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Ebola Virus kills 5,000+ Gorillas


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WASHINGTON (Dec. 8) -- The Ebola virus may have killed more than 5,000 gorillas in West Africa -- enough to send them into extinction if




people continue to hunt them, too, researchers said on Thursday.








The virus is spreading from one group of the already endangered animals to another, the international team of experts report in this week's issue of the journal Science. And it appears to be spreading faster than it is among humans.








"The Zaire strain of Ebola virus killed about 5,000 gorillas in our study area alone," primatologist Magdalena Bermejo of the University of Barcelona in Spain and at the Programme for Conservation and Rational Utilization of Forest Ecosystems in Central Africa and colleagues wrote....











Worried of making Gorillas extinct? IMO, people will try to help this problem a whole lot and everything will start getting better. But a lot of people are pessimistic and will think 100% negative :roll:

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5 million years after that, cockroaches will grow in size and take control of the world








WOOT! Then we'll all be happy.

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Wow. That's pretty horrible. There are already so few of them, and one little virus wipes a large portion out. Geeeeeeeez.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Ugh, that virus is the one little bug that actually scares me. I heard some statistic somwhere like if Ebola Zaire got on a plane 80% of the world would be dead in 6 months. Don't know if it's true, but not nice thinking about.








Nasty way for those gorillas to go as well, poor them :(

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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SARS was airbourne and it got to many planes. Yet it was still controlled in the end.








Ebola spreads mainly by bodily fluids and direct contact and kills far too quickly for it to spread.








You'd be sick in as little as 2 days, you'd hardly be able to get up and would be in extreme pain within 5, and you'd be dead in 10 days.








People are gonna notice and they'll quarantine you. ::'

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Ugh, that virus is the one little bug that actually scares me. I heard some statistic somwhere like if Ebola Zaire got on a plane 80% of the world would be dead in 6 months. Don't know if it's true, but not nice thinking about.








Nasty way for those gorillas to go as well, poor them :(








Ahhh...So THAT'S the cure for global warming!









The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Oh no, I better stop eating gorillas.








Everything will die down eventually, like SARS and polio did. The only major disease/virus that hasn't been stopped are AIDS and cancer, but I'm pretty sure Ebola is nowhere as bad as those. Even if it is, Zaire/Democratic Republic of the Congo is kind of far from where most of us live.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Oh no, I better stop eating gorillas.








Everything will die down eventually, like SARS and polio did. The only major disease/virus that hasn't been stopped are AIDS and cancer, but I'm pretty sure Ebola is nowhere as bad as those. Even if it is, Zaire/Democratic Republic of the Congo is kind of far from where most of us live.








Personally, I'd rather have cancer *and* AIDS, at the same time, over Ebola Zaire. :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Oh no, I better stop eating gorillas.








Everything will die down eventually, like SARS and polio did. The only major disease/virus that hasn't been stopped are AIDS and cancer, but I'm pretty sure Ebola is nowhere as bad as those. Even if it is, Zaire/Democratic Republic of the Congo is kind of far from where most of us live.








If by polio you mean Westnile and Anthrax, then it will to an extent

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Oh no, I better stop eating gorillas.








Everything will die down eventually, like SARS and polio did. The only major disease/virus that hasn't been stopped are AIDS and cancer, but I'm pretty sure Ebola is nowhere as bad as those. Even if it is, Zaire/Democratic Republic of the Congo is kind of far from where most of us live.








If by polio you mean Westnile and Anthrax, then it will to an extent




I meant the virus that Jonas S-whatever-his last-name-was found a vaccine for.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Oh no, I better stop eating gorillas.








Everything will die down eventually, like SARS and polio did. The only major disease/virus that hasn't been stopped are AIDS and cancer, but I'm pretty sure Ebola is nowhere as bad as those. Even if it is, Zaire/Democratic Republic of the Congo is kind of far from where most of us live.








Ebola is the deadliest viral strain on earth. It is way more contagious than HIV/AIDS. There is no cure, and victims die in less than a week...violently.








Thank God it was not Ebola Brahma. An outbreak of that came close to killing of half of Africa back in the 70's.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Ebola is pretty nasty. Oddly enough I actually did my 18 page dictation for my Infectious Diseases class I had last year on one of the strains. Wow, I hated that assignment. I think I put over 100 hours into researching my, like, 24 sources. Well at least now I can post about it <.<








Thankfully Ebola is not airborne, simple wearing gloves and a standard mask will stop you from getting it if you handle a patient. However if you do get it, it's mortality rate is ~96% so good luck. (When dealing with these numbers realize that babies and children have the best immune systems, so about half will survive and then pretty much everyone over 30 will fall to it.)








Also thankfully it dies out quickly. A week or so after the outbreak the new cases will have such mutated forms that they are as deadly as the common cold. It isn't a doomsday virus just a scary one.








Symptoms, listed as they develop:




- Feels like stomach flu at first




- Really high fever, 104+




- Petachie form... (Red blotches under the skin). Once you see these, you know you have Ebola, and its the 3rd day. You have 36 hours to live.




- People pass out pretty soon afterwards, you won't wake up unless injected with stimulant.




- Doctors will notice internal hemorrhaging as the virus just rips your internal membranes to pieces.








...right. Back to studying for my Genetics final :(

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Trapical, don't forget to pray that your fever jumps above 110*, and kills you in a few hours. Better than melting from the inside out.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Trapical, don't forget to pray that your fever jumps above 110*, and kills you in a few hours. Better than melting from the inside out.




Oh yea, Hyperthermia. Fun stuff. Once you pass 107 you literally go insane as your neuro-transmitters start getting messed up. And yea, past 110 and your organs start destroying themselves. It actually really helps Ebola along, the hot temperatures make the organ membranes weaker and easier for the Ebola to rip in to.








And what the heck, I'm posting my favorite page from my research paper. It's a good read:








...the next major outbreak took place in 1995 in the city of Kikwit in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly the country of Zaire until 1997). This was the largest ever Ebola outbreak to take place in a densely populated urban region. The outbreak was caused by an Ebola- Zaire strain similar to the original outbreak in the DRC in 1976 and the number infected is also comparable, with 315 and 318 cases reported in 1997 and 1976 respectively (Alan, 2004). The fact that it was an urban city was frightening, as this gave the disease much more potential to spread to tens of thousands of hosts rapidly. At the time Kikwit was a crowded city of half a million inhabitants, with poor medical care and abysmal sanitation (Sandas, 2005). On May 9, 1995, hospitals began admitting patients with malarial like symptoms. When petechiae (red blotches under the skin) began to form on many of the patients, a British nurse decided to send a blood sample to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. It was received May 10th and after an antibody test it was immediately red flagged as Bio Level 4 Ebola Zaire. There are only half a dozen or so Bio Zone Level four diseases, and with that label comes mass panic to those that know about it.




After Kikwit received the news, news spread from hospital to hospital and 90% of the cityÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s physicians and nursing staff fled the city (Johnson, 2003). They were the only ones who fully understood the dangers of Ebola, which explains why they left. Nevertheless, this action put the entire city in greater danger due to the fact that the poorly maintained healthcare system was now almost void of medical staff. Word of the situation soon got out and the CDC and Red Cross immediately flew thousands of their staff and hundreds of tons protective equipment to the city, quarantining the virus that ended up killing 256 people before it disappeared (Johnson, 2003). It is said that if it werenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t for the CDCÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s accurate and rapid response to the outbreak the entire city would have been overrun with the disease within a few weeks. It is interesting to note that in the years since that episode it is said that all African countries, regardless of some of their views of hatred towards the United States, refer to the CDC with the utmost respect and praise (Smith, 2005).

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In 10 million years give or take a few the Gorillas will all be human and will destroy the earth again




I really hope your joking












5 million years after that, cockroaches will grow in size and take control of the world








oh yeah fosho :roll: :wall:
















anyway thats insane...thats such a staggering loss...i hope we can help them "rise again" (as in numbers #-o )


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

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5 million years after that, cockroaches will grow in size and take control of the world








oh yeah fosho :roll: :wall:















Cockroaches can live through nukes! :shock:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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5 million years after that, cockroaches will grow in size and take control of the world








oh yeah fosho :roll: :wall:















Cockroaches can live through nukes! :shock:








Lots can live through nukes. I'm impressed that they can live a week off the greese left by a finger print :-s

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This topic reminds me a a movie that came out in the mid 90s called "Outbreak".








.... Some primates get infected with a disease, one bites a human, and it spreads rapidly causing hundreds to die. Sounds like what could have theoretically happened here, or what could happen :|

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