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What I hate about being PK'd ... other than dying ...


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ever since runescape started, i have always hated when people pk you when you have nothing on, i mean even if you have things in your inv, i think there should be a pk rule not to kill people who are "naked" i have never done it unless some one says something stupid and i feel like killing them (things like noob or haha or things like that)

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1) Getting Pk'ed while killing autoers. I mean, give me a break, I'm helping the economy!!!




2) RC PK'ed. 'Nuff said.




3)When 10+ people K0 you in like 5 seconds and say like "nise life" or "haha nub got owned" Ugh...

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Getting Pk'ed and then they start pming you afterwards bragging about it. "Lol, I pwnxor3d u! I g0tz ur dds. I gonna s3ll it nd b3 richx0r!!!" An actual pm I got.

It is impossible to exaggerate the unimportance of almost everything.

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Wow, thanks for all these new threads. Hopefully keep the real rants forum clean and tidy :pray:




So it's not spam, i'll post my most frustrating prospect: Being pk'd for nothing. . . I get pked running to the dam mage bank with nothing but a knife -.-


Jeez, I hear ya! There is almost nobody I absolutely despise more than those people who pk for the sake of pking. :evil:


^ Going for full 3rd age Ranged, no coif, with about 10m to spare. Merching ftw.^


TIF vs KWD=Tif scared

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i hate it when ppl pk me at the rune rocks and ive NO rune ores at all...like JUST reached the place...i usually only bring rune kite, pick, legs and body so if you kill me after ive eaten all my lobs you will get...a falador teleport spell WOW! :D RICH RICH!!!


and the thing is that i hate running away when ive nothing to lose since ill be wasting time, energy and will still need to walk all the way back to lvl 45 wild zzz.

maxed out melee on 10/10/08, current goal: 94/99 cooking

life may be unfair, but why can't it be unfair in my favor?

my fake plant died because i forgot to pretend to water it


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Ahh, the mage arena. A place to charge your God spells to fight with. A place to own with magic. ........... In level 55 wilderness.




I just did the mage arena about an hour ago. And I gotta tell you, some people are noobs. They use more money in ancient spells on me than they get for pking me, they get what, a knife and a few lobsters? z0MG t3h r1chz0r3z? No. They pk me for no reason, while I hopelessly attempt to snare them and run away. But to no avail, I get owned and lose some blood runes. Why, I say? Why must people kill chargers for no reason other than ........ to kill chaargers? One person who 3 hit me said "Gf mate." Erm.......yeah. What the hell is wrong with you? That was not a good fight. I just got owned for no reason, and have to walk all the way back. Damn you, mage arena pkers. Damn you.



Thank God for tip.it.. "Can i has money?"

"No, sorry. Im broke myself"

"Noob! *runs*"

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1. Any form of "noob"


2. Idiots using the word "owned" as someone dies


3. The fact that I am killed by people whom I pose no threat to whatsoever




If the person acctually "owned" you, it doesnt bother me, but if they just BARELY won, then it maked you mad




if they K0 you with dds specs, and you stood no chance, then i dont mind it




if they hit 0's across the board, then by sheer luck, they win, because you lagg, or not paying attention, or randomly hit good, is when it makes me mad



1980 Berlinetta with a 350, bored, mild cam, intake carb, headers, exhaust

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Ahh, the mage arena. A place to charge your God spells to fight with. A place to own with magic. ........... In level 55 wilderness.




I just did the mage arena about an hour ago. And I gotta tell you, some people are noobs. They use more money in ancient spells on me than they get for pking me, they get what, a knife and a few lobsters? z0MG t3h r1chz0r3z? No. They pk me for no reason, while I hopelessly attempt to snare them and run away. But to no avail, I get owned and lose some blood runes. Why, I say? Why must people kill chargers for no reason other than ........ to kill chaargers? One person who 3 hit me said "Gf mate." Erm.......yeah. What the hell is wrong with you? That was not a good fight. I just got owned for no reason, and have to walk all the way back. Damn you, mage arena pkers. Damn you.




You cant really argue this, becayse Jagex put it in the wildy for this exact reason, for a challange




Going to the mage arena to train your spells, you go at your own risk, the risk to die, lose items




if you dont like it, the answer is, dont do it because thats the way it was designed




and they dont pk you for no reason, they do it to make you mad, cause you walked all that way, then they kill you and you gotta do it all over again



1980 Berlinetta with a 350, bored, mild cam, intake carb, headers, exhaust

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i hate when you in a fight and some pjed


and i wish jagex would fix right click ffs i could had so many rune set or higher lvs sigh oh well




They should add like a time limit, something like, if you kill someone, 30 secs or 1 min later, someone can attk, not right away




though, in another point of view. thats what the wild is about, risk, you go in at your own risk



1980 Berlinetta with a 350, bored, mild cam, intake carb, headers, exhaust

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You know what ticks me off? Ok you just got your first god spell. Your happily training away, excited that you got your first god spell. Then, some idiot comes along, probably with zammy flames, snares and attacks you. Might i remind you, that the first splash he hits you for, your mage is lowered. You can NOT fight back! But I ran away rofl I barely got away with like 21 hp. One of these days, im going down there with ancients and owning all mage bank pkers.

Pretty much done with rs now

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I was fishing lobsters in the wilderness for fishing and cooking xp, and a range/mage hybrid arrives. She didn't attack me at first, so I told her I would supply her with any lobsters she needed if she protected me. Moronically, she attacks me and says "die nub!" I did die, but guess what she ended up with getting?


A Tinderbox, a bronze axe, and 1 raw lobster. :XD:




If she had accepted my offer, she could have recieved many COOKED lobsters.

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noobs noobs noobs i hate noobs :twisted: :evil:


they call every one noobs when there lv 3-60 and they say they have a lv 80-126 and that can own me so i say bring him here then they log and be a [racist term]en :evil: so ya thats what i hate....


ps gang bangers you know teams and running on a dm and safers on a no safe match





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I was fishing lobsters in the wilderness for fishing and cooking xp, and a range/mage hybrid arrives. She didn't attack me at first, so I told her I would supply her with any lobsters she needed if she protected me. Moronically, she attacks me and says "die nub!" I did die, but guess what she ended up with getting?


A Tinderbox, a bronze axe, and 1 raw lobster. :XD:




If she had accepted my offer, she could have recieved many COOKED lobsters.




wow what a noob plus if i were to kill you i would get the free lobs first





^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

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I was fishing lobsters in the wilderness for fishing and cooking xp, and a range/mage hybrid arrives. She didn't attack me at first, so I told her I would supply her with any lobsters she needed if she protected me. Moronically, she attacks me and says "die nub!" I did die, but guess what she ended up with getting?


A Tinderbox, a bronze axe, and 1 raw lobster. :XD:




If she had accepted my offer, she could have recieved many COOKED lobsters.




wow what a noob plus if i were to kill you i would get the free lobs first

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Ok, While i am quite aware that the abyss has its risks, Of course, Being pked beofre you even get there...I hate rc pkers, And I'm sure many others of you do also, This is how I've always viewed rc pkers.




So...You rc pk? You spend hundreds of thousands on runes for ancient magic etc to pk a glory and some black dragon hide worth about 100k IF YOU'RE LUCKY from someone who is completly unprepared for battle? Wow..Shows what skill you have huh? Go learn to pk for real buddy and stop being so pathetic.





"Your account "Z0mg ownpur3"has been created , Thanks idiot, the average IQ of this game has now dropped from 13 to 12"

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Wow, thanks for all these new threads. Hopefully keep the real rants forum clean and tidy :pray:




So it's not spam, i'll post my most frustrating prospect: Being pk'd for nothing. . . I get pked running to the dam mage bank with nothing but a knife -.-


too bad you can't use the knife to stab him

In classic there was a glitch wherein you could wield an inventory of knifes all at once and do obnoxious damage.
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dang i was pking the other day and some guy comes thinkin that cuz he has a g maul hes invincible lol. so i fought him and near the end of the fight we started running low on health. i ate a couple of lobs and the guy starts getting mad at me for healing and when i killed him he sai the stuff i got was item scamming because he had no food! anybody else ever fight a noob like this?


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I know this is old but...




Wow, thanks for all these new threads. Hopefully keep the real rants forum clean and tidy :pray:




So it's not spam, i'll post my most frustrating prospect: Being pk'd for nothing. . . I get pked running to the dam mage bank with nothing but a knife -.-




I HATE THAT! you can't even to on a nice peacefull walk in the most dangous part of runescape! even if you have 1 gp!



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