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Are you interested in/fascinated by any other religions?


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The only religions i tolerate are those that tolerate others.








What a useless stance. If you only tolerate the tolerant, then what's the point of toleration? That's like saying "I only tolerate the views I agree with".

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I don't agree with religions i tolerate. Why is that useless? It leaves for everyone being able to worship who they like. As apose to the past where every religion under the sun has been discriminated on because of intolerante religions. Why would this be useless? It leads to utility and utlity is what I'm all about.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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The only religions i tolerate are those that tolerate others.








What a useless stance. If you only tolerate the tolerant, then what's the point of toleration? That's like saying "I only tolerate the views I agree with".




I think he's referring for religions to respect all religions and believers. It's almost like freedom of speech.

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The only religions i tolerate are those that tolerate others.




It is not the religion. It is the followers. I think all religions are "supposed" to be tolerant, but there are those who totally kill the image of the religion.


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I don't agree with religions i tolerate. Why is that useless? It leaves for everyone being able to worship who they like. As apose to the past where every religion under the sun has been discriminated on because of intolerante religions. Why would this be useless? It leads to utility and utlity is what I'm all about.








What exactly do you mean when you say "tolerant" in respect to religions?

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I like to look at other religions to try to understand them. To understand why people believe them as more then just fiction. I find the topic fascinating. I still have yet to figure out why they believe in the stories but maybe I'll understand it someday. Will always be an athiest though.








Its sort of like my situation. I grew up, and am growing up, in a family that is Catholic. However, after arguing with myself and questioning with religion since i was 8 or so, I finally decided that i didn't believe. I had to give justifications, growing up as a Christian, to not believe. You are trying to give justifications or reasons as to why you think people believe. Quite similar.

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The only religions i tolerate are those that tolerate others.








What a useless stance. If you only tolerate the tolerant, then what's the point of toleration? That's like saying "I only tolerate the views I agree with".








Religions that don't tolerate the obvious fact that not everyone follows them, in my opinion, come across as propoganda spouting dictatorships.

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I'm cathlolic and I find myself interested in all religions. The fact that a single belief can effect so many is mind boggling to me. And the way culture is effected by religion is just wow. Can you imagine what the world would be liek without Christianity? Buddhism? Hinduism? It just astounds me. And then to see how different people who follow the same ideal can be is just wow. I liek to think that all religions are connected through teh same ideals; peace, tolerance, faith. The only problem i have with religion is that all religions start with a good idea and become beliefs. Thats a bad thing, because its easy to change an idea, trying to change a belief is a whole nother realm of difficulty.

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The only religions i tolerate are those that tolerate others.








What a useless stance. If you only tolerate the tolerant, then what's the point of toleration? That's like saying "I only tolerate the views I agree with".








If you tolerate the views that you agree, its ok if, it is tolerating the tolerant. Forcing religion on others who are not interested or trying to convert others isn't cool. They have their own beliefs as you do. However, I don't think there is a religion that there is a religion currently that is fully "not tolerant". It was mostly in the beginning of some religions.













The religions I most connect to are buddism and the gods I connect most to are the greek gods, but I don't think that is a religion.












I don't know it sounds like a mean spirited term. Classical Greek polytheism is probably the best term maybe. The greek didn't have a name for their way of life because there was no variety back then.

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It leaves for everyone being able to worship who they like. As apose to the past where every religion under the sun has been discriminated on because of intolerante religions. Why would this be useless? It leads to utility and utlity is what I'm all about.








Useless in that they are no different than you. So I guess hypocritical would have been a better term to use. You have a belief that tolerance is good - they have a belief that their religion is good. You are intolerant to those that don't subscribe to your belief, just like those people you mention are intolerant to those that don't subscribe to their belief. No difference.












Forcing religion on others who are not interested or trying to convert others isn't cool. They have their own beliefs as you do.








Yes, and the belief that tolerance is good is being forced down my throat on this thread.

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Ancient Celtic druidry/religions. A lot of the ideas they express are cool, from what sources I can garner.








Yeah druidry is interesting as it might be over 2000 years older than Judaism.

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I am an Atheist, but the main kinds of religions that are interesting to me would probably be any pagan type religions. Stuff dealing more with spirits, souls, magic, and maybe multi gods/ controlling spirits.


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i dont really find any interesting maybe christianity








but i wish they would stop trying to force it on us




wen i went to primary school every thursday sum lady would come and tell us about god and jesus, i think i can make my mind up myself








but lets just say hindu is real and christianity is false, eveything was a lie




then y did (whoever it was) make it all up and ruin many peoples lives, like preiests and bishops and that. everything they believe in isnt true :-k








In my honest opinion i think the bible was created by the authority at the time as a form of control. If you think about it, all the bible does is tell you if you break any rule, your going to hell. Scare tactic much?

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I'm cathlolic and I find myself interested in all religions. The fact that a single belief can effect so many is mind boggling to me. And the way culture is effected by religion is just wow. Can you imagine what the world would be liek without Christianity? Buddhism? Hinduism? It just astounds me. And then to see how different people who follow the same ideal can be is just wow. I liek to think that all religions are connected through teh same ideals; peace, tolerance, faith. The only problem i have with religion is that all religions start with a good idea and become beliefs. Thats a bad thing, because its easy to change an idea, trying to change a belief is a whole nother realm of difficulty.








Actually, if people of mostly european descent just kept to their own pagan gods, the world would probably be a much better place today.








Islam to a lesser extent, since they ushered through many mathematical and scientific advances while Europe was still in the dark ages, but they have a violent track record and Jihad's as well, and nowadays, increasing violent radicalism.








How many people died because of christianity and islam in history, compared to all the other religions combined?








Other religions simply aren't as absolute and violent by nature (and more importantly, their history and how they affected the world). Did buddhists start religious wars and execute blasphemers? Did Taoists?

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It leaves for everyone being able to worship who they like. As apose to the past where every religion under the sun has been discriminated on because of intolerante religions. Why would this be useless? It leads to utility and utlity is what I'm all about.








Useless in that they are no different than you. So I guess hypocritical would have been a better term to use. You have a belief that tolerance is good - they have a belief that their religion is good. You are intolerant to those that don't subscribe to your belief, just like those people you mention are intolerant to those that don't subscribe to their belief. No difference.











There is a difference, toleration is good however religions that can't see this don't deserve toleration. Yes, I am being intolerant to intolerant religions. Whats the problem? Toleration leads to utility so you probably wouldn't have this point of view if your not a utilitarian.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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It leaves for everyone being able to worship who they like. As apose to the past where every religion under the sun has been discriminated on because of intolerante religions. Why would this be useless? It leads to utility and utlity is what I'm all about.








Useless in that they are no different than you. So I guess hypocritical would have been a better term to use. You have a belief that tolerance is good - they have a belief that their religion is good. You are intolerant to those that don't subscribe to your belief, just like those people you mention are intolerant to those that don't subscribe to their belief. No difference.











There is a difference, toleration is good however religions that can't see this don't deserve toleration. Yes, I am being intolerant to intolerant religions. Whats the problem? Toleration leads to utility so you probably wouldn't have this point of view if your not a utilitarian.








Utilitarian ethics FTW :thumbsup: :P And I agree with your basic principal here Satenza; tolerate the tolerant and be less tolerant of the intolerant. The point of this is to maximise tolerance (by gently remindig the intolerant that they aren't tolerant enough) which leads to less conflict in religous and other issues. Now, obviously, you may say 'stop, hold on there buddy, isn't being intolerant of intolerance hypocritical?' Well if you apply the literal definition of hypocricy, yes it is, but the ethic I stated above is designed to help tolerance on the whole and hence the utilitarian standpoint.








I hope you can get your head around all the 'tolerant's. :? :P

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What is Religion?








a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe








When I was a baby.. I knew absolutely nothing about the world. However, I had power inside me. The power and ability to learn.








With this ability.. those who already had knowledge before me had the responsibility of putting morals/religion/insight in my being. What I did with this knowledge was my choice.








So to go to say that I know the truth, the cause, the nature, and the purpose of the universe is impossible because I started out knowing nothing at all.








How did anyone BEFORE me, being born the same way as I.. would know the answer?








Thus.. came the spawn of many Religions.








a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe








Yet in all reality.. what religion truely is.. is not "knowing" the truth but doing what science does.. your Best Educated Guess. Best Educated Guess on what?








the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe








There can only be One Truth.








For example: If there is a God, then all atheists are wrong. If there is no God, all religions containing a God are wrong.








I laugh at the "which religion is right for you?".








I'm not intrested in religions.. i'm intrested in the Truth. What it really is.








But because everyone before me knows not.. how can I know what is?












So your probably thinking what is my "Religion", if you don't already know. I am a Christian.








My goal in life is not to tell you that I am a Christian. My goal in life is to inform you about the good news of Jesus Christ, no matter how bizzare it may seem.. and that I love you.








That my desire in life is to help you enjoy it.. but also more importantly.. to get you to know the truth we all desire to know.








However.. in christianity.. which in my believe IS the truth.. is always a choice to believe in.. and requires Faith. While many people want hard evidence.. it cannot be so in christianity. Why? It says in the Bible, God can only be pleased by your Faith.. (such as using your faith to believe in salvation).








So it seems in life we all take different roads which no one else can take. I just pray you all find what we all been looking for since day 1 that we breathed the breath of life.. the Truth.








Some athiests usually take no religion for the popular phrase "Many have died in the name of Religion"








So I ask my athiests brothers out there today.. "How many have you saved in the name of athiesm?"









If you love me, send me a PM.


8 - Love me

2 - Hate me

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I find the Greek Gods to be pretty interesting, as well as the Egyptian. Greek Gods more than Egyptian though. Norse I never really got into, until a little while ago when I started reading comics and Thor was in them. I've read some about them since then.



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There is a difference, toleration is good








Oh, it's "good"? What universal standard of morality says that? Last time I checked, an atheist doesn't have a universal standard of morality, so you telling me toleration is good is forcing your beliefs down my throat (the exact opposite of toleration). You're showing yourself to be a hypocrite more and more with every post.












however religions that can't see this don't deserve toleration








Why not? That's fairly exclusive and intolerant for no good reason. They are no different than you - they tolerate their own beliefs, and they are intolerant to opposing beliefs. Since the opposing belief (you) is intolerant, then both sides are intolerant to each other. You still haven't explained how you are any different than an intolerant religious person.












Toleration leads to utility so you probably wouldn't have this point of view if your not a utilitarian.








Utility is lame. You can't quantize pleasure, and utility doesn't account for unforeseen circumstances - you've got to pretty much predict the future with every moral choice you make. It also doesn't account for intentions - if you try and murder your brother but somehow you fail and make $20 out of it, hey, that's a good action!








What about slavery? Let's say my family of four has one slave. The slave benefits four of us, in many different ways. He is but one slave, and is being inconvenienced but one way! Utility is being reached here my friend, slavery must be right!








Human rights don't exist with utility. Which is ironic as you've brought up people's right to be tolerated. If it benefits me more to be intolerant to someone then it's right, eh?

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The trend that I am seeing, and that insane is trying to point out, is that if someone doesn't believe in an absolute good, how can they say tolerance is an absolute good?








Everyone assumes that tolerance is "good," but that is just their personal belief. By forcing someone who dissents, like insane, to agree with your belief, you are being intolerant of his belief that tolerance itself is not intrinsically good.

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There is a difference, toleration is good








Oh, it's "good"? What universal standard of morality says that? Last time I checked, an atheist doesn't have a universal standard of morality, so you telling me toleration is good is forcing your beliefs down my throat (the exact opposite of toleration). You're showing yourself to be a hypocrite more and more with every post.








I never said it was universal. I said my beleif is not to tolerate religions that don't tolerate others. I never said my beleifs where universal.












however religions that can't see this don't deserve toleration








Why not? That's fairly exclusive and intolerant for no good reason. They are no different than you - they tolerate their own beliefs, and they are intolerant to opposing beliefs. Since the opposing belief (you) is intolerant, then both sides are intolerant to each other. You still haven't explained how you are any different than an intolerant religious person.








They tolerate only their beleifs which is no way to progress society. I can see their beleifs, read up on them that doesn't mean i have to tolerate them. What would society be like if no one tolerated anyone else's beleifs. I tolerate a number of peoples religions and beleifs if they tolerate mine. Religions who tolerate no one else's beleifs are exclusivley intolerant.












Toleration leads to utility so you probably wouldn't have this point of view if your not a utilitarian.








Utility is lame. You can't quantize pleasure, and utility doesn't account for unforeseen circumstances - you've got to pretty much predict the future with every moral choice you make. It also doesn't account for intentions - if you try and murder your brother but somehow you fail and make $20 out of it, hey, that's a good action!








I'm afraid not. You could apply negative utility and say that the brothers intentions wouldn't have brought about the greatest hapiness.








What about slavery? Let's say my family of four has one slave. The slave benefits four of us, in many different ways. He is but one slave, and is being inconvenienced but one way! Utility is being reached here my friend, slavery must be right!








You can weigh up pleasure vs suffering. The slaves suffering outweighs the familys overall pleasure. Also, if you look at rights based interests you would see that if this was universal this would not lead to the greatest hapiness.








Human rights don't exist with utility. Which is ironic as you've brought up people's right to be tolerated. If it benefits me more to be intolerant to someone then it's right, eh?








Yes, human rights don't exist however rights based interests do. Does evertone has a right to be tolerated for the greatest hapiness? Yes.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Yes technically there is no good or bad, but there are general morals that a majority of people believe in. Lets say I am not tolerant of Jews. I think I should kill them all. Or maybe those christians because they don't believe what I think about this land. Or maybe I am not tolerant of blacks, and will join the KKK, and try to kill as blacks as I can. Technically there is nothing wrong with any of this, but there is an majority of people who think racism is "bad". If you live your life not respecting others, then its your choice. Ultimately I don't think that is the original goal of religion: to create order and peace.

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