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Battle of the Pixelers [cancelled]


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its a battle, people ask to enter, they get randomly assigned to someone in the first round.. Everyone gets set something to pixel (this first topic was ENERGY). And whoever out of each couple wins goes through to the next round. where another topic will then be chosen. Nothing that exciting has happened over these pages, the works being judged as we speak so you should see the results soon. Its too late to enter if your wondering haha :lol:

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Gah!!! so have i. No lol, my sig is kinda funny though.








I really want to see mxm mans and terley's and other peoples too!!!!!


Hate is a strong word<3:


need 130k willows for 99 fm, or 3 mil to buy them "sniff"

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:ohnoes: holy god i'm a' scared!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!












Am i the only girl in the contest?








Oh don't worry, there's another one of our kind ::'








im a gay man.... if that counts for anything..XD


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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