability to capture Swamp Lizards, These are THE BEST exp for your level.








Contrary to what your little guide tells you when you click on the stat, you do not need marrentill tar to capture them, all you need is 1 SMALL FISHING net per trap (2-3, pending on if your under level 40 or not) and 1 rope per trap.








Go to canfis, and head to the wolf's agility arena, then head south east, and you will find a few hunting grounds. Claim one or hop to find an emptey one. Now set your traps and wait, reset them if the lizard outsmarts you >.<, or capture the lizard and reset it.








These give either 125 exp or 150 exp per caught, which at the rate they come in is VERY fast. Going from level 40-47, i rarely had time to drop the lizards building up in my invintory, that is how fast they came in.








Ok, so now you have 47 hunting. Pat yourself on the back, Youve come a long way.








But you want to go more?








Oh...Well...i guess i can help you a tad more (just a tad <3)








head out to the desert with 5 waterskins, 4 super energies, and your nets+ropes. Go to the desert lizards and head north, you should come upon a hunting area. In the middle there are 3 traps in a triangle around a rock (or some object you cant run around). This is your home untill whenever you gain a few levels and move onto something faster.








Orange Salamanders give, if i remember, 238 exp PER (i may be off, i am dyslecsic so i rounded it to 1/4 of 1k [which is 250ish])








This method got me to 50 hunting in (looks at clock) Hmm...id say 8 hours or so? (yeh, i had no plans anyway)








Here is my accomplishment
















Yeh, your asking me "why no level picture" Well, it turns out, If you use the lizard/salamander method, if your net gets outsmarted by the lizard/salamander, then it closes your trade screens and your level up boxes, so none for me :(








Now, then, Go on!!!




Go hunt!!!












Day 2








Tips from level 50-60








Well today after falling and doubling my rank (woke up with over a 2.5k rank) I decided to break 1k again.








Now then, the tips.








from 50-57 i used orange salamanders (unfortronutly for you all, my guide was straight up copied and pasted on RSC, so everyone and their grandmaw are heading to lizards/salamanders)








But, If you still want to do the orange salamanders, go NORTH of the first few net areas, past the tracking field, and you should find 2 lonely trap trees (which i personally used from 50-57).








Now, once you hit 57, bank your stuff, get 500 gp and head to the falcon area. Even though I detest falcons for exp, they are the better exp per hour right now due to the increase of people at lizards/salamanders.








Just find a full world and stick to one spawn (they should spawn once every 3 seconds or so) and you should be rising in levels in no time.








59 and onward
















You are almost level 60, just one more level. Whats special about 59?








Red Salamanders








Ad 272 exp per, and not too many people there right now (im sure it will change in a day or two) they are decent exp. You should know that you will fail more than at desert lizards. But i was gaining exp faster here compared to dark kibbets at falcons.
















Well folks, this will be the last part of my mini guide/hint...thing








At level 60 you gain the ability to set up 4 traps at once, use this to your advantage.








What i have been doing recently is using the deathfall traps (you can only set up ONE of these at a time, and it counts twards your total number of traps out at the time) and box traps catching the...erm..Hampsters?








Yeh, They are lovingly called by me and my friends Hampster grenades, so i kinda forgot the names >.<








Here is my accomplishment, Re-entering the top 1k hunters
















But, alas, This shall be my last update to this guide unless it is completely necissary.








I loved the positive feedback, and the other tips by the top hunters.








Go On!!!




Go Hunt!!!


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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Hey great guide. This will really help me. Nice to have people share the secrets of their success.








Thanks, This is how a few people i know got into the top 100 ranks, so it took a bit of guts for someone to tell everyone.








And regarding Falcons!












Based on what i was told, the level 43 falcons give 100 exp per catch.








but compared to 3 traps pulling in 125 (150 >.>) exp per. I honestly dont see how they compare. Just tell me if i heard wrong.


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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Thats basically what I did.








Levels 1-9 Track Polar kebbit








Levels 9-15 Copper longtail








Levels 15-25 Ruby harvest butterflies








Levels 25-29 Sapphire glacialis butterflies








Levels 29-47 Swamp lizard








Levels 47-53 Desert Salamanders








Currently level 53

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Thats basically what I did.








Levels 1-9 Track Polar kebbit








Levels 9-15 Copper longtail








Levels 15-25 Ruby harvest butterflies








Levels 25-29 Sapphire glacialis butterflies











This was all birds for me, including switching to tropical wagtail at 19 (since 2-trapping them at 20 is very, very fast xp).











Levels 29-47 Swamp lizard








Levels 47-53 Desert Salamanders








Currently level 53








Agreed, and same level until I have some downtime tomorrow. Might check out the chimichangas or whatever they are. :lol:









2009 Member Goals: Undetermined

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yes water skin are needed for the desert, nice guide/tips ill use them tonite :twisted:


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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from top 1k? nice also i might try those lvl 45 butterflys right now and im uploading a pic soon.... i was thinking of something else lol why didnt i think of butterflies #-o












here it is
















though this was yesterday when the skill was released








wait i think ill do desert salamanders instead lol








i am testing sabre toothed kebbits and they are actually better than salamanders right now because there are so many that is catching salamanders

Give a man a lighter, and he will be warm for a while.

Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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All these guides... Its not hard to find out these things yourself, and it actually ads some fun to do so aswell. You who writes these guides are aware that you will get a harder time to level up after writing this on the forums? If you havent thought about that then you're pretty stupid and just wants your post to become a "Sticky" and get popular on the boards. Well well... MORE SECRETS PLS :thumbsup:

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I saw Venom0619 at Falcon area when he was 60+... Nice guide I'll do it as soon as the rush is over.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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One question:








While hunting Swamp Lizards, do I lose my rope and/or net everytime I catch one?

so, 99 hunting skill cape emote?

Shooting yourself, then eating your own meat.


Krj123 - Retired as of February 12, 2007. I've permanently left Repetitivescape for WoW. Fun while it lasted.

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One question:








While hunting Swamp Lizards, do I lose my rope and/or net everytime I catch one?








No but you do lose it if you're unfortunate enough to get a random event that takes you away from the area (such as freaky forester, bob etc.) hugely annoying!









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Nice guide! But you are not top 1k hunter anymore ;)








Sorry, but after getting level 53 before i finally went to sleep (which i got rank 589, but 590 for the picture >.>) i was dead tired.








Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone!!!


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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I'm using your tips right now. Thank you so much for introducing me to swamp lizards! Aquashock ftw!!!
















P.S. - Swamp Lizard is 152 Xp per catch.


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