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Wanted to wear something a npc has?


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I want that green legend cape-like badly...








oo that would look soo sweet!








i dont recall seeing the green legends cape recently? who has it?








The one that the girl-archer of lost city quest is wearing



Veteran Cape Owner (10 year)

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Its not what an NPC has... But its still sweet!








Any OR all of the following (from zybez)












Lotr Guard - By: Galkon












Elven Armor - By: Galkon












Camo Ranging Gear - By: Galkon















Author's Notes: I made this one after watching lord of the rings, the return of the king. I thought the guards which stand around the white tree of gondor looked pretty neat. Then the thought of drawing and in-game version of the armour came across my mind. This is one of my first ever concept




Author's Notes: Also based off outfits in lord of the rings; especially what Faramir wears. I felt I should modify them a bit and gave this gear camouflage. To do this I got the colours of three of the runescape trees which look the most apart, normal tree, maple tree and magic tree. Then I drew leaves associated with these colours onto three sets of ranger armours. I think the end product turned out very nice, and most people seem to like it.




Author's Notes: A form of ranging armour I designed.

Joined Runescape: 23/01/02 |||. Retired from Runescape: 07/07/2007


Elfs creating a crystal Axe would be like GreenPeace creating a Nuclear Powered Harpoon for killing seals...

"Level 1 sailing: ability to build a failboat.'


Drops: Ahrims Hood, Guthans set FULL (minus legs), dragon half shield, dragon legs/skirt

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HUGE axe like the one from the barbarians below edgy....(is a bit like a two sided dharok axe)...and [not garment] the swirl thing that goes around u when hit by a whip spec or the nature spirit root thing \' oooh oh! it'll be cool if there is a spec like that! except on your own body and reflects/damage any opponents :anxious:


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The clothes that fortunato has on and glasses like the wise old man.








The clothes that that vampire from DT has on... not dessous but the guy that gives you the blood diamond.

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Red Cavalier that the fancy dress store owner wears.








P.S: Did I beat Lee to saying that this time?








P.S.S (or is it P.P.S?): Whoa that's cool. (That's just for whoever told us to stop saying whoa that's cool. :))

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wise old man's blue p hat would be nice to have

lost rights to my dark red text >:(



Barrows sets: guthan, verac, dharok, maybe ahrim eventually <- lost to a hacker whole stole everything of worth from my bank

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Okay, since no one wants it, I'll take Sir Prysin's entire room. Including his armour. Gotta have that chess set in my parlour. :P

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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