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China confuses me. :? I mean, is China really a communist country? How exactly does that work? I mean Hong Kong is a booming success, why would companies build huge banking buildings in a country where everyone is payed the same. I don't get it, communism never lasts, because class systems eventually form, this just doesn't make any sense. We all know what happened to the CCCP (SSSR/USSR).


Me doing staff.

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I believe that is has lasted so long because it really is just a hybrid of communism and democracy. Their leaders saw the MASSIVE success Japan found after abandoning its Emperors for a more Western/Capitalistic viewpoint, and have tried to emulate, and they have found relative success there.

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China didn't make Hong Kong, Britain did. We pinched the land from them in the 'Empire Days', made it into our Far East business centre, then sold the inhabitants down the river by giving it back to China when they became a major economic power and started to make threatening noises about shutting Britain out of their (extremely lucrative) markets. Long live Capitalism and all it doesn't stand for!

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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Hong Kong is japan.




















You are making a joke, aren't you?




I'm tempted to bring out my owl AGAIN, but a.) ive already closed down imageshack, and b.) i think twice in an evening is already too much









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China confuses me. :? I mean, is China really a communist country? How exactly does that work? I mean Hong Kong is a booming success, why would companies build huge banking buildings in a country where everyone is payed the same. I don't get it, communism never lasts, because class systems eventually form, this just doesn't make any sense. We all know what happened to the CCCP (SSSR/USSR).








Up untill the Tianemman Square Massacre China was a strictly Communist nation. Since Tianemman Square, China has relaxed its economic restrictions and now allows trade although some restrictions are still in place.








Im not completely aware of the details of it to be honest, Im sure somebody else can explain it better than me, either that or they'll paste it all from Wikipedia :D .


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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China is not a communist country. There are no communist countries in the world today. Only "communist" countries exist in the world. Note the quotation marks.








They are transitioning from a uhhh.. dictatorish (evil socialist) government to a more capitalist country. Their economic laws are a lot more lax nowadays.








And yes, HK was a colony of England until it was "given back" in 1999.


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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It's more socialistic. The government applies large constraint, and owns many businesses (although that is changing somewhat), but it's not a pure Karls Marx communistic plan. Consider looking into Carls Marx, he's a German? man accredited for inventing communism.












According china they're the "People's Republic of China"

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It's more socialistic. The government applies large constraint, and owns many businesses (although that is changing somewhat), but it's not a pure Karls Marx communistic plan. Consider looking into Carls Marx, he's a Russian man accredited for inventing communism.












According china they're the "People's Republic of China"








Oh, I've read the Communist Manifesto.


Me doing staff.

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Consider looking into Carls Marx, he's a Russian man accredited for inventing communism.



















Karl Marx was a German actually and does not have a sibling called Groucho :D .


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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I have been to China and it is NOT the fascist, 1984-esque place some may think it is. From what I saw the "freedom level" is just about equal to the US, if not greater. US customs was at least 5 times stricter than Chinese customs.








Hong Kong is even closer to the US, probably because it was controlled by England up untill 10 years ago. Even now it's not really part of China, sort of like Puerto Rico or Guam with the US. If you ever get the chance to go to Honk Kong, you should. It's a great city.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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Well, yes, customs was easy. Except for when we got caught up for five hours, not realizing we had to bribe the guys.








China is definetly evolving, but at least when I was there four years ago it had a lot to do.












Dirty windows everywhere too, but I don't want to be such a preppy arse to snide like that.












I think there's the contrasting issue of US Degrading and China evolving that's amplifying sort of China's evolve meh :( [i'm american by the way]

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US Degrading








Being american has nothing to do with misinformation.




Besides the war which i doubt you know very much about, name a few things which are in result of or are an example of the degradation and downfall of the US.








Can you?








I doubt it.








Please oh please dont pretend to be knowledged on areas you are not, and dont throw out things like the US becoming crap when you truely have no reasoning.








If you hate america, move.




It takes about 1-2 months to get all of the required paperwork.











thanks everyone for the sigs!

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Mounting massive debt for one [we're afloat on cash from rich Asian markets]. Our auto industry standards being the lowest of all industrial countries, even china. The facts it's ..er...4%? of the world, and yet contributes 18%? of pollution? The rising ignorance on world issues? Cultural barriers, as opposed to bridges, made in countries. Largely influenced media (some would go so far as to say corrupt/censored- but that's a little drastic, at least the censored. But, god, Fox sucks) Strongly influenced government by religion (SHOULD NOT HAPPEN). Politicians fear insulting religions, cannot vote for things they often believe in.








There are many problems in the US. Problems exist in every country, I'm just bias because I live here and have to complain about them. Granted, things are getting better in some places, but we have a lot to do.












Oh, and of course there are those crap convictions that if you're not a patriot you're the devil. "If you don't like america! Move!"












Here's a lovely picture I accidentally found









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