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Fighter Torso ruined pking?


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couldn't they make these thingslike the anchor which drops like 550k instead of itself?








Yes, That idea with the anchor was brilliant. This is what they should implement with every untradeable item, problem solved.

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[garden tool] hum. Another untradeable item that is beastly in the wild. So now what people are dropping are dds's, partial pots, some sharks if they were koed, rune legs, fremmy helm/rune helm (most likely), and an amulet. remind me if im forgetting anything.








this is a real bummer. I mean, whats with mele getting all these updates? Why doesnt range or mage get an update to where they have a torso that gives + 50 magic bonus but is untradeable? we may never know, but right now its really pointless to pk unless magebanking and killing people in full dh, full ahrim, full torag, full verac, or something else that has a profit margin.
















Trick to beating people in torso: when the oponent is at half or 3/4 health superpot up, pray at 15% on att and str, and whip out the dmace. its special hits pretty high and when pkers have a rune defender and a torso, they have little crush defense. the mace hits rpetty high with special as well, so just do your 4 specials. ive gotten a few KOs this way.

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Although this might sound as a flame:








What happens when someone does not succeed to pick up his stuff? My friend died with his fighter torso at the KQ (big group)... but still he died and lost it.








What happens:




Fighter torso: A few hours at BA. First to get a decent team, then to get all the points together.




Barrows gloves: O dear 375k




Neitzich helmet (sorry for spelling).. that is 55k or something like that?




The anchor (newly added strong weapon): The pker gets 230k and the person died has to get a new one for 700k!




So if one of these guys dies he gets set back:




+1M and a couple of hours work.








So next time you get a certain kill, stick around with a nice etangle and just etangle him (or freeze) before he gets to his stuff. Even kill him again and laugh at him for using these items. Just a suggestion, which might even be great! Although you do not win that much, he sure as hell loses alot. Make him pay for using these items \'

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Ya true, there is no counter point for this-from what I've seen.




Anyone have a counter to Fighter Torso being unfair to Pkers?




Simple. If you die with fighter torso, it disappears. If someone killed you, that someone can collect a certain amount of money. Maybe release a PKers guild or something.




And this could also apply to rune defender, maybe you get 20k for killing someone with a defender.




Same could also be for skill capes. Give the killer 75k or so.




i think this is a good idea because that way they have something really to gain from killing someone with skill capes etc




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Just an observation but most untradeable items have a "destroy" option instead of "drop", so doesnt that mean theyre destroyed when they hit the ground? If im wrong then correct me on that. But im sure that the fighter torso DOESNT have a destroy option just like barrows gloves, rune def ,etc. So if ALL untradeable items had a destroy option the person couldnt just tele to edge and pick it up. And to make pking those items profitable, they drop their worth if gold IF theyre NOT one of the 3/4 (or 1) most valuable items, much like the barrelchest anchor. Instead of getting rid of untradeable items, maybe a comprimise is in order. The way i see it, everyone's happy in this comprimise.


=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>


*smileys cheer*

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this post has so many holes, first off none of the items you stat ruin pking (especially not barrows gloves as there is only one alternate, d hide vambs, that are worth anything) the problem isnt with the items available its the greed of the people who use them, i enjoy using some untradable items in fact, 5 of my items are untradable, but i balance it out and wear more(in worth) than the average pker with only their defender being untradable by wearing rune boots and glory plus the normal other stuff, i dont care if you think im a noob or whatnot but really this seems like a whiney argument

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Unless they bumped Edgeville wild a bit back, so it would be impossible to grab your untradable item just in time, like creating a bunch more shops and stuff in the town of Edgeville.


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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torso didnt ruin it- it was just the final straw, jagex was releasing many untradeable stuff like defenders and capes






i think jagex went the right way with the helm of neitiznot and that they should make it like that for all nontradeable items, then they screwed up again with the anchor

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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To be completely honest i think untradeable wild advantage items like defenders, rfd gloves, and torsos are bad for the wild i think none of them should have been brought into the game and if they are brought in they should be like the anchor and drop coins when you die. Why? Because pking should be risky creating items like rfd gloves, defenders, and torsos reduce the risk because how much money do you lose when you die with those oh wow 105k or so for rfd gloves and just a little time for defenders and torsos.



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To be completely honest i think untradeable wild advantage items like defenders, rfd gloves, and torsos are bad for the wild i think none of them should have been brought into the game and if they are brought in they should be like the anchor and drop coins when you die. Why? Because pking should be risky creating items like rfd gloves, defenders, and torsos reduce the risk because how much money do you lose when you die with those oh wow 105k or so for rfd gloves and just a little time for defenders and torsos.




the probablem with dropping coins is that it will cause inflation, rs is already swamped with money and jagex is trying to drain it out of the game


it would be better if you were to just get the actual item and could sell it to other players- but they would still need the skills/quest to use them

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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To be completely honest i think untradeable wild advantage items like defenders, rfd gloves, and torsos are bad for the wild i think none of them should have been brought into the game and if they are brought in they should be like the anchor and drop coins when you die. Why? Because pking should be risky creating items like rfd gloves, defenders, and torsos reduce the risk because how much money do you lose when you die with those oh wow 105k or so for rfd gloves and just a little time for defenders and torsos.




Rfd gloves are good because they are taken out of the game after you die with them.




And if the time to get a torso is a little bit of time to you, I feel sorry for you because you must not have a life.

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the wilderness is still around, its still open, and people are still pking.




theirfore. pking is not "dead" you just dont know how to grab the bull by the horns and take control of this power you complain about.

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You could say it's ruined PK'ing because the opposer doesn't get a shiny rune platebody. BUT, it also makes it easier for them to kill you for the other items because the torso is lower in defence.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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To be completely honest i think untradeable wild advantage items like defenders, rfd gloves, and torsos are bad for the wild i think none of them should have been brought into the game and if they are brought in they should be like the anchor and drop coins when you die. Why? Because pking should be risky creating items like rfd gloves, defenders, and torsos reduce the risk because how much money do you lose when you die with those oh wow 105k or so for rfd gloves and just a little time for defenders and torsos.




Rfd gloves are good because they are taken out of the game after you die with them.




And if the time to get a torso is a little bit of time to you, I feel sorry for you because you must not have a life.




you must be the stupidest person i have ever seen or just like to make stupid posts.




By saying just a little time it was to imply that there was no risk involved when you went pking with your torso or defender because all you had to do was go back to ba for torso and warrior guild for defender if you died with them.



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Frankly, the dueling arena is the new wilderness(with more money =P~ )


f2p edge pking is bad and so is p2p sadly. But almost every where else is fine, with the exception of the lack of people.

Dude, you're an idiot #-o
Dude, your feeble attempt at an insult is hilarious.

... You can tell JAGeX is British - No common sense. :notalk:
Supportmage:Quick Robin,to the roflcopter!
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Just face it: jagex doesn't like pures :P :mrgreen:


exactly. :boohoo:

Dude, you're an idiot #-o
Dude, your feeble attempt at an insult is hilarious.

... You can tell JAGeX is British - No common sense. :notalk:
Supportmage:Quick Robin,to the roflcopter!
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well its is a waste of time to get, but look at the bright side say someone has d legs d med fighters torso and barrel chest anchor, ull get barrelchest, well not the anchor but, 750k


That pic is soo me lol!



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