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Anxiety Attacks


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I was wondering if anyone has ever had an anxiety attack. I just had one less than two hours ago and it was the most unpleasent and disrupting feeling I've ever had in my life. I kept thinking that my head was twitching. It made me think there was a problem with my brain, which made me think of seizures. I started thinking that I was going to lose it and have a seizure in front of a huge crowd ( I was doing clock and score for some basketball games as volunteer work since I'm on the highschool basketball team )




I had to have someone take over for me. I then got it in my head that when I looked up the feeling would come back, and it did, because I thought it would. It was all inside of my head, and I knew it, but I couldn't do anything about it. It lasted for about an hour. I seriously thought I was going to have a seizure or that something was seriously wrong with my brain and I was going to die. I never EVER want to go through something like this again.








Has anyone else ever had problems with anxiety attacks? (Note that this was the first time anything like this has happened to me)


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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Yes, I've had anxiety attacks before. They are very unpleasant. I'm sorry that you had one. :( I usually get light-headed and throw up.








The best thing you can do is realize that it is all inside your head and that you're being stupid. Then, swallow your nerves and face whatever it is that's scaring you.

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Yes, I've had anxiety attacks before. They are very unpleasant. I'm sorry that you had one. :( I usually get light-headed and throw up.








The best thing you can do is realize that it is all inside your head and that you're being stupid. Then, swallow your nerves and face whatever it is that's scaring you.








Yea that's what I've been trying to do, but everytime I tried to forget it, it made me think of it more. I already realized that it was inside of my head, but I still couldn't do anything about it.












EDIT:: Rushrock it's when you start becoming "Overwhelmed" with things that are going around you. You start thinking things are wrong when they arent and you start thinking bad thoughts about maybe you might die. That's just what happened to me, they vary from person to person.


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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Never had one, although it's easy to understand that it sucks pretty badly. Isn't the best thing to do at such a moment to go outside? Since you might feel very locked up in a house and there's distraction and fresh air outside (last thing doesn't count if you're in LA :P ) I really hope it won't happen again to you :?

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Never had one, although it's easy to understand that it sucks pretty badly. Isn't the best thing to do at such a moment to go outside? Since you might feel very locked up in a house and there's distraction and fresh air outside (last thing doesn't count if you're in LA :P ) I really hope it won't happen again to you :?








Yeah. That really helps too. Especially if it's cold outside.








One time, my teacher accidentally scratched the chalkboard with his fingernails... and I had a panic attack and had to beg him to let me go and get some fresh air. He's really paranoid about writing on the board now.

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I don't have anxiety attacks, but I know what you're talking about. I have a light case of ibs, and it's mostly triggered about thinking about ibs happening. That whole circle of it being in your head is really annoying, since you know it's your own irrational fear that triggers it in the first place. You know it's not going to happen naturally, but the fact that your mind fears it triggers it.

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I can't imagine what that is, if it is some sudden shock or just a state which you get to when there are many things impacting on you... if it is the second thing, all you guys speak of it as of the worst thing you faced, so it probably isn't.




If someone can explain more, that would be great. :-k


^ my book :^_^:


I don't play anymore, but I'm grateful I played through the best RS times!

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I can't imagine what that is, if it is some sudden shock or just a state which you get to whenthere are many things impacting on you... if it is the second thing, all you guys speak of it as of the worst thing you fasced, so it probably isnt.




If someone can explain more, that would be great. :-k




Same here. I can't really decipher the definition.

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I had one once in town i think i was pretty stressed about something or other i just suddenly started feeling really ill and dizzy i ended up making my friend get me some water so i could pour it on my head to cool me down i thought i was like overheating or something crazy like that :? all very unpleasant :(








I've never had one but they sound pretty fun








If you had experienced one you definitely wouldnt be saying that

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Relax, calm yourself down, don't think about it being "in your head", just don't think at all. Count backwards in threes perhaps. Or pick random numbers between 1 and 100 once every second. Take a deep breath.








That is my advice :)

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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Relax, calm yourself down, don't think about it being "in your head", just don't think at all. Count backwards in threes perhaps. Or pick random numbers between 1 and 100 once every second. Take a deep breath.








That is my advice :)








I've also heard that if you get them often you should wear a rubber band around your wrist. When you feel one coming on you just snap the rubber band and it's suppose to stop you from having an anxiety attack.

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Relax, calm yourself down, don't think about it being "in your head", just don't think at all. Count backwards in threes perhaps. Or pick random numbers between 1 and 100 once every second. Take a deep breath.








That is my advice :)








I've also heard that if you get them often you should wear a rubber band around your wrist. When you feel one coming on you just snap the rubber band and it's suppose to stop you from having an anxiety attack.








Hmm, maybe.. though I've also heard that advice about cutting.. and I'm not sure how many of society's ills can be solved by rubber bands :D

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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Well I took a nap right after making that last post and I feel so much better. I was even getting that feeling in my head again when I layed down to go to sleep but this time I was easily able to overcome it and just fall asleep.








For those of you trying to give advice on what to do, thanks, but you don't understand how hard it is to get the feeling to go away. It's not like you can just say "This is in my head" and it goes away. I mean I was sitting next to my Varsity coach when it started happening and you can imagine I didn't wanna seem like a total wimp. I couldnt concentrate, I had to constantly be moving. Another thing about it is that you start becoming very superstitious while it's happening. You start thinking that certain things you're doing is triggering it. It's very unexplainable to me right now. The feeling in my head was very weird, but I can tell you right now... I never EVER want to go through that again. Atleast next time I will know for sure that nothing is going to happen.


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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Sorry you had to experience a panic attack. :( I have had many and it's




the most aweful frightening feeling a person can imagine. If they continue




you may want to see a Doctor about them. I was put on a




pescription because my attacks were never ending. :(




I have not had a attack in almost 2 yr's and no longer take a drug to




prevent them. Also wearing a rubber band around your wrist does in




fact work, snap that band when you feel a attack coming on, what it does is




distract your thoughts away from the overwhelming feeling you are




experiencing. Also counting backwords from 100 until the attack




diminshes works wonders also.








Btw: Your chance of having a panic attack increases if you have a




close family member who has had them. ( Heriditary)




" What If " thinking makes them worse also, example : " What if I die, What if




I faint, What if I etc... Try to keep yourself calm and reassure yourself




the attack will soon go away if you stay calm and not feed the attack with




more fear.




Hope this helped you some I know the feeling well not somthing I wish




on anyone.


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