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Just had a thought...


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What do you think the most common level is? I'm talking both P2P and F2P combined.








There's got to be a threshold between too hard and easy. I reckon it's gonna be around 45? Or maybe as high as 70?








I just wanted to know it i was above adverage.








I suppose i could go through the 8m+ accounts and adverage their combat level, i'm not, but if you want to, feel free.








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It depends really :? If you count the hundreds of thousands of players who've only played for a day then given up at level 5 over the years, it'd be extremely low. Only counting active players, probably 50-60 combat?


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Well, what does "the most common level" mean? If we take into account all of the accounts, that includes possibly thousands of never-leveled-barely-touched accounts. Should we count those? I suppose putting a time constraint would also slightly skew the results.








We can assume, though, that as long as runescape is ever growing, the level average must be declining because there will be a larger and larger base of low levels.

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Its probably 50-60, but counting the people I have seen, it is lv 74-76's whereing full rune gmaul and red/black team cape(because I guess it looks cool. Seriously, as your doing your daily busines look around at the 75's and they will more than likely be wearing that =)


|Barrows Drops-7|Dragon Drops-5|

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i donno it maybe like only 10 cause alot of ppl dont try the game out fully befor quitting


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Are we talking before PC was released, or after? :-w








My best guess would be probably around the 50's, taking in consideration the amount of autoers, mules, skillers, and that sort of thing.


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I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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