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Your worst moment in runescape?


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my cracked story (where someone guessed my password)








Another is loosing a Blue/Green mask when rs2 just came out to a shade.. (i forgot to turn on prayer)


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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sold the phats (red and yellow) in rsc for ridiculous money compared to now








dieing of that poison/decease thing you get from the zogre flesh eater thing. (died in cw bank, didnt have time to bank all my stuff :()








losing whip (worth 3m at the time) to the 4 noted d longs trick... :/

W00t way to go with lying as disease only lowers stats :thumbsup:








i know diseases does that. but that dont change the fact that i DID die in that bank.

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First time I died outside wild and minigames due to black mage and lost full priest and my cool black magic staff. :roll:








And second time I died outside wild and minigames when I was doing the troll romance quest. The Arrg troll or whatever, didn't know that it had both melee/range att, it hitted almost 30's which means me on early 70lvl died losing my rune kite, berserker, glory and my other my precious items. Took all my cash to buy them back. :) It's fun now but wasn't back then.

Rsn: Onauric Combat: 136 Total: 2150+


All quests done since: 3rd December 2005

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sold the phats (red and yellow) in rsc for ridiculous money compared to now








dieing of that poison/decease thing you get from the zogre flesh eater thing. (died in cw bank, didnt have time to bank all my stuff :()








losing whip (worth 3m at the time) to the 4 noted d longs trick... :/








that doesnt sound believable, well the second part...












when you are in a bank window the poison can't hit you, and the poison from jungle ogers only lowers stats, well all of them but hp...








and my worst rs moment was when my main got banned for macroing, which i wasnt doing... i lost full torags, a pumpkin and like 14 rune defenders...

Manatea3O5, the guy who posts replies without reading others



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Keylogged twice.








380k pure ess with me, i was getting 91 rc and I log into find myself at varrock west








About a few day later, back at varrock west but this time my santa hat gone with plenty of other stuff. (how the hell a keylogger bypassed the bank PIN is behond me), This one took place in about 30 mins too.








Then I find my account is locked so I spend 3 weeks trying to confirm that I am the real user








I guess the most annoying part was the timing. It was prime time for making laws, I had bought the ess the day before pure ess came out, I was about to become amazingly rich with 91 rc. Bang. All gone.








Fortunately, 1k sharks later (and with a bit more cash) I got my glories back and 10k pure ess, which became 30k, which became 80k, which became 232k pure ess and back to the law company. One month later I get 91 rc

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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Getting RC PKd in the first few times I've done abyss. Haven't been PKd since (about 150k nats later), but it made me REALLY mad when I came back and the stupid little ice barrage pure was screaming 'LOLOLOL OWNED!! ROFL!!'. (oh yeah, and his friend tbd me.. and it took him like 15 barrages :roll:). I've lost more money from a death, like pretty much every time I die at a clan F2P pk, but that one made me swear.

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well my friend just got scammed for the second time




traded 2mill of stuff for 20k...




man he never checks the second trade screen








mine is when i lost 3mill+ when i got lured trying to buy a whip


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When I completed Recipe for Disaster, the final battle. The Culromancer was such a noob, I didn't end up eating a thing so my inventory was full. I got teled out of the room upon completing the quest and had no room for the Antique Lamp (*20k xp down the crapper)and didn't get to pick up my rune arrows.



Barrows Drops: Guthan's platelegs and War Spear, Dharok's plate body and Great Axe, Verac's Flail, Verac's Helm x 2, Ahrim's top, Dharok's plate legs


Dragon Drops: Medium Helm x 4, Shield Left Half, plate legs x 2, skirt x 2.

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yesterday, was kqing and decided to take my crystal bow to range 2nd form... switched to my bow went to attk got k.oed for a 33 :shock: wasnt bothered because i prtected helm right?................................................................................................................................................................................




WRONG - Protected c bow :uhh: ...................... even worse a Team mate stole it.3








:( :( :(




























































































































Died real life.


1593th to 99 Farming - July 08.

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a year ago on january 16th when i got hacked :evil:


Barrows Drops: Veracs helm(3), Veracs skirt, dh helm, dh legs, guthan legs,

torags helm, Karils top(2), Ahrim's skirt(2), ahrims top, guthans pl8, torags pl8, guth helm

Dragon Drops: D Med(barrows)

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I gave this guy a Rune large/full helm for FREE!!!! and he beged for more and im like <.< :x =; u noob i gave u rune large helm hes like i got h4XXord im like... ouch? so u really got hacked?? is that why your wearing full addy (t)




He called me a noob and ran away




My worst ever moment coz i should given the helm to a noob in lumby...

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When I was hacked a while back. Was around level 91. I lost d legs (3.3m) and a d med (2.4m), about 4k nats (400ea) and 6m cash.








The numbers in parentheses were the prices of everything when it happened. It was right after d legs came out.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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The day I died and lost my Green Mask. I found who the guy was that picked it back up, but the world being the way it is, he didn't give it to me.








But if that's just an item as it is to some people, the other horrible thing that happened to me was this: My "friend" turned my best rs friend at the time, against me. The best friend of mine then ignored me and told me I could have my present I had given him, back.








After that I left rs for like half a year. I was so mad. <.<

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Mine was when I got hacked, waaay back in my early member days. Most I lost was my prized full rune. :cry:








Then my pass changed from Starwars -> *random gibberish here* :wink:








I can tell you like star wars a lot -> points at avatar ::'

RSN:P H Osho

Progress: Out of Tutorial!



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