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good bank for going back to f2p?


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You're outside of the bank, and in the bank menu. Why didn't you sell whip, BTW?








His membership hasn't obviously run out yet. Maybe do a few nat runs before p2p runs out and get a few more of them and sell them for extra cash going into f2p.

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You should think about getting rid of the defenders and throwing knives as well, as they are also p2p only.


You just won the award for "The Most niave person on the Tip.it Boards!"]
*Points towards the monkey sitting on the button and declining every query*
Help me



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ahhh! free to play is some much easier once you get used to things again, infact, i prefer it than members, i just dont know why.




i could easily become a member again, but i wont, no point, i'll just blame my upcoming GCSE's. :XD:



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You don't need so many tickets.




Trade the tickets in and give some stuff to me.








You'll need a lot more earth and bodies.




In F2P, we can't hold such junk as you members, so get rid of the chisels, hammers, members items, and just give me all the rune items.

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get rid of the leather boots and bronze armors








You should'nt get rid of the leather boots, you can only have one pair of fighting/fancy boots. Once they are out of your bank, you can't put them back.

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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You don't need so many tickets.




Trade the tickets in and give some stuff to me.








You'll need a lot more earth and bodies.




In F2P, we can't hold such junk as you members, so get rid of the chisels, hammers, members items, and just give me all the rune items.








You seriously don't know what he's doing right now, Do you?




He throw in all stuff that he will ever use because once you got the item in the bank, You can put in more of that item. Even if your bank is full. ok?

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