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When a noob follows you...


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What do you say?








If im in a good mood ill say: What...








If im in a bad mood ill say: Go away you stupid noob no i wont do a quest with you or give you free stuff. (before he even says anything)








Yeah, you can see how much i hate being annoyed.



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I ignore them at first. If they ask a question I'll answer. If they beg I'll lure them to the 'Stonehege' place if I'm near. :twisted:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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If they need a question answered, I'll help them. But if the continue to beg or not go away, I "accidentaly" happen to "stroll" past the Draynor Jail or Varrock Stone Circle :twisted: I know, I'm mean..... :pray:

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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When someone follows me for no reason, my first guess will have to be: he wants to see the emote. So i wait.. 10 seconds before i say "?". Usually the person will say "emote plz" just as i guessed. sheesh.. :roll:

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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I says "yes" and when they ask something I either help them, anwser the question, or say why I cant help. Its always worked for me, and if I dont feel likeanwsering I simply act stupid ( yes it does work ) so:








make me full rune




wuts full rune




its armor noob, make me it




Whats armor?




its what you wear are you making it or not???




Huh? I didnt get that, come again please?




I said make me full rune




Oh why didnt you say so?




So can you make it now?




Make what?








Works everytime....

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Name him "Whiskers" and go tour the world. Once resulted in a short train.

A mad scientist in the attic, the owner is a vampire that dwells in the basement, a witch, skeletons, ghosts....

And you thought YOUR neighbors were weird!

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Try to be nice at first, say "Hi!" or something like that so I don't feel like a jerk. But if they ask something that is not just mere noobism ("How do I get to...? is mere noobism, "make me stuff" and "help me im poor" are over the line). I just ignore them, and they tend to give up after a while. No need to be mean to the noobs, they're harmless after all.




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I either vanish into the rune mining place (because people are teleported to different parts of the rune minning place, and I usually have my pickaxe on me), walk up to stonehenge, go into the Stronghold and use the portals till I lose them, bank my stuff and run into the wilderness (to the ice giants if I can get that far. hehe :twisted: ), lose them in scorpian infested territory, or just plain old world jump.








I usually don't mind hitchhikers, though. I only bother to go out of my way if they're begging.


Thank the world for spell checkers.

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When they follow me to somewhere they need to be and I'm going that direction.




Not a noob in my eyes.




When they follow me for money:




- In a good mood: Politely say no. (I also had to work for my money)




- bad mood: Just ignore them.




Ya, I'm the type of person who rather shut up then start calling names and stuff. Makes Runescape a better space.




When they follow me to ask something, just tell them what they want to know.

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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IT's insanity, just cause ur a high lv doesn't an ur loaded...it only increases the chances, but ppl need to learn that if they spend more time skilling they'll make more money than begging... ::'


There's no such thing as "wireless." Just really long extension cords.

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Teleport. It always works. Doesn't really matter where, as long as they can't follow you


You just won the award for "The Most niave person on the Tip.it Boards!"]
*Points towards the monkey sitting on the button and declining every query*
Help me



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